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    ztracené heslo?
    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    INK_FLO: cool :)
    INK_FLO --- ---

    styl: divotvorné smyčky, perpetuální pazvuky, sonické skopičiny

    01. hitchhiker´s introduction to the k-hole kingdom
    02. raindroid melodies and melancholies
    03. spun pun K
    04. magic crystal hippie crap bullshit
    05. question me you pay for three
    06. disco grapes of improbability
    07. sweet flag calamus
    08. we are now controlling transmission
    09. machines making machines (shut me down)
    10. dogtato kun (welcome to the veggietown)
    11. anti shanti
    12. subconsciousness of an alien amplifier
    13. insectinside overdosea
    14. banal anal clash smash
    15. can you hear me
    16. distorted delta divinorum
    17. monsters are taking control
    18. hydraulic robotic
    19. bittersweet dreams are made of this and that
    20. womits from galaxy 6
    21. outro (intellectual bullshit)

    FROHIKEY --- ---

    [12rec.039] herzog - ocean! be our blanket

    I recognized young Herzog a bit later than I could have. Being an important part of the Welsh Serein-collective, he contributed a wonderful piece of electro-acoustic ambient for the second label compilation OIO which, in a whole, was enjoyed a lot at the 12rec. world headquarter. We got the Crepusculum EP in the pipe and planned to add a remix to give Fred Batys' folklore music a decent electric twist. So we got in contact with Bill Bawden a.k.a. Herzog. His idea of transforming analogue sounds into short-form ambient-compositions fit our intentions perfectly.

    After the great success of 12rec.036 back in December 2006, Bill told us about some new stuff he was preparing for a future release. In addition to the songs on both of the Serein -samplers he had two EPs online and we were happy to have the man for a special 12rec-release. Ocean! Be our Blanket consists of eight relatively short pieces each built around a single musical element or sound-idea. For In the Background, Secret Armies Bill distills the cozy melancholia of a delayed piano-motive with warm cracklings and low-key synthesizers. Woke Up Surrounded by Enemies has a rather ominous feel. You'll recognize the beautiful noises (some kind of Herzog-trademark), but there are no ‘real' instruments to be heard. Bubbling loops of synth-drones interfere, swell up and fade like a bad dream. The piano is back at Here Come Our Fathers afterwards. Bill opens his sound-repertoire a bit and shifts microscopic loops and distorted vocal samples in the wide echo chamber of his piano strokes. Listen to Adjusting to the Light to catch Herzog fusing guitar- or harp-sounds with some well-defined rhythmic elements. Crisp! If you want to hear one of my odd comparions- think of Pharrell Williams remixing Gastre Del Sol. Huh?

    Warm, quite focused, hypnotic and neat. Herzog delivers a beautiful study on sound and structure that surprises with emotional discernibility and uniqueness. An experimental release for 12rec. after so much popmusic recently, but a record you shouldn't have missed.


    VYBORNEJ ambient/chill... smrncnutej akustikou/fieldrecordingem - tak to mam rad
    FROHIKEY --- ---

    Ouzo18 - Maima / Maima

    Maima's debut album is finally amongst us and its also a debut for Ouzo, this being the first album by a band edited by the label. Maima has generated a certain amount of expectation through its live appearances throughout 2006, and today a little more than a year after its first live show they bring this record entirely composed, recorded and produced by the band. Those who had the opportunity of catching Maima's live act know what to expect, for the rest here goes a brief description... Throughout this EP the band uses its wide range of influences ( Dub, Reggae, Funk, World Music, Downtempo, Hip Hop, The Classicos, Afro Music and dub/electronica production techniques) to take us on a journey through 5 songs blend into each other: "Guerreros de la Luz" is a jazzy hip hop with guitar solo, female vocals by Eco Lopez and some rhymes. "Cuando Menos lo Esperabas" follows the line this time with darker vibes, some floydian guitar lines and a climatic ending. "Lluvia de Verano" explores
    a more relaxed side of the band with strummed acoustic guitars and a melancholic guitar melody which develops into an ending which includes a drum beat and a MC. "Serena" is some straight reggae/dub, with rhytmic nuances and an impressive vocal line. "Camino al Sol" closes the record, a reggae song which begs radioplay, with an emotional vocal and guitars that brim with feeling. Maima takes us through so many places in only 25 minutes that we can only wait for their next release. Dont you miss this one.


    takovej pohoda mismasek... latino, dub, reggae, funk, downtempo, hiphop, ... ba me to - konecne zas neco z jinyho soudku. specialne na netlabely netypicka produkce! pokud jedete vyhradne elektroniku, tak ignore my post...
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    NAILER: kde presne hrotim? (naka citace treba...)

