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    ztracené heslo?

    rozbalit záhlaví
    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    ERNEST_GASKIN: Ja jsem velkej kluk ou je a nesmazim presto ze mi to ou je vsichni zakazujou ou je boogie woogie america yeah baby a zcela sobecky si preju aby to tem co smazej nezakazovali parsley sage rosemary and thyme protoze se tim snizej prijmy mafiim co to distribuujou a falala mozna se par lidi ufetuje a prestane tu bejt vsude tak narvano. Podivej se na Interstate 60 tam je to pekne vymalovano.

    ERNEST_GASKIN: Tahle spolecnost vyrostla tez na tom, ze alkohol nas nepritel a koureni skodi zdravi a jaka je teda pointa? A v dobach Starcu na chmelu se predmanzelskej sex mezi dvema svolnymi osobami povazoval za precin za kterej bylo vyhozeni ze stredni skoly mirnym trestem. Clovece argumentujes jako stredoskolak.
    PIZI --- ---
    ERNEST_GASKIN: A mas teda nejaky argument ktery by obhajil to ze nekdo zakazuje ostatnim uzivat co chteji? Dokazes vymyslet zduvodneni ktere by nekomu davalo pravo rozhodovat o tom co smim jist a co ne?
    ERNEST_GASKIN --- ---
    mě spíš fascinoval ten všeobecnej úhel pohledu já sem velkej kluk/holka páč smažim ou jé a všichni co mi zakazují svou svobodnou vůli jsou zlí!

    to klidně napište na home a žádná diskuse tady nebude potřebná, protože o tom je posledních několikset plus...
    SADSOUL --- ---
    ERNEST_GASKIN: LoL LoL LoL. Tyhle tři výsměchy tvému příspěvku se ani za nehet nevyrovnají tvému výsměchu této diskuzi. Nemístný, zaujatý a pro mě, s dovolením až téměř ubohý. A svůj zobáček otevírej buď v okamžiku, kdy máš co pípnout a né jako já teď, kdy tě prostě jenom něco sere.
    CAIDEL --- ---
    NAVON_DU_SANDAU: Nejspíš nějaká odvykací komunita/centrum.
    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    Co je to nemcicka komunita?
    PIZI --- ---
    ERNEST_GASKIN: Pravdu ma jen ten kdo je pod vlivem emoci ze staze v komunite? A co nejaky argument, nebyl by?
    ERNEST_GASKIN --- ---
    ach bože, ti co zbrojí proti drogám jsou tááák zlíí!

    udělejte si každej tejdení stáž v němčický komunitě a pak si otvírejte ty svý zobáčky.
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Interview With John Walters

    Aired December 21, 2003 - 09:40 ET


    CATHERINE CALLAWAY, CNN ANCHOR: In the ongoing war on drugs, the federal government today is claiming a significant victory. A newly released survey found drug use among teenagers had declined 11 percent over the past two years. That exceeds the White House's target of 10 percent.
    To offer some insight into the latest figures, our guest this morning, John Walters. He is director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Thanks for being with us this morning. Let's get down to some specifics...


    CALLAWAY: Can you hear me?

    We obviously have a problem with our connection with him. We're going to take a break. We'll come back and speak with him in just a moment. Stay with us.


    CALLAWAY: As we told you before the break, a newly-released survey found that drug use among teenagers dropped significantly, some 11 percent over the last couple of years, this according to a new survey. And we have with us this morning the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, John Walters. We apologize far bad connection a moment ago. Thanks for being with us this morning.

    WALTERS: My pleasure. Thanks.

    CALLAWAY: Let's go over a little bit first, just to refresh everyone's memory about this survey. 11 percent reduction in drug use among 8th, 10th and 12th graders, is that right?

    WALTERS: That's correct. It means between 2001 and 2003, essentially we have 400,000 fewer young people using drugs. It's great, not only for them, but it is also great for our future, and it's across multiple drugs. Ecstasy dropped 50 percent, LSD use had been climbing, dropped 60 percent. Also alcohol, teenage drinking and cigarette smoking are also down. So it's great news. It's a broad trend.

    The president set a two-year goal of a 10 percent reduction. He's also set a five-year goal with 25 percent reduction. So he's challenged us to follow through.

    CALLAWAY: John, this is just one survey, though, and you are relying on teenagers to tell the truth about illegal behavior. How much can you rely on this survey?

    WALTERS: Well, this area is consistent with other measures. It's not the only survey we've had in the field. And for about 18 months we began to see signs of change. This is also the most extensive long-term survey we've had. It goes back, it's the 29th year of this survey. So the trends as it's predicted, good news and bad news, in the past have been borne out. So every instrument is one instrument, but this is the best we have and it's been very reliable in the past.

    CALLAWAY: You know, you say it concurs with other surveys, but the privately funded Pride Survey that was released back in August certainly told a different story. It showed a sharp rise in monthly drug use among junior high students. And in the past, that survey, the Pride Survey normally corresponds with the survey that you're talking about, the National Institute Survey. So how do you, you know, explain the difference between these two surveys?

    WALTERS: Yes, people shouldn't be misled about dueling surveys. The Pride Survey is not a random sample, it's the schools, it's a sample of schools that chose to use that survey. The other surveys we have have been random samples, and I think you see in those results. Also the, for example, such a survey results here -- the declines that we saw, for example, in LSD, we've seen that reflected in the last 18 months, emergency room cases involving this drug declined. We need larger movements to see some of these things, but I don't think there's much question that we've begun to see it.

    But again, this is not an effort to declare we're done. The president, and I think parents, are aware we have too many young people who are compromising their futures and putting themselves at risk. We want to fix that.

    CALLAWAY: It would seem that the survey, the results of the survey, would depend on which age group you talk to, which area of the country you talk to.

    WALTERS: It does, to some degree. Some parts of the country are affected more by some drugs. For example, it's nice to see that amphetamine use has declined in this survey by young people by 13 percent lifetime exposure. Some parts of the country have been more affected, but overall I think the trends are pretty broad, pretty deep. But again, it's the largest decline we've seen in ten years, but again, we need to follow through.

    And what it shows is when we push back, when young people make the right decisions, it has an effect on their peers, just as when they make wrong decisions it can have a detrimental effect on their peers. And I think it's a credit to young people and adults that are working with them in schools, in families, in athletic leagues, and to everybody who's lent a hand in communities across this country.

    CALLAWAY: All right, John. John Walters thank you very much for being with us, and again, we apologize about that technical glitch we had a little bit earlier. But thank you for getting up and being with us this morning.

    WALTERS: No problem. Happy holidays.

    CALLAWAY: You, too.
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Drug War Victims

    Our drug war results in staggeringly tragic losses. Drugs, when abused, can be dangerous, but they are not nearly as lethal as the drug war itself.

    In addition to the blights of an imprisoned population, lost rights, broken families, and economic waste, people are dying in this war. No, these are not deaths from drugs, but from prohibition.

    It is important to realize that the vast majority of deaths on the drug war simply would not happen without prohibition. When drug dealers fight it out over territory and they or their neighbors are killed in the process, it is a sympton of prohibition, much as when we suffered the scourge of alcohol prohibition many years ago. Prohibition makes violence profitable.

    When drug users overdose from tainted drugs, it is the result of prohibition. When they die from overdoses because they were afraid to seek help, it is the result of prohibition.

    Increasingly, people are dying because of the tactics of the drug war. Military operations are being conducted on our soil, and collateral damage is inevitable.

    When drug task forces dressed in black batter in doors without knocking or announcing themselves, the danger to citizens and police alike is enormous. Sometimes the greatest danger is to (or from) the innocent citizen that understandably believes that they are experiencing a home invasion, and rushes to defend their family and property.

    Every now and then, a death happens that is particularly grotesque -- that points out the horrific folly of our actions. This page presents some of those deaths.

    Many are purely innocent victims of the war -- bystanders who have been mowed down by military drug war tactics gone berserk, and by government agencies' greedy pursuit of the glory and financial gain of drug busts. In other cases, the victim is guilty of something, but their punishment does not fit the crime.

    All the victims have two things in common:

    * Their death was a result of drug prohibition, and the dangerous tactics used in the drug war, and
    * They didn't deserve to die.

    As you look at those who have died in the war on drugs, remember one thing: There has never been a single recorded case of anyone dying from an overdose of marijuana.
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Man Arrested for Allergies

    Posted on December 24, 2006, 9:06am | Radley Balko

    Those stupid over-the-counter meth laws claim an early innocent victim:

    (I was) made to feel like a criminal – Made to feel low, dirty. Just totally degraded,” recalled Tim Naveau, who says he’ll never forget the hours he spent in Rock Island County Jail – he says all because of his allergies.

    “They searched me, made me take my shirt off, my shoes off,” he recounted.

