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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Vazeny pane Fencl,
    prosim dostavte se do nasi kancelare pro vyzvednuti vasi letenky. Platba fakturou probehla v poradku, letenka je jiz vystavena. Pro kontrolu vsech udaju si jeste prosim vezmete s sebou vas ISIC.
    Dekuji a preji prijemny vstup do noveho roku.

    Martina Zackova
    Travel Consultant
    GTS International
    Ve Smečkách 33
    Praha 1, 110 00
    tel : 222211204
    fax : 222211717

    Kurnik, nemate nekdo ISIC kartu na jmeno Fencl? ;DDD
    NEVILL --- ---
    DANYSEK: výrok "smrt sparte" je příliš neurčitý na to, aby se jednalo o prokazatelný trestný čin...
    DANYSEK --- ---
    ISTEVE: uz ne, nastesti - to bude resit jina obet :) ... ale kdyz uz to prislo, neslo se nepodelit :)
    ISTEVE --- ---
    jezisku, panacku :] to to fakt adminujes ?:)
    DANYSEK --- ---
    Nekteri lide jsou proste... mongolove :-)
    [aneb problemy jednoho nactileteho na jednom nejmenovanem chatu]

    Předem žádám o nestranné posouzení stížnosti, i když to bude vzhledem ke známostem uživatele pohodarx na tomto portálu těžké.

    Dne 31. 12. 2003 se kolem 17h v místnosti XYZ objevila hlaska
    AAAAA: smrt sparte

    Na toto jsem upozornil správce EEEEE s tím, že se jedná o trestný čin. (
    ROMANET --- ---
    Betreff: Become a pro...pornstar
    Datum: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 21:48:38 +0000

    ROMANET --- ---
    tak tohle bych chtěl zkusit

    ROMANET --- ---
    omlouvám se, ale 80 spamů za tři dny mne potěšilo.

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    ROMANET --- ---
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    ROMANET --- ---
    ROMANET --- ---

    obrázek ze spamu na super levný léky.
    ROMANET --- ---
    NEVILL --- ---
    I am Mr, Frank Oye a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I am an =
    Executive Accountant with the South Africa MINISTRY OF MINERAL RESOURCES AND =
    First and foremost, I apologized using this medium to reach you for a =
    transaction/business of this magnitude, but this is due to Confidentiality =
    and prompt access reposed on this medium.
    I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution =
    of the deal described Here under for the benefit of all parties and hope you =
    will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this transaction.
    Within the Department of Mining & Natural Resources where I work as an =
    Executive Accountant and with the cooperation of four other top officials, =
    we have in our possession as overdue payment bills totalling Eigteen Million, =
    Five Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars ($18,500,000.) which we want to transfer =
    abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a foreign company/individual to =
    receive the said fund on our behalf or a reliable foreign non-company account =
    to receive such funds. More so, we are handicapped in the circumstances, as =
    the South Africa Civil Service Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate =
    offshore account hence your importance in the whole transaction.
    This amount $18.5m represents the balance of the total contract value =
    executed on behalf of my Department by a foreign contracting firm, which we =
    the officials over-invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract cost =
    have been paid to the original contractor, leaving the balance in the Tune of =
    the said amount which we have in principles gotten approval to remit by Key =
    tested Telegraphic Transfer (K.T.T) to any foreign bank account you will =
    provide by filing in an application through the Justice Ministry here in =
    South Africa for the transfer of rights and privileges of the former =
    contractor to you.
    I have the authority of my partners involved to propose that should you be =
    willing to assist us in the transaction, your share of the sum will be 25% of =
    the $18.5 million, 70% for us and 5% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses. =
    The business itself is 100% safe, on your part provided you treat it with =
    utmost secrecy and confidentiality. Also your area of specialization is not a =
    hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I have reposed my =
    confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me.
    Endeavour to contact me immediately my e-mail address whether or not you are =
    interested in this deal. If you are not, it will enable me scout for another =
    foreign partner to carry out this transaction I want to assure you that my =
    partners and myself are in a position to make the payment of this claim =
    possible provided you can give us a very strong Assurance and guarantee that =
    our share will be secured and please remember to treat this matter as very
    confidential matter, because we will not comprehend with any form of exposure =
    as we are still in active Government Service and remember once again that =
    time is of the essence in this business.
    I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation.
    Please, send your reply to this e-mail: oye100@netscape.net
    Yours faithfully,
    Fank Oye
    ROMANET --- ---
    QUANTI: to mne příde celkem v pohodě. takovej rejpal prostě veselej.

    jinak ochrana selhala, prdi spamerský se dostali k těm dvěma adresám, který mám v outlooku. vůbec nevim jak. museli mít něco hodně vyčůranýho, co adaware neviděl... nebo nevim... kuwa.
    MRUCH --- ---
    QUANTI --- ---
    (muj puvodni mail:
    -----Original Message-----
    From: gggg@tiscali.cz [mailto:gggg@tiscali.cz]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:16 PM
    To: A Tiscali Company - Info
    Subject: pravopis ve webmailovem rozhrani

    Dobry den,

    omlouvam se, jestli obtezuji, jen mi pripada, ze napsat primo na hlavni
    stranku mailu "Máte zaplňeno 7 procent schránky" neni takoveho portalu dustojne

    Xxx Yyy

    Dobry den,

    za free ucet, ale spolecnosti Tiscali zadny poplatek neplatite.

    S pozdravem a p?áním p?kného dne

    Tereza Schwarzová
    Call Center Operator
    TISCALI Telekomunikace ?eská republika s.r.o.

    Susilova 1337
    501 13 Hradec Králové
    tel.: +420 2 26 026 758
    fax: +420 2 26 026 169
    JAEGER --- ---
    Uz zase...



    I am interested in your partnership in business. This business proposal I wish to introduce you with is of mutual benefit and entirely based on mutual trust, cooperation and a high level of confidentiality as regard this transaction.

    I am representing the board of the contract award and monitoring committee of the Zambian Ministry of Mining and Resources. I am seeking your assistance to enable me transfer the sum of US$130,500,000.00 (One Hundred and Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) into your private/company account.

    The fund came about as a result of a contract awarded and executed and on behalf of my Ministry. The contract was supposed to be awarded to two foreign contractors to the tune of US$380,000,000.00 (Two hundred and Eighty Million United States Dollars).

    But in the course of negotiation, the contract was awarded to a Bulgarian contractor at the cost of US$249,500,000.00 (Two hundred and Forty-nine Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to my benefit unknown to the contractor.

    This contract has been satisfactorily executed and inspected as the Bulgarian firm is presently securing payment from my Ministry, where our Board is in-charge of all foreign contract payment approval.

    As a civil servant still in active government service, I am forbidden by law to operate an account outside the shores of Zambia. Hence this message to you seeking your assistance so as to enable me present your account details as a beneficiary of contractual claims alongside that of the Bulgarian contractor, to enable me transfer the difference of US$130,500,000.00 (One Hundred and Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United

    States Dollars) into your provided account. On actualization, the fund will be disbursed as stated below. 20% of the fund will be for you as beneficiary 80% of the fund will be for Us. All logistics are in place and all modalities worked out for a smooth actualization of the transaction within the next few working days of commencement. For further details as to the work ability of this transaction, please reach me as soon as possible for further clarification contact me on my email address below:

    Thank you and God bless as I await your urgent response.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mr.Robert Larry
    SKID --- ---
    DEIKSAC: tak ho dej mě :)
    DEIKSAC --- ---
    :) ho asi dam tatkovi na zednicinu
    STEVEN --- ---
    tak xxl uz je na mne mooc velky, to prenecham rodine Ruzickovic nebo jinemu zajemci :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam