Je možné ztvárnit filozofické myšlenky tancem? Úvahy Alice Koubové a pohybové představení souboru Tantehorse se potkávají v elegantně zrežírovaném filmu, který útočí jak intelektuálně, tak s elementární lidskou srozumitelností. Krize – změna – vzdor nepříznivým okolnostem.
Premiéra 1.7. v 18:00 s sekci Imagina's Connect Yesterday / trailer in between resignation and revolution.
Resist means to stay in a situation, even if it is desperate!
Resilience as the ability to cope with crises and unexpected disruptions is portrayed in this film through movement performance and scientific lecture. The viewer is offered the opportunity to understand situational sequences that simulate principles such as homeostasis, finding supports and resources for adaptation and transformation, on two levels. First on an abstract emotional level, then through concrete philosophical interpretation. The acceptance of ambiguity is not only a condition for the perception of an artwork, but also one of the essential prerequisites for the development and maintenance of resilience. Loss of certainty, disorientation and liminal states are understood here not only as threats but also as states of high potentiality. However, a prerequisite for such a perception is the provision of a minimum margin of safety and trust. This artistic film by Vladimír Turner is based on the scientific research of the philosopher Alice Koubová and the theatre performance of the Tantehorse ensemble directed by Miřenka Čechová and Markéta Vacovská.
director: Vladimír Turner
DoP: Petr Racek
second camera: David Ticháček
additional camera: Vladimír Turner
editing: Vladimír Turner
sound: Adam Bláha
color grading: Petr Racek
assistant: Martin Král
graphic design and VFX: Petr Kněžek
16 minutes, Czech language with English subtitles