    Tim takes one 24-hour Claritin-D tablet just about every day. That puts him just under the legal limit of 75-hundred milligrams of pseudo ephedrine a month. The limit is part of a new law that Quad Cities authorities are beginning to strictly enforce.

    The law limits the amount of pseudo ephedrine you can buy. Pseudo ephedrine is an ingredient in medicines like Sudafed and Claritin-D, and it’s also a key ingredient in methamphetamines.

    “It’s the only allergy medicine that works for me – for my allergies,” Tim explained.

    The only problem is, Tim has a teenaged son who also suffers from allergies. And minors are not allowed to buy pseudo ephedrine.

    “I bought some for my boy because he was going away to church camp and he needed it,” he said.
    That decision put Tim over the legal limit. Two months later, there was a warrant for his arrest.

    Via Jonathan Wilde at Catallarchy , who also notes that local officials make no apologies:

    Rene Sandoval, Director of the Quad Cities Metropolitan Enforcement Agency – the agency that enforces the law – says it’s meant to catch meth makers, and does.

    “We’ve seen a huge decline in methamphetamine labs,” Sandoval said.

    But even if you’re not making meth, if you go over that limit – of one maximum strength pill per day – you will be arrested.
    “Does it take drastic measures? Absolutely. Have we seen a positive result? Absolutely,” Sandoval stressed.

    Get it? If you broke the law, you broke the law. And you're going to jail. Criminal intent stopped mattering in the drug war years ago.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PIZI: sam o sobe ne, zalezi vyhradne na tvem postoji k tomu traileru. pokud jsou tisice prima traileru zdarma ve spatne kvalite, muze se ti snadno stat, ze uz se nebudes chtit tahnout do multiplexu (vsiml sis mmch. ze kina krachuji?)
    PIZI --- ---
    Nemyslim ze by trailer na film branil v jeho dosazeni.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PIZI: ze pokud chces dosahnout skutecneho osvobozeni, mel by ses vystrihat veskerych nahrazek, vseho, co te odvadi od uchopeni prave pravdy atd.
    'nahrazky' jsou pro kazdeho cloveka neco jineho: vylety na hory, cteni knih, hudba, vztahy s lidmi, sex, drogy, premysleni... v podstate cokoliv lze provozovat takovym zpusobem ze se to stava pro tebe cukrikem, ktery te odvadi od plneho uvedomeni toho, jaky svet/zivot je. cukrikem ktery vyhledavas a mas ho radeji nez jine veci (oblibujes, touzis, jsi zavisly, ...). jak buddhisti tak tezka krestanska mystika by ti hory doporucili zahodit, pokud te "vytrhavaji z reality".

    Pokud ovsem tvym cilem je neco jineho nez konecne osvobozeni, je tento argument irelevantni. Muzes to mit hozeny treba presne naopak, "vytrhavace z reality" systematicky sledovavat a vychutnavat, primerene, aby prinos byl vetsi nez negativa. Tak IMO postupuje taoismus, konfucianci a selsky rozum...

    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    PIZI: Nic, jdi past ovce do Beskyd, plat udajne kolem 30K, to by melo tve skromne potreby pastyre pokryt. A?
    PIZI --- ---

    Chinese scientists are conducting laboratory work hoping to identify a 2,800-year-old mummy presumably of a shaman in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region....

    Archeologists found the mummy most intriguing because a sack of marijuana leaves was found buried alongside the corpse...

    "From his outfit and the marijuana leaves, which have been confirmed by international specialists to be ingredients for narcotic, we assume the man had been a shaman and had been between 40 and 50 years old when he died," said Li, a noted historian in Xinjiang.
    PIZI --- ---
    Vylety na hory jsou utek od reality. Vsichni to vime. Nakterym lidem muze pohled z vrcholku hory do udoli pripadat jako okynko kterym vidi jak by mohli zit a pomaha jim pak tam dole v udoli na tom pracovat. Jini zadne vylety na hory nepotrebuji.

    Hmm a dal? Co z toho plyne?
    PIZI --- ---
    k cemu jsou cloveku nektere svobody, paklize mu není umoznena zásadní volba ovlivnovat svoje vedomi podle svého uvážení .. ?

