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    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Kava Jar Race (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    First limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Kava Jar Race is a staggering two disc set subtitled: Jarva Jarva Headplug In; Finger Prints Plug Into Headstream Of Déjà vu Through The Desert Sands Of Jarvid 9 Into Time Tracks Of Red Earth Download Memory Of Fossils Underneath The Desert Sands Of Jarvid 9. Titles run through visions such as “API Uplink Sand Palace Of Déjà vu”, “The 9th Reborn Planet Of Jarvid D’Rog Nomad Race”, “Lizard Dreams Of Adobe City” and “Fingerprints Of Jarvo Sand Race”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. There are aspects of Sun Ra’s keyboard/drum wall style, Balinese gamelan trances, amazing new age synth beauty ala Harmonia et al, cut-up video game sonics, mantric vocal chants, deep pools of blissful tonefloat ala Popol Vuh… but alla the music has a pronounced reptilian/lizard quality with skittering beats and some of James’s most aggressive vocals giving way to actual attempts at lizard language, combing variously carved glottal phonetics, bursts of hissy breath and even hiccupping frog patterns slowed-down to specific gravities. There are more ideas in a single track here than in the careers of most ‘drone’ groups. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.



    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Gecko (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    Second limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Gecko is a staggering two disc set with titles that run through visions such as “Origins Of Geckopia”, “Head Tenticle” (sic), “Jumping Gecko Warrior” and “Spotted Mothership”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. The sounds are particular lizard-inflected with heavy vocals from James that are quite unlike any of his previous work, using atavistic regression to access visions of the reptile mind and combining obscure phonetic retorts with frog tones and pre-verbal hiccups in a way that erases most timid contemporary attempts at ‘sound poetry’. There are heavy tribal zones that feature massed vocals ascending to twin suns of tone through cultic flute/synth/hand drum ecstasy, heavy jungle exotica, gorgeous plateaus of brain stasis invaded by lucid drones, deep eternal music stylings... so much to take in here. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.



    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Flushpipe (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    Third limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Flushpipe is a staggering two disc set that features cover art showing the view down to the pyramids from a hovering UFO filled with cryogenically-preserved aliens and titles like “Skyhanger”, “Flush Stream Of Sting Ray Blue Grid” and “Anemone Motion”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. The sound is James’ most convincing amalgam of classic Skaters-styled vertical ritual with murky tape psych, ecstatic new age keyboard visions and post-Multitopia future/primitive 1980s computer game reverie. There are dense fields of bell tones that sound like John Coltrane’s Ascension broadcast via a shortwave radio at the bottom of a wind tunnel, gorgeous keyboard hymnals that hover over a bunch of simple, primal patterns ala Harmonia/Cluster and heavy vocals that are quite unlike any of his previous work, combining bursts of aggression with possessed reptile tongues and oracular insect voices. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.


    JONY --- ---
    Digitalis Limited presents... "Skull Bundle" a series of split tapes by Ajilvsga (Digitalis Limited, 2009)


    The procession was timed so that she would be left alone on the scaffold at the moment the morning star rose. When the morning star appeared, two men came from the east with flaming brands and touched her lightly in the arm pits and groins. Four other men then touched her with war clubs. The man who had captured her then ran forward with the bow from the Skull bundle and a sacred arrow and shot her through the heart while another man struck her on the head with the war club from the Morning Star bundle. The officiating priest then opened her breast with a flint knife and smeared his face with the blood while her captor caught the falling blood on dried meat. All the male members of the tribe then pressed forward and shot arrows into the body. They then circled the scaffold four times and dispersed.

    ZERO --- ---
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    Nějaké rozhovory jsem si s nimi přečetl. Osobně mám s tím jejich "světonázorem" problém. Chápu ale tvoje rozhodnutí sem politiku netahat, a tak se nechci pouštět do nějaký jalových sporů.
    JONY --- ---
    ADAMBERNAU: to se týká i druhého dema (btw v sestavě byl i Neige takže pozor na Alcest a Amesoeurs :-) ). Peste Noire sice nejsou ns nicméně když by si někdo angažovaný :-) přečetl rozhovory, tak asi nadšený nebude...

    Nicméně jak jsem psal při založení tohoto auditka. Politiku a kádrování sem tahat nehodlám.
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    JONY: Opravdu velice blízko: demo "Aryan Supremacy" (2001)
    JONY --- ---
    btw malkuth (bm projekt lidí z no-neck blues band) mají venku také nové album (zatím jen na vinylu, cd bude během pár týdnů). vydávájí opět hospital productions
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: jinak samozřejmě všichni uvědomělí hoši a dívky to nebudou ani stahovat neb peste noire mají velmi blízko k fašismu :-)
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: super! zrovna dneska jsem si říkal, že znovu opráším některé starší kousky, takže tohle přišlo jako na zavolanou.)
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: to album je naprosto skvělé
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: !!!
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: imho většina redakce je už nad věcí
    JONY --- ---
    ještě tracklist

    1. Nataša se pořád neprobudila
    2. Let netopýra
    1. Rituální nastavení mikrovlnky na tři minuty
    2. Ibalginea
    1. Tady je Krakonošovo
    2. Bechericism
    1. Tlačítko na dálkovém ovládání, které nevím, co znamená
    2. Měsíc v novu
    3. Měsíc znovu
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: lol - a poměrně mě překvapuje, že tihle black borci mají taky smysl pro humor.)
    JONY --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam