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    ztracené heslo?
    CISTICZRichard P. Feynman
    IGRACZECH --- ---
    Je nova, nedavno vysla v takovy ty dlouhy edici Kolumbus co vydava Mlada Fronta uz asi dva nebo tri aeony...
    WENCA --- ---
    IGRACZECH: Tu knizku neznam, jak je stara? Google ukazuje, ze je v knihovnach, ale koupit se asi neda.
    IGRACZECH --- ---
    Cet nekdo Cerny diry od Kipa S. Thorna? Tam je mimo spousty uzitecnejch a vtipnejch rovnic v poznamkach (ten obrazek s F. integralem 1942 je krasnej!) hlavne prehled vedcu, ktery za poslednich sto let neco udelali... Pochopitelne je tam Feynman, Einstein, Hawking... ale taky spousta dalsich zajimavejch lidi co do toho jeste porad maj co kecat :o) Wheeler (netusil jsem ze je jeste zda se nazivu), Čandrasekar, angličani, rusové... je to dobrá kniha, i když Thorne zjevně nebyl nikdy takový dělo jako výše zmiňovaní.
    WENCA --- ---
    MELOUN: A vo tom to je. :) Dost tezky, mimochodem. Heh.
    MELOUN --- ---
    “Nejsem povinen být takový, jaký bych podle ostatních lidí měl být. Je to jejich omyl, a ne moje selhání.”
    MELOUN --- ---
    WENCA --- ---
    When I was a graduate student studying physics at U.C.L.A. during the late 1950s, two godlike figures dominated our imaginations: Richard Feynman and Murray Gell-Mann. Both physicists worked across town at Caltech, and now and then we’d slip over and sit in on a lecture. Feynman was the older of the two and better known, as much for his wry wit as for his stunning work on quantum electrodynamics. Who was smarter, Feynman or Gell-Mann? On the street, the choice was up for grabs. Some folks are just a lot smarter than the rest of us, and Feynman and Gell-Mann were about as smart as you get. The very existence of such towering geniuses just down the road had a mixed effect on us students. Some were inspired to compete with the greats; others inclined toward melancholy. If nothing else, it was an exciting time to be entering an exciting field, and the two Caltech paragons were a big part of the excitement. Feynman knew everything there was to know about physics and not much about anything else; when not doing physics, he played the bongos and hung out in bars. Gell-Mann knew everything there was to know about everything, and during “off” hours he was likely to be bird-watching in some exotic venue, collecting archaeological artifacts or picking up yet one more foreign language. At least these are the impressions one gets from George Johnson’s masterful
    biography of the younger member of the dynamic duo. When the two rivals got together, sparks would fly, igniting lots of good physics. Both men would eventually win Nobel Prizes.

    Z recenze na knihu Strange beauty od Murray Gell Manna.
    WENCA --- ---
    Trochu te kvantovky na dobrou noc. :)
    WENCA --- ---
    Dejte nekolikrat tlacitko Next. Se vsadim, ze na Nyxu jsou lidi co tomu rozumi, priznejte se. :)
    WENCA --- ---

    Video spojeny ze zaberu Challengeru a Columbie. Me se libi uplnej konec. :)
    WENCA --- ---
    MMM444: To souhlasim. Inzenyri z NASA o tom urcite vedeli. Jenom me zarazilo, kdyz je to vyroci a v obrovskym clanku neni o Feynmanovi ani zminka.
    On tu funkci v komisi vlastne nechtel prijmout, ale jeho manzelka mu rekla, ze pokud na to nekdo ma prijit, tak je to on.
    RADO1 --- ---
    Ja co som cital, tak bol tusim jediny, kto niekam zavolal a spytal sa, ci nahodou nemrzlo noc pred startom.
    MMM444 --- ---
    WENCA: kdo na to prisel, to je tezka otazka. feynman to "jen" ukazal. myslim, ze se o tom problemu vedelo, jen ho prirozene tutlali. sam feynman, pokud si dobre pamatuju, napsal, ze si pripadal trochu jako loutka, ze ho popostrcili, aby na to prisel. ze pry rozumi fyzice, ale ve vecech politickych se nevyzna. proto taky napsal ten text o vysetrovani nezdaru challegeru, protoze, podle me, nemel ze sveho pusobeni v komisi nejlepsi pocit a citil potrebu svoje jednani a nazory vysvetlit.
    KOJA --- ---
    Tohle je hezka fotka s O-krouzkem.
    WENCA --- ---
    Feynman took a piece of O-ring rubber, dunked it in iced water, and showed that when cold it was slow to return to its original shape. Here, surely, was elementary proof that cold affected the seals. How could NASA have been so negligent as to have missed such a simple truth?


    Ale v tohmle obsahlym clanku ani zminka:
    WENCA --- ---
    Pred 20 lety spadl raketoplan Challenger. Vsude se pise, kde byla nejspis chyba (tesnici O krouzky). Nikde ani zminka, kdo na to prisel.

    Tady je dodatek ke zprave vysetrovaci komise od Feynmana, ktery nakonec do oficialni zpravy nebyl zarazen:
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