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    ztracené heslo?
    KOC256Opera - Fast and Sexy browser
    ADMIX --- ---
    ADMIX --- ---
    What do we say to the Opera upgrade?

    Not today, bitch!

    HADIAK --- ---
    We have rolled out the new version of Opera for Android. We fixed some bugs, tweaked some features, and added better ones!

    pridali lepsie bugy?
    WRONSKI --- ---
    OCTOPUSS: Díky.
    OCTOPUSS --- ---
    WRONSKI --- ---
    Můžete mi prosím někdo říct, abych to nemusel pročítat, zda je update na 12.16 bezpečný? (Rozuměj zda se ho už netýkají nějaká "vylepšení".)
    KOC256 --- ---
    no nyni nefunguje (mluvim o NEXT) seskupovani tabu, kam se otvirajhi nove taby, ... takze treba toto budou doprogramovavat...
    KOC256 --- ---
    paradox je ze nyni je OPERA NEXT ke stazeni ve starsi verzi nez ostra opera :)
    PISKVOR --- ---
    TROFOZOIT: Páč přece je to nový, takže lepší, neasi :-/
    HADIAK --- ---
    TROFOZOIT: asi sa ich to nikto neopytal? :)
    OCTOPUSS --- ---
    Tabbed browsing is distinctly Opera and as many of our users love this, we want to enrich it with new and better options.
    Dál jsem to nečetl, protože jsem se upřímně zděsil. Všichni víme, jak dopadá vylepšování něčeho co funguje :D
    TROFOZOIT --- ---
    HADIAK: Neopovídají na mou základní otázku.. Why on Earth would I wanted to used that insted of 12.15?
    HADIAK --- ---
    ZUZU --- ---
    KOC256: tak jsem tedko znova nainstaloval opera next, ale nesynchronizuje se to, resp. to jen ukazuje webovou stránku myopera a tam v barevným rámečku je napsáno:
    "Nebojte se – vaše záložky jsou v bezpečí!
    Pracujeme na zlepšení synchronizace a na její lepší integraci s naší další generací prohlížečů.
    Prozatím však použijte k přístupu ke svým záložkám a dalším datům toto webové rozhraní.
    Děkujeme za vaši přízeň."
    OCTOPUSS --- ---
    GHOSTSTALKER: downgrade :)
    GHOSTSTALKER --- ---
    Dpc, jak se v te Opere 15 dostanu do nejakeho pokrocileho nastaveni, ve kterem bych mohl nastavit, aby se mi nektere typy souboru rovnou otvirali (napr. torrenty), ne stahovaly?
    OCTOPUSS --- ---

    We are starting the summer season in a good mood today. While we are still working on the 12.16 version, which you should expect really soon, we have released the stable version of all-new Opera 15 for Windows and Mac. I'll get back to 12.x later in this post, but for now let me focus on the great new release we have today.

    In Opera 15, we've refreshed Speed Dial to allow you to group your entries in folders and to filter them easily. We have introduced the Discover feature, which brings you new content with just one click. Now, you can also add pages you want to keep to your Stash and create a visual list of any web content you want to compare or come back to later. Also, our combined address and search bar makes searching easy and straightforward. Last, but not least, is a great UI, completely new, built from the ground up and deeply integrated with the platform.

    Opera 15 is released, but it doesn’t mean we're relaxing now. With our new rapid-release cycle, we are already hard at work on the next versions. Right now, we are focusing on synchronization (aka Opera Link), enhanced tab management (visual tabs and so on) and support for themes – and these are just a few of the features you can expect to find soon in our next releases! So, stay tuned for some of the most loved features to return soon, better than ever.

    Together with the new Opera, we've introduced release streams:
    Opera (Stable) – Released every couple of weeks, this is the most solid version, ready for mission-critical daily use.
    Opera Next – Updated more frequently than Stable, this is the feature-complete candidate for the Stable version. While it should be ready for daily use, you can expect some bugs there.
    Opera Developer – A bleeding edge version, you can expect a lot of fancy stuff there; however, some nasty bugs might also appear from time to time.
    When you install Opera from a particular stream, your installation will stick to it, so Opera Stable will be always updated to Opera Stable, Opera Next to Opera Next and so on. You can choose for yourself which stream is the best for you. You can even follow a couple of them at the same time!

    We have neither asked nor forced our 12.x users to upgrade to Opera 15, as we know that some features that are important to you are still to come. So, while you are very welcome to test and use Opera 15, Opera 12.x will still be alive for some time. You can expect that we will keep Opera 12.x up to date and secure. In the future, once we are comfortable with the feature set, we may ask you to upgrade.

    So ... have a great summer and enjoy the product we are proud to release today! Download it now!

    1) Pořád je světlo na konci tunelu.
    2) Se už posrali úplně. Napřed FF, který zjevně chce mít verzi 100 ještě letos, a teď už i Opera. Lidi zřejmě zásadně používají ten prohlížeč, který má v daném měsíci nejvyšší číslo verze.
    KEVIN00 --- ---
    A už v stable verzi funguje aspoň import záložek a synch bookmarků ?
    OCTOPUSS --- ---
    Nejspíš ne. A možná je to dobře. Kdoví co by extra nefungovalo.
    Jdu stáhnout Thunderbird a podívat se, v jakým stavu je FF.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam