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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    poprvé veřejně v Brně v nekrácené a aktualizované verzi! :-)

    Amatéři: Naplněná utopie?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MARURA --- ---
    spis matematika nez NM art, ale coz..freeware hracicka chaoscope.org
    ADAMM --- ---
    Průkopník Internetu Vinton G. Cerf v Praze
    Veřejná přednáška 5. dubna 14:30 na ČVUT
    více zde...
    OFFINKAA --- ---
    nevim, jestli nejdu s krizkem po funuse, ale tohle me dnesk apo ranu oddelalo

    NAVON_DU_SANDAU --- ---
    Nekdo tady, kdo by mel prehled pres vyrobce motion rozhrani k VR? Omni-tread mills, VirtuSphere a tyhle veci?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ale ta přednáška je teda funny enough!!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MITO: mají supr heslo: Make sense of the world by having fun with statistics

    to už se přece dělá, ne? :D
    MITO --- ---
    MARURA: Vcelku dobry dovod na naucenie sa tejto kralovskej hry :)

    Nech nie som offtopic, tak takto by ma bavilo sa ucit ekonomiu, dejiny, politologiu atd : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7996617766640098677&q=visualization
    MARURA --- ---
    MITO: no me mrzi ze neumim hrat sachy, a tak to nemuzu vyzkouset..:(
    ...a jeden z autoru Martin Wattenberg dela IMHO vubec moc pekny veci ...
    MITO --- ---
    MARURA: toto sa mi strasne paci ... AI + "akasi forma umenia" ... ak by bolo nieco podobne, potesilo by ma to
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself ( http://www.gwei.org ) is now fully censored
    on all Google Search-Indexes worldwide. What a scandal!
    GWEI Solidarity link action initiated by Geert Lovink (Thanks!):
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Eva and Franco Mattes (a.k.a. 0100101110101101.ORG) reenacting Joseph
    Beuys' "7000 Oaks" in a synthetic world

    Beuys' project begun on March the 16th 1982, at Documenta 7, in Kassel.
    His plan called for the planting of seven thousand trees, each paired
    with a columnar basalt stone. Beuys intended the Kassel project to be
    the first stage in an ongoing scheme of tree planting to be extended
    throughout the world as part of a global mission to effect
    environmental and social change.

    The Mattes are reenacting Beuys' work "7000 Oaks", staging the new
    performance in the synthetic world of Second Life.
    The first virtual
    tree and stone were planted on March the 16th 2007, exactly 25 years
    after the original oak was planted.

    The 7000 basalt stones have been stacked on Mattes' island in Second
    Life: Cosmos Island. The diminishing pile of virtual stones will
    indicate the progress of the project, which will go on until all 7000
    oaks and stones will be placed. Second Life inhabitants will have the
    chance to take part to the performance, placing stones and trees in
    their lands.

    This work is part of Eva and Franco Mattes series of "Synthetic
    Performances": reenactment of historical performances inside synthetic
    worlds where body, space and time can be completely reinvented. The
    series started at the beginning of 2007 and will feature works by
    artists like Vito Acconci and Marina Abramovic.

    "Joseph Beuys' 7000 Oaks" is commissioned by Centro de Arte Juan
    Ismael, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain), for the exhibition
    "Deambulatorios de una jornada, en el principio y el proyecto Tindaya",
    curated by Nilo Casares.

    MARURA --- ---
    pro ty kteri radi hraji sachy: thinking machine 4 :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    kde na světě si můžou dovolit takovouhle reklamu?
    ORX_QX --- ---
    taxem se onehdy koukal na televizi...

    (ulet zacina asi v pulce po modularnim svetelnem systemu)
    JER --- ---
    pashwaka: joo, erwin je king!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam