AIAX: Vidím, že jsi nikdy nepřekládal rozhovor s Haydenem Christensenem. Tenhle úryvek jsem naštěstí NEMUSEL překládat, protože můj tehdejší redaktor Jan Rudovský (dneš šéfredaktor) je rozumný člověk (ovšem vyšlo to v americké Premiere):
TR: I've seen the second trailer by the way.
HC: You have?
TR: Yeah.
HC: Yeah, it's cool, huh? I saw that pretty much.
TR: Especially the second half, when you start marching off and like taking down these Jedi, it's very cool.
HC: Yeah, from what I've seen, I'm excited.
TR: Maybe that's what Rick was kind of saying, he was saying... it was the inverse of what he was saying.
HC: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
TR: I think you've helped me understand that.
Od té doby mám jako jednotku blbosti 1 hayden.