Ve vedlejsim klubu (viz nize) jsem si vsimnul odkazu na veganskou kucharku
Simply heavenly. Zajimave je, ze ji sepsali nejaci ortodoxni mnisi, ovsem ne ledajaci. Jde o jakousi skupinku lidi, kteri si rikaji "gnostic orthodox", nejake info. např.
tuhle. Jeste jsem nestahnul tu kucharku, tak nevim jake jsou recepty, particka je to zrejme ovsem povedena:
On another occasion, after I had learned their secrets and forbade my parishioners to have anything to do with them, Abbot George announced during one of his sermons that he, in a previous life, had been one of the Christian Martyrs who suffered under Diocletian, and I (Fr. Anthony) was the Roman who led him to his martyrdom. He also claims that, during a pilgrimage to visit Mother Anandamoy in India, he was killed in a car accident in New Delhi, but because his "work" here was incomplete, was immediately reincarnated in his body and survived.
Linkuju pro ty recepty (na amazonu sama chvala) a jako kuriozitu jak taky vypada "pravoslavi" v USA.
[ Varime s LASKOU - vegetariansky jime, pijem, hodujem... Ale hlavne varime NO MASO ]
[ Varime s LASKOU - vegetariansky jime, pijem, hodujem... Ale hlavne varime NO MASO ]