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    ztracené heslo?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Tohle je nejhlubší nauka, esence vysvobození mysli - pak už si dokáži představit jen Atiyogu/Dzogchen nejvyšší stupeň, vysokou úroveň mahámudry apod., což jenom ukazuje na fakt proudu vědomí a jeho kvality, a jak je důležité si hlídat mysl se vším všudy (myšlení, záměr/motivaci (to je kritické), emoce, vědomí a energii- např. sex,drogy) a jednání tělem a řečí.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    To co jsme jako člověk - to je proud energie vědomí/santana/mindstream = to je "mysl" v buddhisteckém kontextu. To jak žijeme, to jak jednáme (karma), jak zacházíme s tělem, řečí a vědomím (myslí, myšlenkami) to formuje naši energii, náš proud vědomí.

    Proto je tak důležité si hlídat mysl, myšlení, záměr/motivaci (to je kritické), emoce, vědomí a energii (sex, drogy).

    Tohle je kvalitní výklad na dané téma:

    When life ceases the kammic energy re-materializes itself in another form.

    Buddhism in a Nutshell - Anatta
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    To co jsme jako člověk - to je proud energie vědomí/santana/mindstream = to je "mysl" v buddhisteckém kontextu. To jak žijeme, to jak jednáme (karma), jak zacházíme s tělem, řečí a vědomím (myslí, myšlenkami) to formuje naši energii, náš proud vědomí.

    Proto je tak důležité si hlídat mysl, ,myšlení, emoce, vědomí.

    Tohle je kvalitní výklad na dané téma:

    When life ceases the kammic energy re-materializes itself in another form.

    Buddhism in a Nutshell - Anatta
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Dzogchen teachings at Namgyalgar retreat - YouTube
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Karmická odplata za dobro i zlo se objevuje ve třech různých časových obdobích: (1) odplata zakoušená v tomto přítomném životě, (2) odplata zakoušená v životě, který následuje po tomto, (3) odplata zakoušená v dalších životech. Tento fakt by měl být při praktikování cesty studován a pochopen jako první. Jinak se budou mnozí z vás dopouštět chyb a držet se mylných názorů. A nejen to, upadnete do špatných světů a podstoupíte dlouhé období utrpení.

    Pochopte, že v tomto životě máte jen jeden život, ne dva nebo tři. Jak politováníhodné je, když - setrvávaje bezvýsledně na špatných názorech - zbytečně činíte zlo v domnění, že neděláte špatné věci, když je ve skutečnosti děláte. Nemůžete se vyhnout karmické odplatě za své špatné činy, i když chybně předpokládáte, že nerozeznáváte-li její existenci, nejste jí podřízeni.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    I am the owner of my karma .
    I inherit my karma.
    I am born of my karma.
    I am related to my karma.
    I live supported by my karma.
    Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit.

    The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya V.57 - Upajjhatthana Sutta
    OGMIOS --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO: drzis se zuby nechty svy pravdy vid. pust se..odraz se od brehu ty reky kamo do nejvetsiho proudu a plav.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Buddhist Dictionaries and Glossaries
    OGMIOS --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO: and every thought is a direction. as soon as you have direction mate, you are the creator.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    When the mind dwells on nothing, true mind appears. » Diamond Sutra
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Heart Sutra Sanskrit (with Lyric) - YouTube
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    When the mind dwells on nothing, true mind appears. » Diamond Sutra
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Consciousness is like space, unchanging and timeless, while its objects are conditioned. Both the outer world and beings’ inner states appear, change, and disappear. Only the experiencer is timeless, limitless, and everywhere.