    Danemu cloveku k nicemu, jestli jsem te dobre pochopil.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    CONTINUITY: ja jen k tomu, ze ani oprava krestanstvi na "pokrivene mysleni, ktere si rikalo krestanske" není mi úplně nejvhodnější.. ale souhlasím s tebou, byla to poznámka pod čarou..
    CONTINUITY: ad "100x zdravejsi zivotni styl, vedomejsi motivace k praci" - nedavno jsem se seznamil s jednim klucinou, kterej mi pri blizsim poznavani rekl prekvapivou vec;
    Jeho matka byla movitá a solventní, mela penize a fetovala. Prasky, chlast, piko, kokain, heroin a znovu.. ; Jeho otec, byl alkoholik, za jeho zivota mel tenhle mladik s otcem peklo, nasilí a hrubosti a tak podobně. Oba jeho rodice pred mesicem umreli a co hur, nejdriv matka jejiz majetek pripadl otci a pak otec, jehoz majetek a dedictvi pripadlo jeho nove pritelkyni, resp. manzelce. Ta vzala prachy a nezaplatila ani pohreb. Tenhle kluk je jeste evidentne v soku, nema kde bydlet, zato pracuje. Nepatri k zadne etnicke skupine.
    Jediné navykové latky, ktere uziva je tabak, alkohol, marihuana. Zna dusledky nemirneho pozivani tvrdych drog a i presto, ze ten kluk ma za sebou nekolik zajimavych zkusenosti s psych. drogami, nevidi jediny duvod, proc v jejich uzivani pokracovat. Ani se mu nedivim, vysvětlím níže.
    Na jednu stranu, je na tomhle klukovi dobře vidět, do jaké míry se člověk může poučit z chyb druhých. Respektive mu stacilo videt kam která cesta vede. A jeho svobodná volba je takova, ze nechce skoncit v žumpě jako jeho rodice. Na stranu druhou, ten kluk odmítá psychidelika a jiné "otevírače mysli" protože si je vedom toho, ze jeho psychika by narazove rozsireny stav vedomi nemusela unest. Nebo presneji - nahromadeny vzek a zlost a sebelítost by si na nekom vylil. Vybil. Ten kluk se kontroluje a kontroluje se docela lucidne, jen si neni jist, co by zacal delat, kdyby se uvolnil a nechal pusobit podvedomi.

    Takze tu jsou v teto situaci drogy, ktere se evidentne rozdeluji na mekke(marihuna, tabak) a tvrde (alkohol a obecne zname latky..), jsou tu fetujici rodice a nefungujici rodina. Jediné odkazy rodicum synovi jsou, ze uzivani tvrdych drog vede ke zkaze a patrně to, ze sami rodice si s tím, jak uvolnit svou skrytou agresivitu nedokazou poradit. Coz obdivuhodne obetave nalozili na bedra svého syna.

    Z obecne moralniho hlediska se zeptam - k cemu jsou cloveku nektere svobody, paklize mu není umoznena zásadní volba ovlivnovat svoje vedomi podle svého uvážení .. ?
    (Me prijde dtto jako to jediné, cim clovek zaziva okolni realitu.)
    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    CONTINUITY: kk, pekne vanoce :)
    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    Bavila bych se o fenomenu lidi, kteri veri, ze maji pravo hodnotit to, co delaji jini lide s vlastnim zivotem, a dokonce do toho zasahovat. Kdo to je, kde se vzali, co je k tomu vede, jak s nimi komunikovat.

    To je dobre tema. Tito lide mohou byt (podrzim se nazvu ze sveho hyckaneho svetomodelu Pani - Straze - Nevolnici):

    1) Pani, kteri potrebuji zasahovat Nevolnikum do zivota z pochopitelnych duvodu

    2) Nevolnici, co maji dobre vyvinuty lokajsky ci otroci ci jinak prikyvovaci pud a dohlizeji na ostatni Nevolniky, aby dobre plnili rozkazy Panu, a sem spada i skupina

    3), slepice, co vysedely kachnata. Kachnata si dovoli delat neco, co slepice delat nemuzou, neb nemaji odvahu - plavou si v rybnice - a slepice jim to zakazuji, a svuj zakaz jehoz pricinou je vlstni neschopnost ci nedostatek odvahy si racionalizuji cimkoli co je po ruce.

    Mluvis dale o lidech, co "Veri, ze je uzivatele drog opravdu ohrozuji. " Oni maji svym zpusobem pravdu, protoze nedostupnost a premrstene ceny drog nuti drogove (at fyziologicky, nebo psychicky) zavisle ke kriminalni cinnosti, aby si mohli nakoupit. Ovsem malokdo si uvedomi, ze tady by mozna pomohla dekriminalizace.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam