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    ztracené heslo?
    NACITALKA --- ---
    Stejná fotka, tisk před a po použití správného nastavení a ICC profilů. Drahá legrace spustit tisk jen tak 🥹

    JOKERKA --- ---
    "A beautiful photo taken by the photographer has become a classic that has been circulated for decades. A Hungarian photographer, Attila Manek, accidentally caught a mother choosing to buy fruits and vegetables in a market in Budapest, Hungary in 1987, carrying a small baby in a transparent plastic bag, and the baby gnawing at an apple.
    In the photo, the mother with short hair was profiled, and she looked elegant and looked like Princess Diana of England, which amazed many people. However, what was even more eye-catching was that she went to the vegetable market and carried her baby in a large plastic bag. The muscular lines of the tendons and the images full of disharmony have made this photo widely reposted by netizens for many years.
    33 years after that photo, photographer Attila Manek once again found the pair of Hungarian mother & daughter. At that time, the baby in the plastic bag had grown up to become a light mature woman in her 30s. The photographer and the pair of mother & daughter once again returned to the Budapest market, to recreate the scene in a funny way.
    The daughter happily held the photo taken by Attila Manek earlier and posed for another photo after 33 years. Attila Manek shared this latest photo of the Budapest mother and daughter in early 2020, and it quickly evoked many comments from netizens: "Too touched! That little baby grew up healthy and healthy back then" and "The mother after more than 30 years is still elegant and beautiful. ", "I really like this pair of mother and daughter, I feel that their relationship is very good", "Mom really looks like Princess Diana, and still exudes an extraordinary temperament."
    A momentary shutter connected stories 33 years apart, leaving eternal images and memories. This is the combination of warm humanism and cold technology."

    CDR --- ---
    FILTHY_SAD_EMO: škoda, že neděláš crossfit
    ERRTU --- ---
    SITH: tyjo! sogunovi nidjove? to je on??? wooow!
    ERVIN --- ---
    MATEEJ: Až budu na kompu... a pak je možná smažu...
    MATEEJ --- ---
    ERVIN: A to sem nedáš fotky?!
    ERVIN --- ---
    Já měl 150 kilo a už mám jen sto.
    FILTHY_SAD_EMO --- ---
    Já jsem vlasy měl a už je nemám. A taky jsem vegan.
    GRANTORINO --- ---
    ELIZHANNAH: tenhle typ vlasů má můj muž. Krátký je to rovný skoro. Když to naroste, tak se to vlní jak ze salonu. Když je to moc dlouhé, začne to divočit. A dlouhé to jde do afra. Typ vlasů prostě.
    ARAON --- ---
    MART1NKA: Moje zena je bud kudrnata, nebo ma rovne vlasy podle toho, jake je zrovna vlhko.
    MART1NKA --- ---
    ELIZHANNAH: Ked ostrihas vlnito-kudrnate vlasy nakratko a po umyti ich priplacnes k hlave, tak budu vyzerat rovne. Tata ma to same a ked ho mama ostriha, tak to chvilu vyzera ako rovne vlasy, az v dlzke sa to zvlni potom.
    HAJOUNEK --- ---
    ELIZHANNAH: Já jako děcko měla vlasy rovný jak hřebíky a během puberty mi narostlo kudrnatý afro. Na tom není nic neobvyklýho. Hormony řídí funkce celýho organismu.
    MALATI --- ---
    CAMELLA --- ---
    ELIZHANNAH: nevím, jak to je u Rowana, ale můj otec měl taky velmi kudrnaté vlasy v mládí a nyní jeho vlasy vypadají téměř stejně.
    ZCR --- ---
    ELIZHANNAH: patrně objev léku na anaserpentní spinózu (1974)
    ELIZHANNAH --- ---
    87HIGHFLYER: Dívám se na ty fotky a nejde mi do hlavy, jak se mu z těch kudrnatých vlasů staly potom naprosto rovné.
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    87HIGHFLYER: Tyvole jsem chvilku myslel, že je to mladej Vondra...
    87HIGHFLYER --- ---
    HAR4NT --- ---
    NJAL: a me se hned zdalo divny, ze by prezili zrovna ty v prvni rade uprostred
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam