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    ztracené heslo?
    MESKPeak Oil - zlom ropy
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: funny co ?? a co takle zvysit domaci tezbu kterou obama zatrhl?? co takle zvysit dovoz levneho oleje z kanady ktery obama zatrhl ??? proc asi ???
    pac Soros ma velke investice v Brazilii na ethanol.. a jeden z Soros investoru je hadej kdo ??? :)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Pain At The Pump: Gov. Brown Orders Increase in State Gas Supply - ktla.com
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The Oil Drum | Comments on Maugeri's Oil Revolution - Part I
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The Oil Drum | The Cold Facts About a Hot Commodity: LNG
    KUKIDE --- ---
    October 4th, 2012 at 9:24 am ET

    View the Coast Guard’s incident report on the matter here http://www.nrc.uscg.mil/reports/rwservlet?standard_web+inc_seq=1024626

    Title: Coast Guard investigating oil sheen at BP Deepwater Horizon disaster site
    Source: Times-Picayune
    Author: Mark Schleifstein
    Date: October 03, 2012

    The U.S. Coast Guard is investigating an oily sheen spotted in the Gulf of Mexico last month near the site of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill 40 miles south of the Mississippi River, a spokesman said Wednesday. [...]

    The Coast Guard’s National Response Center was first notified of the sheen on Sept. 16 in a report that said it was spotted on satellite imagery, and had not been visually confirmed. [...]

    The sheen was later reported on a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration web site tracking environmental incidents nationwide. [...]

    The report also said BP was sending a vessel equipped with a remotely-operated underwater vehicle to the area to investigate the potential source of oil.


    Title: Breaking news: New oil sheen near site of Deepwater Horizon disaster
    Source: Stuart H. Smith
    Date: Oct 3 2012

    Experts had predicted such oil leaks would likely take place after the Deepwater Horizon rig was capped. That’s because the blocked oil continues to seek a path to the surface, and that could create fissures or cracks in the sea floor for the hydrocarbons to escape. This situation is exactly what we’d warned about in 2010 — that the rig diaster, caused by BP’s reckless and foolish actions, would continue to wreak havoc on the Gulf environment for years to come.


    Title: In the tank? Feds scrub incident report about Gulf spill near BP rig
    Source: Stuart H. Smith
    Date: Oct 4 2012

    Here’s what the initial report from NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration said:

    This hotline is being started for new reports of sheen of unknown origin in and near lease block Mississippi Canyon 252. This incident is likely related to reports in August 2011 (See incident #8345, Aug2011). Although the source of these sheens may be the wrecked BP Macondo Well, this relationship has not been established at this time. Activities include daily overflights sponsored by BP, with USCG or NOAA observers on board intermitently. BP is sending a vessel to the area with an ROV to investigate the potential source.

    However, that report is no longer on the web site as of last night. Instead, this is what visitors see instead:

    Incident #8510 does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have permission to view it.


    Oil reported at BP’s Macondo Well in Gulf could be coming from “fissures or cracks in sea floor” — NOAA covering up?
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Škoda Citigo už zvládne jezdit i na zemní plyn - Auto - Aktuálně.cz
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    There seems to be the Red Queen on her way, olala.


    The Oil Drum | Is Shale Oil Production from Bakken Headed for a Run with “The Red Queen”?

    U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently published (recently as in a few days ago) the report: “Variability of Distributions of Well-Scale Estimated Ultimate Recovery for Continuous (Unconventional) Oil and Gas Resources in the United States”. USGS has revised their estimates for many U.S. shale plays (oil and natural gas) and their recent estimates ought to have a sobering effect.

    For production (extraction) of shale oil in the Eagle Ford formation in Texas the study:”Eagle Ford Shale - An Early Look at Ultimate Recovery” (SPE 158207; SPE, Society for Petroleum Engineers) documented a trend of declining well productivity.

    ROCKMAN is an experienced geologist and as close you get to an inexorable fountainhead for oil and gas field experiences on The Oil Drum.
    ROCKMAN applied the same methodology as I did for Bakken on data from Texas Rail Road Commission (TRCC) for shale/tight oil in Eagle Ford and documented the same trend.

    Does it appear as if shale oil production from Bakken is headed for a run with “the Red Queen”?
    MESK --- ---
    Total: Těžba ropy v Arktidě je příliš nebezpečná - Patria.cz
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The energy endgame - with Mario Molina and Robert Laughlin - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    ITCHY: jak to, že ne? octávka má stejné emise jako škoda 120?
    ITCHY --- ---
    MESK: no tak naftova auta rozhodne ekologictejsi nejsou
    to na okraj
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    MESK: Tak ta tabulka je dost neúplná. Hovoří jen o nových aut, ne o celkovém počtu aut (a jiných dopravních prostředků) ani či průměrném počtu najetých km per capita. Jinak PIIGS mají v energetickém mixu většinou víc jak 50% ropy (což bych řekl, že je jednak dáno tím, že v zimě tolik nekúrí a že členitost pobřeží též činí své).
    MESK --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR: ono je trochu nefer, ze strkaj do jednoho pytle auta na naftu a benzin. napr. serverni staty EU pouzivaj prevazne benzinovy auta kvuli lepsimu startovani v zime, chudy staty je zas preferujou kvuli nakupni cene a proto maj vyssi CO2, ale nejsem zrovna presvedcen o lepsim stavu ozvdusi na jihu evropy (kontrola emisi na STK podobna jako u nas) , kde vyrazne prevazujou naftovy auta. navic prechod na naftu na severu evropy mozna tabulkove snizi CO2, ale kourivost situaci spis zhorsi...
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---

    European transport sector must be ambitious to meet targets — European Environment Agency (EEA)
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    ABC Classic FM - Midday - Richard Heinberg explains peak oil

    Peak oil and the threat to growth - The Business - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---

    SouthOil chce v Čechách hledat ložiska ropy a zemního plynu - Petrol.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Led roztál, Shell začíná hledat ropu u Aljašky - Aktuálně.cz
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Oil prices push higher as Fed stimulus supports| Reuters
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
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