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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVERPG - $HADOWRUN : hello Case, this is Wintermute, its time to talk

    "Chces si hrat na stiny? Tak teda poslouchej, kamo; pak si to preber a pouc se z toho co nejvic,
    ponevadz nevedomost zabiji rychlejc nez kulovej blesk."
    ~ Ess El El, hadi saman

    Tak jdem na to:

    >> Labka.cz : Project Shadowrun
    >> GM: Overdrive
    >> Postavy
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SORBAK --- ---
    SORBAK: na tuhle akci nejedu. Vsak ono se to beze me neposere. Az pojedu zase do OL, ozvu se.
    SORBAK --- ---
    Vikend 6. a 7.6. bych mohl byt v OL, tak bych si mohl zahrat...
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Možno v Bohuňovicích, na SC budou mít spec postavy...
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Mno. a kdy run???
    PRAWITZ --- ---

    tohle jsem myslel
    PRAWITZ --- ---
    PRAWITZ: debile, mas si zkontrolovat co mas v clipboardu:/
    PRAWITZ --- ---

    JVMLOK --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: nenasel jsem o bobym ani pul slova
    JVMLOK --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: nonono. Troll to vzal po svym a udelal si novou postavicku, s hakovacima skillama atd :)
    Snovej run jsi z toho udelal ty, ja mluvil o Alchere (viz recent) a jako takovou jsem ji vrazil i do svyho Seattlu a postavicky z toho maj polizanici jeste na peknejch par dopredu. O pozadavku, ze musi prezit, jsem nerekl ani slovo, nicmene prezili :) Krome trolla (Gyagiho nestihly benga popravit v dobe trvani Alchery) Jinak uzus je takovej, ze na pristi SC run si udelaji specialni postavy. Co se tyce hackovani, o vikendu jsme meli zacvik ve VR/AR a myslim ze uz to hraci maji cely, ja ti rikal, ze to byl jejich 2. run ve 4ed. Kazdopadne se dobre bavili a o to prece jde ze :)
    ATOMOUSEK --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    ATOMOUSEK: taky jsem si dycky rikal, ze je to jak ze spatny telenovely, delat snovy shadowruny, ale holt postavy musely prezit a vratit se do Seattle, coz jaxi nebylo v celkovem zajmu celeho hrani, takze to bylo proste jedno takovy zajimavy OT hrani no, ale kazdopadne vecy se udaly minimalne v SinCIty, diky magnetum jsem moh posunout pozadi o kus dal, takze mi vubec nevailo, ze jsem pritom vybrazdil jeden mlady nadejny tym :) nemeli hackera, a kdo nema hackera at si hraje dracak, jak trefne podotknul chorche jinde, holt takovej tym proste neubeha ani starou belu no.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Se mi snad zdas :)
    ATOMOUSEK --- ---
    JVMLOK: no, ten sen, ne? :o)
    JVMLOK --- ---
    přežil co?
    ATOMOUSEK --- ---
    prezil to i boby ewing? :o)
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Což nás přivádí k drakovi, který se podle cvrkotu a ulicích objevil během setkání streetparty s jednotkami templářů. Dochází k posunu v mocenské rovnováze? Pak je nejvyšší čas zvolit si strany!
    JVMLOK --- ---
    btw Shedim: Street magic st. 154-155
    JVMLOK --- ---
    V našem případě šlo očividně o displacement Alchera, s několika velmi specifickými znaky. Vzhledem k tomu, že všechny subjekty které přešly do alchery, byly těsně předtím vystaveny Atral Rifu do metaroviny Shedim, dá se tento znak identifikovat jako důvod, proč se z celého Redmontu přenesli do Alchery právě a jen oni. Na druhé straně je otázkou co Alcheru vyvolalo. V Seattlu byl tento jev samozřejmě zcela zjevný, nicméně Alchera odolávala veškerým pokusům o průzkum a poměrně rychle fluktuovala. Což nebylo pro astrální průzkumníky právě povzdbudivým jevem. Vzhledem k nedávné přítomnosti Shedim a Astral riffu byla nicméně aktivován code red. Sledované subjekty bude potřeba ASAP podrobit výslechu a identifikovat místo dislokace. Ukolu se ujmou agenti FM a DA kteří byli již v předchozím případě se subjekty v kontaktu. Podrobnou zprávu ocekáváme na ústředí ASAP.... >>>>fragment ze zašifrované komunikace mezi velením a UCFU podle všech znaků identifikované jako jedné z exekutivních jednotek Draco Foundation<<<<
    JVMLOK --- ---
    BTW Spider to pise jakoze sen. Co jsem navrhoval ja se jmenuje Alchera. Tady je kratka stat ze street magic.

