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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    ROMANET --- ---
    snad trošku topic.
    jak po icq pořád píšou nějaký ty julie, že ahoj a ty napíšeš ahoj a přijde ti pornolink... nebo maj pornolink jako svou osobní webstránku... tak když mi něco takovýho napíše tak ignore hnedka. no a sedí u mne spolubydlící a napíše mi něco takovýho. tak mu řikám, to je jasný, to je robot a bude mi nutit porno, to dám do ignore. a on nechápal, páč to prej nezná, že má mirandu či co. tak jsem mu řekl, ať jí napíše, že mu pošle pornolink. a ono nic.
    jen slečna, která zkoušela čísla.

    asi bych měl jít spát, když tu píšu takový.
    COXYNKA --- ---
    jo a tenhle:

    udelej si tenhle testik je to fakt sranda neskutecna ale musis vyplnit
    podle pravdy...:o))))
    hezkou zabavu Vojtech


    COXYNKA --- ---
    nejdementnejsi mejly sou uchylny spamy od nasich.
    ROMANET --- ---
    co se převodomailů týče, tak tenhle je fakt gut:

    Dear sir/madam,
    this mail will definitely be coming to you as a surprise, but i must crave your indulgence to introduce myself to you.
    I am Miss Marah sadija, former mistress to the son (Qusay) of the Iraqi former leader, Saddam Hussein.
    I am an Ethiopian, by birth and i am presently in a refugee camp in Zimbabwe, where the living conditions are unbearable.
    I do not wish to take your time with a lenghty mail, but i have to put this proposal to you so that you can assist me.
    While i was still in contact with Qusay,he made a deposit in my name to a security firm in Spain, which has an affiliate branch in Amsterdam.
    This deposit was made in my name and the secret code and necessary documents are presently in the possession of an attorney, presently in London.
    This deposit was made in the form of a consigment and the content is a considerable amount of money in United state dollars which i cannot disclose to you for security purposes, until you have confirmed your willingness to assist me.
    I would be pleased and grateful to you if you could assist me in collecting this consignment on my behalf from the security firm in Spain, upon which i will be offering you a percentage for your efforts.
    The attorney in London, will arrange an authority to release and pay in your name which you will tender to the security firm coupled with all necessary documents that will back up your claims in collecting this consignment on my behalf.
    I have to stop here now as your response will determine our
    subsequent corresspondence. Please feel free to dis-regard this proposal if it is not in line with your principles.For security reason please send me a mail on my personal box marahsadija@netscape.net
    Allah bless you,
    Marah Sadija.
    NASA --- ---
    kolegovi zase furt chodi subj.: hallo
    a nejaka zipova priloha :-))
    DANNIEL --- ---
    nigerijskej uz mi dlouho neprisel.. posledni dobou mam jen pocit, ze si pul sveta mysli, ze mam problemy se sexem a s velikosti ;-)
    PULA --- ---
    Archie Gates, tak se jmenuje postava co hraje Clooney v Tri Kralove :-))))
    Kdyby tyhle podvody nebyli aspon tak blby :-))))
    EFHA --- ---
    lol, nigerijske (nebo spis jihoafricke) spamy zacinaj bejt vazne vtipny :)))

    From: "usa army" (majorarchie@mailbox.co.za)
    Subject: US ARMY


    We are teams of American coalition troops writing from
    Baghdad Iraq!

    We are urgently seeking for your willingness to secure the
    below consignments as shown in the attached photos!

    The goods were captured here in Baghdad, abandoned in one
    of the Saddam Hussein's Treasure House.
    However, the contents of the box are Gold Bars, Gold coins
    and huge amount of fund in the sealed boxes!

    At moment, we are intending to ship these goods outside
    Iraq for safekeeping on our behalf but due to law and restriction
    order, we are unable to transport these goods to AMERICA .We hereby seek
    for your assistance to recieve the box in Europe.

    We are offering you 25% of the entire goods either in cash or in value.

    Therefore, we will appreciate your effort to get back to us
    via email confirming your interest to assist us receive the consignment.
    As soon as we receive your positive reply, we shall furnish you with further details.

    Please, note, this issue must be handled with utmost confidentiality as
    to avoid publicity!

    Yours truly.

    Major Archie Gates (Team Leader)
    pls reply to :capt_tony2001@firehousemail.com
    EFHA --- ---

    From: "TEXTIL IZ ITALIJE" (e-export@email.it)
    To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

    Vodeca talijanska grupacija trazi agente i zastupnike!
    Vazece SAMO za drzave u kojima nemamo postojece agente.
    NASA --- ---
    HARIBOKACHNA: jenom pokud jsou dementni :-))
    HARIBOKACHNA --- ---
    to sem davate i osobni emajly ?
    ROMANET --- ---
    no odpovídat na tenhle mail nebylo asi moc gut. dneska mi přišli tři různý, nigerie, jižní afrika a nějaká další africká země, každej jiná story. no což, už mne znají, tak jsem jim všem odepsal.
    HARIBOKACHNA --- ---
    subject :Add inches to your penís with the pill
    SKID --- ---
    DEIKSAC --- ---
    romanet - na blbej email blba reply :)
    ROMANET --- ---
    takle po ránu mi to nedalo a člověku, co mi nabízel, abych jim převedl peníze z toga jsem napsal následující.

    dear "daniel"

    if you want to earn money in the way you are trying to use, please pay
    attention for following:

    1) email cannot be at services free of charge... it seems that you do not
    have enough money to pay 10 usd a year.
    2) do not use some childish email as "d_kate2001"

    best regards
    ISTEVE --- ---
    STEVEN: to mi prislo taky, az na to ze na vyzadani a v anglictine .... :]
    SKID --- ---
    taky mi chodej...uz i ode me! uggggrrrrrhhh! drzost :(((
    ROMANET --- ---
    tak sorry, koukám na druhej mail a mám tu další tři. 2 bez odesílatele a jeden od nějakýho chlapa. takže i chlap to nainstaluje.
    ROMANET --- ---
    za posledních 24 hodin mi už přišel pátej mail s tim novym virem. zajmavý je, že odesílateli jsou vždy ženy v nějakejch firmách.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam