Aerial images of Hamburg : The "Binnen Alster", a lake in the middle of the city, was camouflaged to try to get Bombers to drop bombs on it by dragging a painted tarp over the small lake to make it look like city, and draping a fake bridge over the large lake to mimic the actual bridge. The whole of the Binnen Alster-the innermost of the two lakes in the heart of Hamburg-has been camouflaged by means of hugo floating rafts to represent a built-up area with a lay-out of street blocks, roads and canal running through. A replica of the Lombards Brucke Bridge, the vital road and rail connection between the Binnen Alster and the Aussen Alster, has been constructed about 600 yards north of the original bridge. This bridge is a link between the two Hamburg marshalling yards. The photograph on the left shows the Binnen Alster area before camouflage and on the right the same area covered with camouflage to represent a built-up area. It also shows the main Hamburg station with light toned "roads" painted across the top of it, the railway lines treated similarly and the camouflaged bridge.