    ja si dam pivko, pokecam a poslechnu fajn hudbu.
    NAILER --- ---
    FROHIKEY: je zrejmy, ze tvoje nalepka ambient neni stejna nalepka, jakou tam dal abu. dokonce pises, ze to je jenom tvoje subjektivni, tak proc vzdy tak hrotis? snazis se zbytek populace presvedcit, ze tvoje nalepka ambient je lepsi? nebo ze jejich nalepka je fake? a jestli ne, tak proc se okolo toho vubec hadat, kdyz to kazdej muze mit subjektivne?
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    ABU: ok, one more time. prosim vypni paranoia rezim ve svym mozku. paralela je tam ve smyslu... ty necemu rikas predsudky, ja to zovu "subjektivni zhodnoceni situace na zaklade minulejch zkusenosti". nerek sem, smash = no way. tydle akce mam rad, byl sem na hodne, vsechny sem hodnotil kladne a hrozne rad prijdu i na pristi. svym zpusobem je to pro me srdcovka a nostalgicka zalezitost. jakou tam mrsknes nalepku je mi osobne jedno, nazor na to co tam bude rad si udelam jednoduse z line-upu. dve jmena nevim co budou hrat, zbytek vim, ze s velkou pravdepodobnosti nebude ambient, tak jak ho subjektivne chapu ja. to neznamena, ze pro zbytek sveta to nebude treba ambient akce stoleti. at tam bude hrat cokoliv, tak podobne jako u paralely s hrochem, ocekavam fajn akci - at tam hraje jakakoliv skatulka tak jak ji chape kdokoliv. vubec nic nehanim ani neodsuzuju, pouze si nesmyslne preklopil moje povzdechnuti nad neexistenci ciste ambientnich akci (az na par vyjimek jako vyborny biosphere v akraci, ci par vydarenejch dronu v ramci stimulu @ nod) na smash. ted klidne pokracuj v osobnich utocich... odkud vyvozujes ty nazory je mi fakt zahadou ovsem.
    ABU --- ---
    FROHIKEY: ja to tu nechci zasirat, tak me nejlip smaz, ale i pres fajn pribeh (hroch je moje oblibeny zvire, tak ses trefil:o) nechapu paralelu, kterou se snazis navodit se "smash=no way"

    snazim se pokazdy davat jiny nalepky, abych misto nich nemusel chodit deset let. o povoleni expertum na dany nalepky si rikat nebudu, chyb a nasledne kritiky se nevyvaruju, ale kdyz mi nekdo rekne, co lze udelat lip, urcite se rad poucim. sorry, ale hanit a odsuzovat dokonce este pred..umi fakt kdekdo
    FROHIKEY --- ---

    Able - Concinnity (RSC015)

    Able, another new face in the Rope Swing Cities family, offers up his debut release, Concinnity, an album of beautiful and ghostly ambient music.

    Washes of sound and tender plucks of piano keys characterize this peaceful journey inwards, towards a place of pensive self examination. Dream-like and wandering, Concinnity is a thinker’s album, meant for close examination, or as accompaniment on long solitary trips. The transitory nature of the songs contained on Concinnity, derives itself from the bulk of the work having been initially composed on long bus rides to and from Boulder and Denver in Colorado; the ever-changing landscape and peaceful quiet of the bus greatly influencing Able’s artistic output. Sparse melodies, mixed with the careful examiniation of detached emotional experience are the bread and butter of this calming, restful album.

    The sun is rising, and you’ve survived the night, things have been at their darkest, but now you can see the other side. Pull out your copy of Concinnity by Able, and allow the soothing tones to wash over your body and help you feel whole again.

    For more about Able, you should probably go here.


    prijemnej lehce oldskooloveji ladenej ambientek pred obedem
    RESOLUT --- ---
    FROHIKEY: Nechapu.. To je nas web, ale co tim minis rict?
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    FROHIKEY: to ze v tom mas prsty je pro me spis plus, dava to aspon minimalni zaruku soudnosti :)

    RESOLUT: tak zupr. ja uz sem se lek, ze je todle vas web http://www.sukulent.wz.cz
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    ABU: predstav si situaci... kazdy rano vstanes ve svym bytecku, vyjdes ven, jdes kolem ricky kde bydli nasranej hroch a ten te kopne do kouli. todle se deje pravidelne poslednich 10 let. a ted mi rekni... budes zejtra pri ceste z bytu ocekavat kopanec nebo ne? clovek je holt tvor co se uci dle svejch zkusenosti, ja bych cekal bolest :)
    ABU --- ---
    FROHIKEY: otevrenost nic moc, co je no way tentokrat?

    RESOLUT: e ee, to bych v tom nesmel mit prsty;)
    RESOLUT --- ---
    FROHIKEY: Te nalepce muzes klidne verit ;)
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    NAILER: mne by se k tomu libila naka projekce, coz je v tehlech prostorech problem (jak vypada novy punto nevim).
    NAILER --- ---
    symbioza.org...? :]
    NAILER --- ---
    FROHIKEY: punto, wakata, .... ?
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    ABU: ten cas byl priklad... jde mi o prostor, o charakter akce... ambientni akce i mnohem mensi je vetsim lakadlem nez monstr akce s 1 ambientarem. vis jak to myslim.

    pokud chces konkretne smash. typky z wilsonicu neznam, sukulent trosku. a fakt staci zagooglit a mas jasno, ze no way. tak kdo zbejva? anh.? vyborna hudba, velka nuda "zive". na smash chodim z jinejch duvodu a i kdyz tam mas ted nalepku "ambient" tak ja tomu neverim.
    ABU --- ---
    FROHIKEY: no..to bys musel chodit na docela dost veci if diz iz d reason:o) a v kolik bys to ocenil:P ?
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    ABU: uvidime, mozna se stavim a budu vedet vic. ale jde uz o charakter akce... na smash du proto ze mi tam nezahraje psytrance/dnb. pokud nekdo dole ve 2 rano pusti ambient, tak to fakt neocenim :)
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