BLABOUS: to rozhodně ne. přečti si, jak je ta budova koncipovaná po stránce technické a uvidíš, že jak ty, tak Masák tlacháte blbosti. Studie HŠH přitom přímo navazuje na řešení jak Kapoora, tak Normana Fostera.
By literally lifting the given territory the existing nature can be combined with program. By “filleting” existing nature and lifting it to new heights an “in between” space can be created: in-between the scraped granite and the lifted nature.
It gives a working environment in which one is literally surrounded by nature: beside, around, in the midst, under and above the working positions. It approaches the utmost “natural” working environment.
THE EXISTING SURFACE OF THE HILL IS CHANGED MINIMALLY BY SCRAPING AWAY THE EXISTING PANT LAYER and leveling out in a modest terraced way the given terrain. It avoids expensive leveling and digging. It turns the hall into a sawah-like office landscape. These terraces combine intimacy with overview, privacy with corporate identity. By injecting these terraces with data, electricity, heat and air it can accommodate any office layout.
The manipulation of the roof can cause diversification, separation or unity, depending on the wishes of the client. This undulation allows for the positioning of the three communal elements of the program. A twin peak hill appears. one peak can be the position for the restaurant. The (walkable) glass roof gives a panoramic view over the surrounding. The shallowness of the roof allows for public access on the roof. The restaurant has direct and surrounds access to the forest that turns into a picnic yard. The other peak houses the conference center. The glass peak makes a superb view over the city possible. The steepness of the roof withholds hikers from trespassing this part of the hill thus allowing for sufficient privacy of the conference spaces.