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    ztracené heslo?
    WHITESCORPIOThe Dune - Kultovní dílo Franka Herberta a vše okolo - see HOME!
    BEEBA --- ---
    WIRUSS: strasne nerad to pisu, ale mam to podobne. A strasne me zklamala hudebni a zvukova stranka. Cekal jsem (moje chyba), ze se do toho Zimmer zase opre jak u jednicky (obe ty alba, ktery k tomu udelal, povazuju za naprosto genialni), ale dockal jsem se v podstate jen remixu.

    Pujdu urcite jeste nekolikrat a zkusim se tomu otevrit a uzit si to jak to je:)
    WIRUSS --- ---
    TRAGED: No tak hlavně kompletní popření mnohoženství, to ke fremenům nesedí a vlastně kompletní nechopení celého národa. A změny některé nepodstatné ok, ale to jak přistupuje Jessica k Paulovi je dost mimo, naprosto jiný význam vztahu s Chani, vyškrtnutí Alii, extrémní urychlení, kde se děj nemohl trvat skoro ani půl roku. Absence filozifického přesahu, jaký význam mají zděděné vzpomínky, co je vlastně Paul zač (to zatím každý film zvládl mnohem lépe) A naprosté překopání závěru a proč vlastně vnikl džihád. Tedy kompletní popření jednoho z hlavních významu knihy...

    Jako první film za mě 5/5, tohle tak 3/5 vizuál, režie i herci super, ale opět si scénárista myslel, že je takový borec, že napíše něco lepšího než autor, jehož ověřilo 60 let...
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    How 'Dune 2' Pulled Off The Harkonnen Arena Scene With Infrared
    TRAGED --- ---
    SHEALA: Me ty zmeny davaji smysl, kdyz se na to podivas skrze oci prumerneho divaka filmu, ktery knizky nikdy necetl, nebo maximalne cetl jen Dunu. IMO Villeneuve se snazi kompenzovat drobny "nedostatek" prvni knihy, kde Muad'dib nebyl dostatecne jasne vyobrazen jako anti-hrdina, nebo resp. alespon jako moralne seda postava. Tak tam Villeneuve proste nastrcil Jessicu s Chani aby divakum polopate vysvetlovali, ze slepe nasledovat spasitele neni nutne dobry napad. :P
    TRAGED --- ---
    SHEALA: Ale teď koukám, že to byli vojáci obecně...

    Light infantry (Dune II) - Command & Conquer Wiki - covering Tiberium, Red Alert and Generals universes

    SHEALA --- ---
    TRAGED: tyjo, narazila jsem jeste na jednu vec, co mě strašně připoměla Westwood, ale nemůžu si zaboha vzpomenout na co :)

    A nevím jak/ jestli se mi libí poněkud odlišně pojatý Jessica a Chani, ale asi jo.
    SAJMONDEE --- ---
    za me opet, bohuzel ve filmovem zpracovani pusobi lady Jessica jako slaba putka....
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Dune 2 gives great actors insultingly little screen time – but maybe that’s the key to its success | The Independent
    TRAGED --- ---
    Přemýšlím, jak moc guilda figurovala v téhle části knihy a mám pocit, že ani moc ne a začíná konspirovat až ve Spasiteli. Vlastně je prud8 císaře, aby obnovil pořádek v těžbě, což oblouk s Rabbanem tady myslím dostatečně vyplňuje
    Vetsina odchylek se mi libila a davala mi naprosty smysl (dvou lete dite ve svem filmu nechat hrat fakt nechces..), ale co me trochu mrzi je kompletni absence spacing guildy, byt opet, chapu ze pro to asi nebyl uplne prostor.
    TRAGED --- ---
    Je to naprosto úchvatné zpracování! Těch pár odchylek od knížky je tentokrát i k dobru.

    Nejzajímavější postřehy:
    - Velmi pečlivě nahrazení slova Jihad slovy Holy war
    - zdůraznění rovnosti mužů a žen mezi fremeny, takže z pouštních národů se v nich můžou najít jedině snad Kurdové :-)
    - návrhář kostýmů se inspiroval Wetwoodim zpracováním v hrách ještě víc než v 1. části.
    The hype must flow:

    "DUNE: PART TWO is a triumph. Even more immense than the first, but much more intimate — Denis Villeneuve manages to streamline the more alienating second half of the book into a riveting, action-packed epic. TWO TOWERS-level mastery of battle sequences. Zendaya is the star." - Hoai-Tran Bui (Inverse)

    "Dune 2 is pretty spectacular. I will never get tired of how Villeneuve makes crazy spaceships and space worms feel real and tactile. Can't wait to see it again on an absolutely ginormous screen." - Devan Coggan (Entertainment Weekly)

    "Some of the visuals in Dune: Part Two had me so astonished, I feel like I understand how everyone felt seeing Star Wars for the first time back in 1977. It’s just unbelievable at times." - Brandon Davis (ComicBook.com)

    "DunePartTwo is SPECTACULAR. Villeneuve delivers a sweeping, majestic, epic journey into beautiful worlds that looks/feels/sounds astounding. Uniformally superb cast w/Chalamet impressing again, Rebecca Ferguson incredible. Cinema on its grandest scale." - Scott J. Davis (The People's Movies)

    "Dune Part II: well at least Javier Bardem was having fun." - David Ehrlich (IndieWire)

    "Having watched DunePartTwo, I can say I have ridden a sandworm. It's a magical experience, and the faithful adaptation fans have been waiting for (albeit w/ some smart changes). A fascinating examination of zealotry & postcolonial politics wrapped in a breathtaking blockbuster." - Eric Eisenberg (CinemaBlend)

    "Dune: Part Two is damn impressive. Villeneuve crafts some truly VISIONARY moments. Austin Butler gives a truly transformative performance (and not talking makeup either). Very moving ending. A wee bit long? Yes. Did I forget I saw it the next day? Yes. Still, gonna be massive." - Gregory Ellwood (The Playlist)

    "Blown away by DunePartTwo. Found it even more immersive, tactile and emotional than Part One. The clarity, heft and scale of the action is staggering. For me, the whole occupies a rarified place alongside The Lord of the Rings as the definitive version of a seminal text." - Jordan Farley (Total Film)

    "Dune: Part Two is Denis Villeneuve's Empire Strikes Back & Lawrence of Arabia. A sci-fi opera that is not just grand in scale, but in its hypnotizing and emotionally devastating story. Austin Butler will be a talking point for many, but its Timothée Chalamet who left my jaw on the floor. Villeneuve’s immersive cinematic nirvana is a sci-fi masterpiece." - David Gonzales (The Cinematic Reel)

    "Dune2 is jaw-dropping, breathtaking & wildly exhilarating. It’s an adrenaline rush to the head & heart, soaring in its spectacle-driven action sequences as much as it sings in its refined, evocative stillness.Timothée Chalamet & Zendaya turn in singular work." - Courtney Howard (Variety)

    "Denis Villeneuve continues to make arthouse sci-fi on an IMAX scale. DunePartTwo is astonishing." - Ryan Lambie (Film Stories)

    "Denis Villeneuve sticks the landing with DunePartTwo, a fascinating, terrifying character study told on a gloriously grand sci-fi scale." - Germain Lussier (Gizmodo)

    "Dune: Part Two is impressively large in scope and rarely lets up in intensity. This is Denis Villeneuve’s (guerilla) war film, just done on an epic science fiction level. Anyone fond of the first movie will be deeply satisfied here." - Joey Magidson (Awards Radar)

    "DUNE: PART TWO is unlike anything we’ve seen before, yet familiar all the same. With a consistently impressive use of score and sound, it features transformative performances from Timothée Chalamet and Austin Butler. An adrenaline rush of cinematic proportions." - Josie Marie (Film Posers)

