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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    "Transcendence can only be reached at maximum volume"

    Spřátelený klub, který vám váš zombie moderátor doporučuje:

    Demonische Agricultuur

    Odkazy na hudbu uveřejněné v tomto klubu od moderátora prosím jinde neuveřejňovat.

    rozbalit záhlaví
    ORLOCK --- ---
    NOIK: super! tesim sa.
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    NOIK: to ako vonku, alebo kde to tam bude? som nevedel ze sa tam robia koncerty....
    NOIK --- ---
    17. července z'ev na parukářce!
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    tak tumáte posmrtně

    Amesoeurs / Valfunde [De Profundis 2007]

    pass: dysterwald.blogspot.com
    JONY --- ---
    Not sure if there were any fans here but according to Audrey S.

    "Ladies and Gentleman, Amesoeurs does not exist anymore.

    Neige has decided to split up the band, because of his new girlfriend, who is jealous of Audrey S' participation, forced him to stop everything.

    Winterhalter, who has nothing to do with this story, was fired too, even if he doesn’t know it yet. The same for Fursy.

    Conclusion : Byes, and have a nice Sunday.

    Audrey S, who still doesn’t understand why Neige is a b… "

    According to Niege,
    "I have read the Audrey's statement and all the comments below. What a spectacle, really. She stole and changed the Amesoeurs' page password, I can't access to it anymore.

    Indeed I'm leaving Amesoeurs but it has no much to do with any "girlfriend" gossips. I do it for several personnal reasons that apparently Audrey can't assume and understand. I never prevented her to keep on the band with the other members if she wanted to. I hope people will be conscious enough not to believe everything written there. No more to say."
    JONY --- ---
    JONY: to já také ne, ani ji nemám tak kůl proužkovanou
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: ale já nemám v lednici stephena o´malleyho :/
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: kdesi jsem četl postřeh, že než investovat do tohoto cd, je lepší si v noci sednout k vrčící lednici :-)
    MATHEW --- ---
    Stephen O'Malley - Salt [cd, Ideal 2008]

    SALT is the audion component created for "Bleed", the initial collaboration between sculptor Banks Violette and musician Stephen O'Malley. First shown at Barbara Gladstone Gallery, NYC summer 2005 "Bleed" was part of the group show "Bridge Freezes Before Road", curated by Neville Wakefield, and was the first of five collaborations between the two artists. A quite moderate audio setup created some of the ongoing themes between the audio and physical work; sound pressure in relation to insubstantial mass, standing wave play, sense of space created by air pressure, and modifications of said space in relation to physical sculptural work.

    Long playback loops of acoustic guitar and bass sine wave sparsely moved to the ear on it's own, but was designed to instead suggest modulation and border to the viewer/listener through their movement around and in relation to the work itself.

    Subsequently the piece was acquired by The Guggenheim Museum and remains in their collection in NYC. "Bleed" also reemerged in summer 2007 as part of the "The Shapes of Space" show at said space.

    Stephen O'Malley // guitar & production

    JONY --- ---
    btw tahle nové série vypadá moc dobře. To ep Skulflower je výborné, obě aktuální ukázky zní výborně a ta další jména vypadají také dobře.

    Jinak je už týden k mání download only ep Final a dle mého názoru je to jedna z nejlepších věcí co Broadrick pod touto značkou vydal. Je to takový kytarový velejemný +/- drone ambient s až takovou "könerovskou" atmosférou.
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: ty vole dobře ona! už aby to bylo
    JONY --- ---
    ukázky z přpravovaného ep Runhildy Gammelsæter

    JONY --- ---
    Harvey Milk - Life... The Best Game In Town (Hydrahead, 2008)

    After making their auspicious but notoriously underexposed debut with 1994’s My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment Of What My Love Could Be, Athens (GA) dirge lords Harvey Milk recorded two more full-lengths (1995’s Courtesy And Good Will Towards Men and 1997’s The Pleaser) before going tits up in 1998 in a fit of nuptials and child-rearing.

    Reintroduced to the underground at large through reissues, live DVDs and whatnot, The Milk reformed to unleash Special Wishes upon the feverishly lactating public, which has been lactating feverishly ever since. Which is to say that the Milk — as they themselves like to say—have “not” been “canceled due to lack of interest yet.”

    Fast forward to the here and, like, now, and Harvey Milk are celebrating their own renaissance by lauding the virtues of The Best Game In Town. Spearheaded by the alternately burly and angelic vocal stylings of Milk mastermind Creston Spiers, The Best Game In Town. is both tumultuous and grueling, resonating with the glorious slow-motion radiance of Total Dirge Power. In layman’s terms: Yet another classic. Oh, and did we mention that they’ve since been joined by Thrones legend Joe Preston? Well, they totally have.

    JONY --- ---
    Vyšlo nové album Lull.

    A jinak kurva, kurva, kurva...


    Painkiller live:

    John Zorn saxophone
    Bill Laswell basse
    Mick Harris batterie
    special guests:
    Mike Patton voix
    Fred Frith guitare
    JONY --- ---
    28.října by měli být v Praze Skepticism
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: chystají i cosi společného s Nadjou
    MATHEW --- ---
    Pyramids - S/T [Hydra Head 2008]

    It starts in the upper atmosphere, in that rarefied air where silence sings and time is little more than an abstraction. As it makes its way down through the tree line, to sea level, to the ear canals, elliptical windows and auditory nerves of the great unwashed, the shapes begin to shift. The sine waves become more distinct: swarming, swirling guitars, drums like a churning steam press, a chorus of celestial voices. Instruments collude and collide in a roiling shoal and then dissipate, leaving a cavernous hole, a ghost town, the vestiges and echoes of a brief terrestrial existence. Out in Dallas and “other parts of the country,” where seemingly mild psychotropic disturbances can have vast and sinister implications for certain elements within the local populaces, Pyramids conjure the cacophonies of the great unknown, one song at a time.

    MATHEW --- ---
    na ftp pyramids [hydra head], cítím v kostech další návykovku a la alcest.)
    MATHEW --- ---
    Vajra - Live [PSF 2008]

    First ever live album from the world-beating trio of Keiji Haino, Kan Mikami and Toshi Ishizuka in a limited edition of 1000 copies in mini paper LP-style sleeves with obi. Haino’s playing is at its most straight-forwardly beautiful, with soul-searing arcs of beautiful single-note bliss cutting high swathes through the heart of Mikami’s black blues. There is a suite of songs that appeared on another Mikami CD that represents the most epic and emotionally-charged playing the trio have ever laid down and the way that Ishizuka triggers single martial explosions while Haino illuminates the space above him has exactly the same electrifying spirit/force of the Albert Ayler Orchestra. There are moments here that are so outrageously epic, just increasing peaks of vertical tone-on-tone, that it’s almost overwhelming and when Haino joins Mikami on vocals it feels uniquely cathartic. The tongue-in-cheek blurb on the disc best sums it up: “With a combined age of 171, the most powerful geriatric rock trio in the world.” And it’s no mere hubris. In the absence of Fushitsusha, they might just be the greatest rock band in the world. Best Vajra ever. Highest possible recommendation.

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