    Alchera is a term from the Arrernte Aborigines in Central
    Australia used to describe the Dreamtime, the co-existing past,
    present, and future world shaped by the spirits and gods. It has
    been adopted by the global magical community to describe
    unusually complex astral terrain features that occasionally appear
    on the physical plane. Sometimes alchera take the form of
    natural terrain such as lakes, rivers, or mountains. Other times
    they appear as seemingly man-made structures like buildings or
    bridges. Whatever form they take, they appear on the physical
    plane in one of three ways: manifestation, materialization,
    or displacement and typically appear only for short periods of
    time, often during the anniversary of a significant event or during
    a time of astrological importance (such as an equinox).
    Manifest alchera appear on the physical plane as they do
    on the astral, but they are insubstantial and cannot be interacted
    with by physical beings (much like a manifesting spirit).
    They appear ghostly and hazy and are believed responsible for
    some sightings of haunted mansions, ghost ships, UFOs, and
    the like.
    Materialized alchera actually become dual natured, and
    as such are solid to physical beings and can be interacted with.
    Materialized alchera cannot replace existing terrain or objects
    and only appear on otherwise unoccupied physical space.
    Despite their physical presence, materialized alchera often
    carry some otherworldly aspect to their nature, such as being
    cold to the touch or emitting a smoky haze or strange glow.
    If a character is caught within a materialized alchera when it
    materializes or de-materializes, he must make a Willpower
    + Intuition (3) Test or become disoriented, suffering –2
    dice pool to all actions for 10 minutes. Getting caught in a
    (de-)materializing alchera is rarely dangerous; characters are
    shoved aside to avoid being trapped in materializing walls
    and placed upon the ground when terrain vanishes out from
    under them (though gamemasters may alter this to keep the
    characters on their toes … ).
    Displacement alchera are similar to materialized alchera,
    except they actually replace existing terrain, sending it to an
    unknown location for the duration of the alchera’s appearance.
    Wherever the terrain is sent to, living creatures do not go with
    it—they are instead moved and disoriented, similar to being
    caught in a materializing alchera. Magical constructs placed
    upon the original terrain—such as sustained spells or wards—
    collapse when the original terrain is displaced, but otherwise
    the original terrain reappears when the alchera vanishes as if
    nothing ever happened to it. Displacement alchera, like materialized
    alchera, are dual natured and can be interacted with by
    physical beings
    Magical scholars believe that alchera may be formed by
    emotional historical events or the consensual belief of many
    metahumans, but so far the appearance of alchera has been too
    haphazard for true experimentation. Stranger still, not all alchera
    are even permanent features on the astral landscape. These
    impermanent astral constructs do tend to linger on the astral
    plane before and after appearing on the physical, but they will
    fade from even the astral plane over time. Whether they completely
    dissipate or simply move somewhere else is unknown,
    but this observation has fed a competing theory that alchera
    originate from the metaplanes as they come into conjunction
    with the Gaiasphere.
    JVMLOK --- ---
    SORBAK: aha. jak rikam. musim si precist wireless world. hlavne proto, ze to zatim vubec neumim. ale jak se rika, odrikanyho nejvetsi krajic

    OVERDRIVE: staniz se
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