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    OKBOY --- ---
    The Six Enneads
    By Plotinus
    Written 250 A.C.E.

    OKBOY --- ---
    When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected.

    - Nisargadatta Maharaj
    OKBOY --- ---
    Ishvara is the Supreme Cosmic Spirit who maintains complete control over the Universe and all the sentient beings, which together also form the pan-organistic body of Ishvara. The triad of Ishvara along with the universe and the sentient beings is Brahman, which signifies the completeness of existence. Ishvara is Para Brahman endowed with innumerable auspicious qualities (Kalyana Gunas). Ishvara is perfect, omniscient, omnipresent, incorporeal,[4] independent, creator of the world, its active ruler and also the eventual destroyer. He is causeless, eternal and unchangeable — and is yet the material and the efficient cause of the world. He is both immanent (like whiteness in milk) and transcendent (like a watch-maker independent of a watch). He is the subject of worship. He is the basis of morality and giver of the fruits of one's Karma. He rules the world with His Māyā — His divine power.

    ParaBrahman (Sanskrit) [from para beyond + Brahman (neuter) universal self or spirit] - That which is beyond Brahman. The self-enduring, eternal, self-sufficient cause of all causes, the essence of everything in the cosmos. In the Vedic style of writing, ParaBrahman is referred to as tat (that) as opposed to the manifest universe called idam (this). ParaBrahman means Supreme Brahman, or Supreme Cosmic Spirit, or Godhead. Although an ineffable entity, it could be said to be that which contains and pervades the universe. ParaBrahman, from beyond, encompasses the transcendent and immanent ultimate reality, Brahman. The Absolute Truth is both subject and object, so there is no qualitative difference. Terms like Parameshvara, Ishvara, Bhagavan, Brahman, Paramatma are held to be synonymous with ParaBrahman.
    OKBOY --- ---
    OKBOY --- ---
    Works of Sankaracharya, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu Sacred Scriptures


    Adi Sankaracharya's
    Translated by Swami Madhavananda
    Published by Advaita Ashram, Kolkatta




    Kasmirsky sivaismus



    Kena upanishad




    He by whom Brahman is not known, knows It; he by whom It is known, knows It not. It is not known by those who know It; It is known by those who do not know It.


    Brahman is known when It is realised in every state of mind; for by such Knowledge one attains Immortality. By Atman one obtains strength; by Knowledge, Immortality


    If a man knows Atman here, he then attains the true goal of life. If he does not know It here, a great destruction awaits him. Having realised the Self in every being, the wise relinquish the world and become: immortal

    OKBOY --- ---
    OKBOY --- ---
    When a human being works with dimethyltryptamine
    they'll find themselves soaring through a rapid information download at light speed.
    you will meet entities that will guide you through these other dimensions.
    I've seen structures grown from seeds, that just grow and evolve so rapidly.
    the most complicated and intriquit yantras in the universe, sizzling before my eye with perfect crystalline precision.

    The experience is more real than sitting here at this desk.

    Only those that have traveled can truly understand.

    If there's music, you will see it morphing perfectly.
    Thus the shaman sings.

    Everyone thinks that aliens are going to come down from the sky,
    but they are so much more advanced than that.
    Slipping through wormholes, in another dimension.

    In my opinion, this endogenous neurotransmitter is by far one of the most fascinating things on this planet.

    While people kill each other on a daily basis
    over money, oil . .

    Those people don't want us to know about this.
    We are all in possession of a schedule 1 substance.

    What a joke . .

    When we die
    our DNA will be uploaded into the server of man. You bet there's a cocktail of tryptamines waiting for you, to show the ones who never saw the light on Earth the truth.

    We are not alone.

    Every seer is a window,
    there is no privacy here.

    I've interviewed many people who've gone to peru for shamanic healing who have moved their consciousness involuntarily into the body of a bird.
    They were able to see things that they later confirmed as true.
    For instance,
    being able to see the scales on fish in the river from high up,
    or one man flew to his apartment in NYC, where his friends were house sitting for him. He noticed his furniture had been rearranged. Upon arrival back home, sure enough, it had been.
    Another one of my friends went walking after an ayahuasca ceremony
    and his consciousness randomly jumped into a birds
    and he saw some people in a hammock a couple blocks away
    who he then went and talked to . .

    There truly is magic happening, here.

    I wish the scientific community would embrace this phenomenon.

    Thank god for the cottonwood research foundation, and all the curenderos.

    OKBOY --- ---
    The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies

    ~ Thomas McEvilley


    Ch. 1. Diffusion Channels in the Pre-Alexandrian Period
    Ch. 2. The Problem of the One and the Many
    Ch. 3. The Cosmic Cycle
    Ch. 4. The Doctrine of Reincarnation
    Ch. 5. Platonic Monism and Indian Thought
    Ch. 6. Platonic Ethics and Indian Yoga
    Ch. 7. Plato, Orphics, and Jains [Jainism = Jyainaa kyo, Jinakyo]
    Ch. 8. Plato and Kundalini
    Ch. 9. Cynics and Pasupatas
    Ch. 10. Five Questions Concerning the Ancient Near East
    Ch. 11. The Elements
    Ch. 12. Early Pluralisms in Greece and India
    Ch. 13. Skepticism, Empiricism, and Naturalism
    Ch. 14. Diffusion Channels in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
    Ch. 15. Dialectic before Alexander
    Ch. 16. Early Greek Philosophy and Madhyamika [Madhyamika = Chuganha]
    Ch. 17. Pyrrhonism and Madhyamika [Pyrrhonism >> Scepticism]
    Ch. 18. The Path of the Dialectic [Nagarjuna = Ryuju]
    Ch. 19. The Syllogism
    Ch. 20. Peripatetics and Vaisesikas [Vaisesika = Vuaishieeshika gakuha]
    Ch. 21. The Stoics and Indian Thought
    Ch. 22. Neoplatonism and the Upanisadic-Vedantic Tradition
    Ch. 23. Plotinus and Vijnanavada Buddhism [Vijnanavada. See Yuishiki, Hosso]
    Ch. 24. Neoplatonism and Tantra [Tantra. See Mikkyo.]
    Ch. 25. The Ethics of Imperturbability
    Concluding Remarks. Then 5 appendices on the Aryans, the Aryan invasion,
    Black Athena and Western Xenophobia, the Golden Thigh, Philosophy and Grammar, followed by a List of Works Cited, and a 29-page Index.
    OKBOY --- ---
    The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature
    OKBOY --- ---
    Advaita and Neoplatonism
    A Critical Study in Comparative Philosophy
    J.F. Staal

    OKBOY --- ---
    neni to alegorie.. Buh je entita, buh
    OKBOY --- ---
    OKBOY: v sutre je i "Satan".. Mara.. to je entita, ne princip, Mara je buh v kama-loce
    OKBOY --- ---
    Upozornuji na sutru Stredni sbirky ktera se nazyva Brahmova vyzva. Brahma je ekvivalent Boha Stvoritele..

    zkuste zamyslet nad tim jake ma implikace to co rika Tathagata ( kurzivou)..

    to neni jen priznani existence Boha Stvoritele ke kteremu se cely tento vesmir vztahuje.. to je prakticky krestansky Buh, Hospodin nebo Allah.. jednou z tech implikaci je treba nebeske kralovstvi nebo Soud..

    Tathagata jde za Boha... prirovnani k hadovi je na miste..


    Brahma rika Tathagatovi (to je Buddha):

    Po těchto slovech, mniši, mne Baka Brahmá takto oslovil: "Já, pane, říkám o stálém, že je to stálé, o trvalém, že je to trvalé, o věčném, že je to věčné, o úplném, že je to úplné, o tom, co nepodléhá zmizení, že to nepodléhá zmizení, o tom, co se ani nerodí, ani nestárne, ani neumírá, ani nemizí, ani znovu nevyvstává, že se to ani nerodí, ani nestárne, ani neumírá, ani nemizí, ani znovu nevyvstává, a když není nad to žádný vyšší únik, tak říkám, že není nad to žádný vyšší únik. Před tebou, mnichu, byli ve světě asketi a bráhmani, jejichž kajícné praktiky trvaly stejně dlouho jako celý tvůj život. Ti by věděli, kdyby tu byl nějaký vyšší únik, že zde j nějaký vyšší únik, a když tu není žádný vyšší únik, že zde není žádný vyšší únik. Proto ti, mnichu, říkám: Nikdy neuvidíš žádný vyšší únik, a sklidíš pouze únavu a roztrpčení. Budeš-li se vázat k zemi... vodě... žáru... větru... bytostem... bohům... Padžápatimu... Brahmovi, budeš v mé blízkosti, v poli mé působnosti, budeš mi vydán a podroben."


    "Já také vím, Brahmo, že budu-li se vázat (adždžhosissámi) k zemi (pathavim)... vodě (ápam)... žáru (tedžam)... větru (vájam)... bytostem (bhúte)... bohům (déve)... Padžápatimu... Brahmovi, budu v tvé blízkosti, v poli tvé působnosti, budu ti vydán a podroben. Znám také tvůj dosah a tvůj lesk: Baka Brahmá má takovou moc, takovou velikost, takový vliv."


    "A do jaké míry, pane, znáš můj dosah a můj lesk: Baka Brahmá má takovou moc, takovou velikost, takový vliv?"


    "Kam až měsíc a slunce na své dráze zabíhají
    a svou září přitom zalévají všechny směry:
    nad tímto tisícerým světem
    ty vykonáváš svou vládu.
    A tam znáš vysoké i nízké,
    bytosti s vášní i ty bez vášně,
    takový i onaký stav bytí,
    příchod a odchod bytostí.
    Takto, Brahmo, znám tvůj dosah a tvůj lesk: Baka Brahmá má takovou moc, takovou velikost, takový vliv.
    OKBOY --- ---
    OKBOY --- ---
    " Jak to mam pochopit ? Nechapej to. Co zustava, kde uz neni pochopeni, je Ja. "

    - Pancadansi
    OKBOY --- ---
    The Apostolic Fathers with Justin
    Martyr and Irenaeus


    1080 pages

    Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    OKBOY --- ---
    " Zazen je velka cesta, velka stezka. Je to zniceni nazoru, existence a neexistence, zivota, smrti, je to zniceni viry ve vecnost, v zanik. Je to nedualita. To, cemu nas uci zazen, je prava povaha vsech veci. Zazen odtina vsechny nase pochyby. Musime cvicit s velkou radosti. Toto cviceni je hluboke a tajemne, nikdo ho nemuze zmerit. Svetlo zazenu je jako jas slunce. Toto cviceni je nekonecne. "

    - Mistr Debailly

    "Zazen je nejhlubší odpověď na všechny otázky, které si člověk může položit.“

    - Rev. Debailly
    OKBOY --- ---
    Nikde neni nic praveho,
    prave se nikde nenajde.
    Pravis-li, ze vidis prave,
    neni tve videni prave.
    Je-li prave ponechano samo sobe,
    neni v nem nic nepraveho, nebot je to
    sama Mysl.

    Kdyz sama Mysl neni osvobozena od klamu,
    neni nic praveho, nikde se prave nenajde.

    - Hui Neng

    "Vsechno je prave i klamne. Vsechno je prave a falesne zaroven. Takova je prava povaha vsech veci. Zazen je opustit sve osobni nazory, aniz bychom prijali jine. Toto cviceni se neda prozkoumat. Nedava nicemu vznik a nic nenici. Bez duality."

    - Reverend Debailly

    "Ve skutecnosti Buddha nikdy nekazal "o pravde",
    nebot tu kazdy musi uskutecnit v sobe."

    - Sutralamkara ?

    "Cim dale cestujeme,tim mene vime." - Laoc :)

    " Co je podstatou nauky buddhismu?"
    "Neporozumis ji, dokud ji nebudes ovladat."

    - Shsih tou
    OKBOY --- ---
    "Suchoparne a neplodne spekulovani muze rozestriti zahyby odevu Pravdy, nemuze vsak odhalit jeji krasnou tvar."

    - John Smith, Platonik
    OKBOY --- ---
    Zazen je nejlepsi zpusob ja to realizovat..

    "Zazen znamena najit prave pohodli naseho zivota" - Mistr :)
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