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    ztracené heslo?
    MESKPeak Oil - zlom ropy
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR: souhlasím, že s těmahle ekotechnologickýma trendama se musí zacházet opatrně.

    skoro si myslím, že by se měly veličiny jako energetická hustota, výkonová hustota a případně odvozené fyzikální koncepce jako EROEI vyučovat v rámci středoškolské fyziky.

    nevím, co se tam učí teď, ale faktem je, že studentům dnes můžou být ukradené např. principy fungování tepelných motorů (parní stroj, výbušný motor, vznětový motor, apod.) a jejich pV diagramy (to je popravdě asi tak ještě nejsložitější, co si ze středoškolské fyziky pamatuju). ale naopak pochopit koncept EROEI by mohlo být ve 21.století klíčem k přežití celých komunit.
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    YOU ARE HERE: The Oil Journey (Narrated by Peter Coyote) - YouTube
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The point that has to be grasped just now, it seems to me, is that this is what peak oil looks like. Get past the fantasies of sudden collapse on the one hand, and the fantasies of limitless progress on the other, and what you get is what we’re getting—a long ragged slope of rising energy prices, economic contraction, and political failure, punctuated with a crisis here, a local or regional catastrophe there, a war somewhere else—all against a backdrop of disintegrating infrastructure, declining living standards, decreasing access to health care and similar services, and the like, which of course has been happening here in the United States for some years already. A detached observer with an Olympian view of the country would be able to watch things unravel, as such an observer could have done up to now, but none of us have been or will be detached observers; at each point on the downward trajectory, those of us who still have jobs will be struggling to hang onto them, those who have lost their jobs will be struggling to stay fed and clothed and housed, and those crises and catastrophes and wars, not to mention the human cost of the broader background of decline, will throw enough smoke in the air to make a clear view of the situation uncommonly difficult to obtain.

    What Peak Oil Looks Like | Energy Bulletin
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    TB: Will American collapse delay European collapse or accelerate it?

    DO: There are many uncertainties to how events might unfold, but Europe is at least twice as able to weather the next, predicted oil shock as the United States. Once petroleum demand in the US collapses following a hard crash, Europe will for a time, perhaps for as long as a decade, have the petroleum resources it needs, before resource depletion catches up with demand.

    The relative proximity to Eurasia's large natural gas reserves should also prove to be a major safeguard against disruption, in spite of toxic pipeline politics. The predicted sudden demise of the US dollar will no doubt be economically disruptive, but in the slightly longer term the collapse of the dollar system will stop the hemorrhaging of the world's savings into American risky debt and unaffordable consumption. This should boost the fortunes of Eurozone countries and also give some breathing space to the world's poorer countries.

    A conversation with Dmitry Orlov about Europe | Energy Bulletin
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Biopaliva - paliva za jídlo? | Články | Glopolis
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    BORDIGA --- ---
    Írán varuje před ropným embargem: Ceny by se mohly dostat na dvojnásobek | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Konečně post-peak oil řešení na naší chatu (uvažoval jsem i o pronájmu menšího stáda ovcí, ale to neřešeí otázku záhonků - okrasných nebo zeleninových) !
    EMDEE --- ---
    The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) - YouTube

    jednoduchá argumentace, přehledně shrnuté závěry.
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Tom Murphy: The Fossil Fuel Joyride Is Over - YouTube

    FORA.tv - Growth Has an Expiration Date
    BORDIGA --- ---
    IEA: Drahá ropa ohrožuje růst globální ekonomiky - FinančníNoviny.cz
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    MESK --- ---
    Globální těžba stoupla v říjnu na 89.3 mb/d.
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Biggest Find in Decades Becomes $39 Billion Cautionary Tale - Bloomberg
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BIDAK --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR: Zadny bombardovani nebude. Barak je jedinej kdo vvyskakuje jak certik ze skatulky. Bohuzel teda. Izrael si to nemuze dovolit.
    Cili to co uvidime bude sblizeni arabasu s Izraelem, protoze pro araby je jadernej Iran pekna vostina v zadku. Koneckoncu uz pred par mesici Saudove zadali Izrael at tam vlitne.
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BIDAK: Ale aby to nebylo tak jasné:

    "The release of the IAEA’s latest report on Iran’s alleged effort to build nuclear weapons has set off a new wave of charges, counter-charges and threats and counter threats. Israel is taking the lead by threatening to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. The US and EU are calling for harsher sanctions until Tehran fesses up as to just what it is doing. Russia and China are saying there is nothing new in the report and that Israel and the West are only making matters worse by threatening the Iranians. In the meantime, Tehran is denying everything and is threatening dire retaliation should anyone attack them.

    To make matters worse, commentators already are talking about $200 oil if the situation deteriorates and some are talking about $300 or even $500 oil if the Straits of Hormuz and its 16 million b/d of crude shipments are ever closed."

    Peak oil notes - November 10 | Energy Bulletin
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BIDAK: Jo, velká volatilita. A pak růst, dost možná i strmý.
    BIDAK --- ---
    Jojo, mě šlo o takový ten smysluplný horizont - do 3 let.
    BIDAK --- ---
    MESK: Špatně. Recese v Evropě - pokud se prohloubí - stahne do recese i USA a překvapivě - i Čínu. Tady v USA se toho teď hodně bojej. A že se Evropská krize prohloubí, že jsme teprve na začátku, je myslím mimo debatu. Takže... já čekám ceny které budou stagnovat a pak pád. V dlouhodobém horizontu ale cena ropy opravdu poroste.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam