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    ztracené heslo?
    COLBEN --- ---
    presne tak, muj kamos si slehal pro zmenu vino.
    ANARCHY --- ---
    Nikotin samozrejme nitrozilne taky bude fungovat, ale teda nezkousel bych to, hodne tezko se bude odhadovat ucinna davka...
    ANARCHY --- ---
    CONTINUITY: Ja znam radu pankacu, co se panakem vodky primo do zily dokazali zkarovat uplne pod obraz za celkem malo penez a behem par sekund...
    HLEN --- ---
    CONTINUITY: no ja nevim s tim LSD ... jak slabej roztok by to musel bejt ... a alkohol a nikotin bych rek ze taky nepujdou nitrozilne ...
    MUCKER --- ---
    Na Slovensku údajně odhalena největší plantáž marihuany v Evropě

    :) no a?
    KERRAY --- ---
    tohle je docela vtipnej článek, třeba by se to dalo aplikovat i na "drogy" :) nechat děti projít hodinama zapomínajících se huličů, učitelé na speedu by je taky rychle přestali bavit...

    The lessons learned
    Religious education in schools is the cornerstone of a secular society, because it puts children off religion for life.

    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    KERRAY: DejMe Tomu :o)
    KERRAY --- ---
    SIGMA --- ---
    Já si myslím,že skoro všetky tieto látky sa dajú užívat nitrožilne.Samozrejme treba mat aj skúsenosti si to pichnút správne!!!nebo si myslíte,že sa mýlim???
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    CONTINUITY: Ja bych si zase nekdy rad aplikoval intramuskularne cisty psilocybin :))
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Give addicts NHS heroin, senior officer says

    A police chief has suggested that heroin users should be prescribed the drug on the NHS to tackle their addiction and stop them committing crime.


    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Toto je take pekny graf.

    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Samozrejme toto ukazuje rozpeti mezi ucinnym mnozstvim latky a davkou letalni (takze pravdepodobnost predavkovani), nerika to nic o tom, jake ucinky ma casta konzumace vliv na telesnou schranku. V tom pripade by na tom heroin nebyl az tak spatne a naopak by se posunul mezi ty setrnejsi drogy pro organismus - pokud se mluvi o ciste latce podavane v ne-letalnich davkach :)
    ATOMINATOR --- ---

    Ranking psychoactive substances by their ratios of lethal dose to effective dose gives a general picture of how likely each is to precipitate an acute fatal reaction. By this measure, many illicit drugs are considerably safer than alcohol.
    David Schneider
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Valka proti drogam "slavi dalsi uspech" :/

    Friday, November 24, 2006
    Police Gun Down 92-Year-Old in Drug Raid

    Here we go again. This scenario is becoming all too familiar. Police in Atlanta, Georgia have gunned down a 92-year-old woman in her home in a drug raid gone bad.

    How many of these stories have we heard over the past few years? This is getting ridiculous.

    92-year-old Kathryn Johnson had lived in her Atlanta home for 17 years--ALONE. Her niece had bought her a handgun for protection--a gun that was registered. Narcotics agents had supposedly made a drug deal at the residence earlier that day, a deal that involved an unidentified young man. A warrant was obtained for police to raid the home without knocking on the door.

    When police broke through Johnson's door, the 92-year-old opened fire, as any normal citizen would when it is obvious they are at danger of being killed in a home invasion. Police returned the gunfire, killing Johnson.

    Sooner or later someone in law enforcement, whether it is the Feds, the State Police, or local police, is going to have to pay the ultimate price for these 'mistakes.' In other words, someone needs to go to prison.

    In addition, situations such as these highlight the danger of the nation's failed 'war on drugs.' This ill-conceived program has given law enforcement officers too much freedom to push the limits of the law, and even cross commonly-accepted legal boundaries, such as private property rights. Under the current system, police can essentially confiscate your property if they suspect drugs are being sold out of it or grown on it...even if you, the owner, had nothing to do with these crimes.

    This is not to mention the fact that non-violent suspects should not be subjected to the violence of a home invasion by law enforcement, which, by its very nature, is dangerously violent for both law enforcement and the suspects. Kathryn Johnson is not the first American to be gunned down by mistake by police in a case of mistaken identity in home invasions. As long as we insist on keeping a failed program such as the 'war on drugs,' she won't be the last.

    It is time we as citizens put a stop to this insanity. Citizens who are gunned down are owed a debt by the law enforcement officials who make these kinds of mistakes. They should be charged with a felony and placed on trial at the very least. The victims and their families are owed financial recompense.

    In addition, we need to make it clear to our elected officials that it is time to end the war on drugs. Too much money, time, energy, resources, and prison space is being given to track down, arrest, prosecute, and imprison non-violent drug offenders. Innocent lives are being lost in a futile cause--both those of law enforcement officers who are forced into these raids and the innocent citizens who get caught in the crossfire.

    We need to demand that it stop.
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Cow's 'American Drug War: The Last White Hope' was officially released in NYC at the Evil City Film Festival, Saturday October 14th and won this year's best documentary!

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MUCKER: koukám, že jsem subutex koupil třikrát dráž, tststs
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PIZI: Jmenuj ty větší reálná rizika, prosím. Zatím mě nic jiného tak výrazně neohrozilo. Tudíž ani nevytočilo.
    Buď konkrétní, já jsem konkrétní.
    MUCKER --- ---
    Když se mluví o ilegalitě šíření marihuany, Kuba se usmívá. „Nebojím se, mě už chytli na záchodech s jointem. Byl z toho docela průšvih, ale nakonec jsem to ukecal na třídní důtku,“ povídá.

    ááá, bože sme to ale nuly, chodili sme hulit za garáže a to ještě až na gymplu! :)
    MUCKER --- ---
    jo a btw. tady máte ty vaše děti, který chcete restrikcema chránit:
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam