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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    HONZAF --- ---
    ROMANET nejsem na me totiz chodej emaily ktery spammeri ziskaj snadno scaneovanim www stranek (webmaster a podobne) pripojenim se na ftp server info@ nekolik domen genericke emaily ktere se daji pomerne snadno odhadnout. proste emaily ktere je z hlediska isp zahodno cist protoze jsou uvadeny pro reseni problemu ...
    ROMANET --- ---
    honazf - 150 denně? tak to nejsi normální, jsi uchyl.
    HONZAF --- ---
    drobnost. princip je +- stejnej. financni machinace. to ze je to nigerijsky email vzniklo jen tim ze s tim prisli (co vim) poprve prave z nigerie. a trosku se to rozsirilo. ono i ten nigerijsky email mel taky 2 faze tusim prvni bylo ze si tam letel s prachama (svejma) a slbovali ti defacto zuroceni investice a druha faze bylo taky ze bylo zapotrebi odnekud vylejt prachy. my jsme z prace tusim na nejakej telefon z too emailu i volali a to cislo skutecne existovalo ;) nicemene jmena a staty v tech emailech se meni ... financni machinace zustavaji ...
    STEVEN --- ---
    HONZAF: tohle je novinka - Liberijsky emaily... :-p
    HONZAF --- ---
    STEVEN jenze tydle nigerijsky emaily jsou uz tak 3 roky stara hodne moc velmi proflakla zalezitost ...
    STEVEN --- ---
    HONZAF: tohle mi bezny neprijde - to neni viagra nebo pilulky na penis
    tohle ti prijde jenom jednou... a kdyz odpovis, uz po tobe jdou...
    HONZAF --- ---
    takovydle bezny spamy mi moc jako dementni maily neprijdou. otravny ? mozna .. kdyz mi jich dene chodi tak 150ks ...
    LEXXA --- ---
    STEVEN: zvlastni. totoez mi prislo taky

    From: ramseytaylor@jerusalem-mail.com]
    Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 3:40 PM
    To: lexxa@XXXX.cz
    Subject: I await your response

    Greetings to you,

    My proposal to you will be very surprising, as we have not had any personal contact before. However, I sincerely seek your confidence in this transaction, which I propose to you as a person of high calibre, with transparent and honest track record.

    Let me first start by introducing myself properly to you. My name is Ramsey Taylor a son and heir to Ex-President Charles Taylor, the former President of the Republic of Liberia. I am currently in the Netherlands as a political refugee. I got your address from the network directory, I apologize if I infringed on your privacy. You may know that my father, Ex-President Charles Taylor faced serious opposition from the LURDS Army (Liberia United for the Restoration of Democracy), the security and safety of my father was not guaranteed following serious support given to the rebels by the International Community.

    The American government gave my father ultimatum that he should vacate the office as the president, which he adhered to before serious military actions would be taken against him. At the moment he his presently in [calabar] Nigeria as a political refugee. Based on these developments, the various foreign banks accounts owned by my father are already being investigated and that of Switzerland already being frozen.

    In view of this very unpleasant development, the sum of US$10million was secretly moved to a private security vault for safe keeping and presently, he has confided in me with the task of seeking a very reliable and honest person that will receive these funds into his/her account for the future survival of him and his family since he cannot presently deposit or transfer the funds in his name or that of his family members due to the present situation in our country. He may likely face “war crime” charges as declared by the United Nations in respect of his alleged involvement in the civil war in Sierra Leone.

    This money arose from various compensation he received from companies that were involved in the sale of rubber, timber, mining and sale of diamonds. He has instructed me that whoever is willing to be of assistance will be compensated with 20% commission, while 5% will be set aside to defray any expenses incurred.

    The 75% will be for my father Ex-President Charles Taylor, as the principal owner of the funds. Part of his share will be invested in your country in any venture with your advice. Whether or not this proposal is okay by you, please as a matter of urgency, let me know. I can be reached on telephone number:+31-630-662-206 and fax number is: +31-619- 096- 415. Comprehensive details of this transaction will be unfolded to you as soon as I receive your prompt response.

    Awaiting your kind gesture to assist us in this regard.


    Ramsey Taylor.

    N.B: Check out this website for more info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2963086.stm

    nemuzu si odpustit poznamku ze ja nemam honest track record
    a navic. .... @jerusalem-mail.com?
    izrael je hodne daleko od nigerii :)))
    STEVEN --- ---
    Pise mi syn byvaleho prezidenta Liberie - nevi co s penezma. ;-)
    Nigerie asi uz netahne...

    From: Ramsey Taylor [mailto:ramseytaylor@jerusalem-mail.com]
    Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 3:40 PM
    To: Steven
    Subject: I await your response

    Greetings to you,

    My proposal to you will be very surprising, as we have not had any personal contact before. However, I sincerely seek your confidence in this transaction, which I propose to you as a person of high calibre, with transparent and honest track record.

    Let me first start by introducing myself properly to you. My name is Ramsey Taylor a son and heir to Ex-President Charles Taylor, the former President of the Republic of Liberia. I am currently in the Netherlands as a political refugee. I got your address from the network directory, I apologize if I infringed on your privacy. You may know that my father, Ex-President Charles Taylor faced serious opposition from the LURDS Army (Liberia United for the Restoration of Democracy), the security and safety of my father was not guaranteed following serious support given to the rebels by the International Community.

    The American government gave my father ultimatum that he should vacate the office as the president, which he adhered to before serious military actions would be taken against him. At the moment he his presently in [calabar] Nigeria as a political refugee. Based on these developments, the various foreign banks accounts owned by my father are already being investigated and that of Switzerland already being frozen.

    In view of this very unpleasant development, the sum of US$10million was secretly moved to a private security vault for safe keeping and presently, he has confided in me with the task of seeking a very reliable and honest person that will receive these funds into his/her account for the future survival of him and his family since he cannot presently deposit or transfer the funds in his name or that of his family members due to the present situation in our country. He may likely face “war crime” charges as declared by the United Nations in respect of his alleged involvement in the civil war in Sierra Leone.

    This money arose from various compensation he received from companies that were involved in the sale of rubber, timber, mining and sale of diamonds. He has instructed me that whoever is willing to be of assistance will be compensated with 20% commission, while 5% will be set aside to defray any expenses incurred.

    The 75% will be for my father Ex-President Charles Taylor, as the principal owner of the funds. Part of his share will be invested in your country in any venture with your advice. Whether or not this proposal is okay by you, please as a matter of urgency, let me know. I can be reached on telephone number:+31-630-662-206 and fax number is: +31-619- 096- 415. Comprehensive details of this transaction will be unfolded to you as soon as I receive your prompt response.

    Awaiting your kind gesture to assist us in this regard.


    Ramsey Taylor.

    N.B: Check out this website for more info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2963086.stm
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    ROMANET --- ---
    já jsem sice registrovanej na dvou křesťanskejch chatech, ale nic mi nechodí... uf.
    NEVILL --- ---
    DOROTKA: wow, a k tomu jsi příšla jak...?? :O))
    DOROTKA --- ---
    Mne chodi spam z krestanske seznamky, s navy jako: I saw you in church, Meet christian singles, atd.
    FOXY_LADY --- ---
    To me chodi taky a pak jeste treba Do you suffer from pre-mature ejaculation?
    TAJFUNKA --- ---
    ANARCHY: jo, taky mam ten pocit.
    ANARCHY --- ---
    Tajfunka: Tak s tim malym penisem bys teda neco delat fakt mela, to je prece ostuda... ;-)))
    TAJFUNKA --- ---
    kua, dneska je to uroda... samej spam... ale jak prisli na to, ze mam pindoura?:))

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    TAJFUNKA --- ---
    kua drat, takova prilezitost, vypadat a citit se jako dite v prvni tride... :)))) hmmm
    TAJFUNKA --- ---
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    ANARCHY --- ---
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