prosimvas, nenapada nekoho, v cem by mohla byt chyba? Ve Flashtoolu se mi nezobrazuje zadna volba vyberu "device"
postupuju podle tohoto navodu, takze klasika (pres Xperifirm sem stahnul tmobile romku cz, nainstaloval pres "Driver signing enforcement disabled" Flashtool, nainstaloval ovladace, Flashtool mi krasne ukazuje ovladace, ale proste nemuzu zaboha najit nic v seznamu Device viz navod sekce: "The bottom “folder list” of the Bundler should now include all of the firmware files. Now double-click in the “Device” space to input the Xperia smartphone or tablet that you want to flash."
zkousim vsechno mozny a nevim si s tim rady. A bez toho to ten tft soubor neudela.
Guide to installing Xperia Lollipop using XperiFirm and Flashtool | Xperia Blog![](/files/000/016/1661944_940cb5d2ebbddc235ab8/original.jpg)