    "Dune: Part Two is truly an awe-inspiring cinematic achievement; one that continues to advance and build upon the world that Denis Villeneuve and company have exquisitely created, crafted and shaped." - Scott Menzel (We Live Entertainment)

    "DunePartTwo is MASTERFUL filmmaking on an epic scale. Denis Villeneuve marries gripping character development to vast, sweeping cinematic visuals. And the cast evolves in their roles. I slightly prefer the simpler DUNE to this complex chapter, but still, a towering achievement." - Sean O'Connell (CinemaBlend)

    "Absolutely loved DuneMovie Part Two from start to finish! I was blown away by every aspect- from the story, the acting, the visuals, and the soundtrack. Everything felt epic! Timothée and Zendaya’s chemistry was unmatched, and the sprinkles of humor landed." - Dorian Parks (Geeks of Color)

    "Dune2 is an epic masterful cinematic experience. It's visceral, palpable & must be seen on the biggest screen possible. Watched it a few days ago and I'm still riding the high of that experience. The rich mythology, acting & story are all elevated by the visuals & sound design." - Rosa Parra (The Daily Chela)

    "There is nothing like DunePartTwo. It gets into your soul and lives there. It's so carefully crafted and designed the pleasure one gets from it is physically powerful. It will change your life." - Joshua M. Patton (CBR)

    "I was kind of mixed on the first Dune. DUNE: PART TWO is phenomenal. Up there with the greatest sci-fi movies I’ve ever seen. I want to ride a sandworm." - Mike Ryan (Uproxx)

    "DunePartTwo is not only Denis's magnum opus; it's the definitive sci-fi epic of a generation. A tragic tale of blind fanaticism & corruption. A spectacular, soulful, awe-inspiring masterclass of aesthetics & mood beautifully echoing Paul's turbulent journey. Left me speechless!" - Griffin Schiller (FilmSpeak)

    "DunePartTwo is a giant epic, a masterclass of crafts from Greig Fraser’s exceptional photography to Patrice Vermette’s magnificent world building. Denis Villeneuve has delivered his magnus opus directing one of the best sci-fi films for generations to come." - Jazz Tangcay (Variety)

    "[Oh my god Dune 2 is so good] This is what I texted the foremost DUNE-head in my life—my dad— yesterday after watching DUNE PART TWO. I’m in a full froth for this thing, it’s even better than the first and I loved that one!" - Katie Walsh (Los Angeles Times)

    "In a shock to no one, I absolutely loved Dune2. Incredible filmmaking. Brilliant score. Entire cast was excellent. My only complaint was I wish it was longer. Not joking around. The movie is 2hr and 40 min(?) and I would have been happy to watch another hour." - Steven Weintraub (Collider)

    "Denis Villeneuve does something so visually wild with DUNE: PART TWO that I've been thinking about it for days" - Alissa Wilkinson (The New York Times)

    "Dune: Part Two — Denis Villeneuve lands every spectacular, brutalist tableau he threw in the air three years ago. Sci-fi mythmaking at its finest and most tragic: the gravity of manufactured destiny, the untamable tendrils or belief. Loved this." - Jeff Zhang (Strange Harbors)
    MARTIK --- ---
    úžasná atmosféra
    Dune: Part Two | Extended Sneak Preview
    MARTIK --- ---
    aha MARTIK: Souheila Yacoub - "Shishakli"
    MARTIK --- ---
    TRAGED: u mně ne. Ten subcribe now panel jde minimalizovat a ignorovat.
    TRAGED --- ---
    MARTIK: Paywall
    MARTIK --- ---
    I Found David Lynch’s Lost 'Dune II' Script | WIRED
    ASYD --- ---
    SAJMONDEE: dnes jsem docetl...dobra haluz
    ctu to v EN a Herbert ma naprosto fantasticky styl
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