    Lama Ole Nydahl - Introduction to Mahamudra | Diamond Way Buddhism UK Blog
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Supreme Source: The Kunjed Gyalpo
    By: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

    Supreme Source: The Fundamental Tantra of the Dzogchen Semde Chogyal Namkhai Norbu and Adriano Clemente

    The Fundamental Tantra of Dzogchen Semde Kunjed Gyalpo
    Dzogchen practice aims at reawakening the individual to the primordial state of enlightenment which is naturally found in all beings. The master introduces the student to his or her real nature, already perfected and enlightened, but it is only by recognizing this nature and remaining in this state of recognition in all daily activities that the student becomes a real Dzogchen practitioner. the direct path of self-liberation is very different from the other Buddhist paths of renunciation, peculiar to the sutras, and transformation, peculiar to the tantras. The Dzogchen practitioner is aware of the absolute clarity and purity of his or her own mind and, without trying to modify what is already perfect in itself, without striving to obtain from somewhere else the state of realization, remains always in the real nature of existence, the the supreme source of all phenomena. "Those who try to meditate and to realize this condition through effort are like a blind man chasing the sky."

    Here the Dzogchen teaching is presented through one of its most ancient texts, the tantra Kunjed Gyalpo, or "The All-Creating King," a personification of the primordial state of enlightenment. This tantra is the fundamental scripture of the Semde, or "Nature of Mind," tradition of Dzogchen and is the most authoritative source for understanding the Dzogchen view. In the first part we find a detailed introduction to the historical origins, the lineages of transmission, and the basic principles of Dzogchen, particularly the Semde tradition. The second part includes an oral commentary by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu which gives insight into the depths of these teachings from a practical point of view. In the third part, Adriano Clemente translates the main sections of the original tantra.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Dzogčhen - stránky Komunity dzogčhenu v ČR
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Heart Sutra Sanskrit (with Lyric) - YouTube
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Přejdu k závěrům: pro indické myšlení je mysticky vnímané světlo příznakem transcendence
    tohoto všedního, podmíněného světa a výstupem na jinou úroveň existence: na úroveň čistého
    bytí, boha, nejvyššího poznání a absolutní svobody. Je to v pravém slova smyslu znamení zjevení
    konečné reality – a ta je bez jakýchkoli přívlastků. Proto ji lze zažít jako oslňující bílé světlo, do
    něhož člověk vstupuje oslepen a ve kterém se nakonec rozplývá a nezanechává stopy; neboť tyto
    stopy jsou spojeny s osobní historií jedince, tedy s pamětí o pomíjivých a vpodstatě
    neskutečných událostech – s prvky, které nemají nic společného s bytím. Ten, kdo se setkává s
    tímto světlem a ztotožní se s ním, dosahuje transcendentního způsobu bytí, které si nelze
    představit. Vše, co můžeme pochopit, je, že je tento člověk pro náš svět definitivně mrtev – a že
    je také mrtev pro všechny další možné světy této postexistence.

    Mircea Eliade: Mefisto a androgyn


    Za všech těchto okolností je stržen závoj iluze a nevědomosti. Člověk je
    náhle oslepen čistým světlem, to jest ponořen do bytí. Z určitého hlediska lze říci, že obyčejný
    svět, podmíněný svět je proměněn – a že se duše vlévá do absolutní úrovně, která je současně
    bytím a posvátnem. Brahma, stejně tak Buddha, je znakem posvátna a bytí, konečnou realitou.
    Indické myšlení ztotožňuje bytí, posvátno a mystické poznání s aktem, kterým si lze tuto realitu
    uvědomit. Proto se lze setkat s tímto světlem buď při meditaci o bytí – jak je tomu v
    upanišadách či buddhismu – nebo při snaze odhalit posvátno, jak je tomu u některých jógových a
    mystických škol. Když se bytí ztotožňuje s posvátnem, jsou bohové zářiví nebo se zjevují svým
    uctívačům v zářivých epifaniích. Září i lidé, když odstraní systém podmíněnosti, který
    charakterizuje obyčejný lidský stav: to znamená, když dosáhli nejvyššího poznání a dospěli ke
    svobodě. Pro indické myšlení souvisí svoboda nedílně s poznáním: ten, kdo ví, kdo odhalil všední
    uspořádání bytí, je osvobozen už v tomto životě a není tudíž podroben kosmickým zákonům; těší
    se od této chvíle božské spontánnosti, nejedná už jako lidský automat podle zákona příčin a
    následků, ale „hraje si“ jako bohové – nebo jako plameny.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---


    Eiki-ji is dedicated to the practice of Zen from Master Dogen, founder of the Soto school Zen in twelve century.
    The temple is leaded by Réverend Seï Yu Debailly.

    Eiki-ji Temple is located at Dřisy, okres Praha- východ, at 25 minutes from Prague by bus.

    Eiki-ji, zen buddhist Abbey is a place devoted to the practice of meditation within the Soto Zen tradition. The monastic community offers retreats and other events for anyone who wishes to learn about ZEN and its fundamental relevance in daily living. We have been here in Czech Républik for 20 years.

    Retreat Orientation

    We try to make the monastery and the teaching we offer as accessible as possible to everyone, so please contact Rev. Seï Yu Debailly.

    .Weekend Introductory Retreats

    These are held once a month and are the best way to first learn about our practice. The aim is to help you get a basic understanding of zazen and the essential teachings . These retreats are also for those who are already familiar with Buddhism zen but who are new to our practice.

    Booking a Retreat

    If you would like to come on a retreat, please contact rev Seï yu Debailly.

    Residential Stays

    After attending an introductory retreat you are welcome to stay at the Abbey when you have the opportunity. Many people find coming outside of scheduled retreat times to be a helpful and supportive setting for a second visit.

    Staying at the monastery outside of retreat times provides an opportunity to experience the day to day life of the monastery. This can help you to discover how to practise meditation in your daily life. Residential stays are open to anyone who has attended an introductory retreat.

    Weekend and 3-Day Retreats

    These retreats are open to anyone who is already familiar with our practice and wishes to deepen their meditation and training. These retreats often involve more periods of zazen and the lectures and discussions cover a wider range of spiritual experience.

    Week Retreats

    For week-long retreats, bookings will be accepted for the full week only.


    A sesshin is an intensive retreat designed to assist the participants to go deeply into the practice of zazen. Those who come can find, sometimes to their surprise, that they touch greater depths in themselves than they had imagined were possible. Although these retreats are not easy, the helpful teaching and supportive atmosphere make them suitable for anyone who is intent on placing meditation at the centre of their lives.

    EIKI-ji, Zen buddhist abbey is under the spiritual direction of the Abbot, Rev. Master SEÏ YU DEBAILLY, a senior disciple of the late Rev. Master Etienne Zeiler disciple of master DESHIMARU.

    The senior priests at the Abbey are experienced in teaching people how to sit in zazen and how to establish a spiritual practice. Anyone who wishes to practice zazen can benefit greatly by sharing in the life of the monastery for a while; during their stay they will learn how to establish and deepen their own practice in daily life. One of the joys of zen training is that all activities are an expression of our true nature if approached with the compassionate awareness of zazen.

    Our programme of retreats aims to help people establish a practice of meditation and then to support them in their subsequent training in the Zen way. The life of the monastery forms a valuable background for these activities; the resident community, most of whom have been living and working together for many years, provide the teaching and a sense of stability. We are always here and try to be available whenever people have need of advice or just a friendly ear. The Abbey is one of the main centres for a congregation spread throughout the UK and beyond.

    All are warmly invited to join the Abbey's programme of lay training. The purpose of spiritual practice is to realise our true nature, which is also the true nature of all of existence, and to express this with our body, speech and mind. Meditation and daily training enable us to see and let go of the clinging which causes suffering, thus allowing the compassion and wisdom within our hearts to enrich our lives.

    Soto Zen

    Zen literally means meditation and zazen or seated meditation is the heart of our practice. All beings already have the same enlightened nature as the Buddha but we obscure it by believing that we are separate, isolated beings. This makes us very needy and we spend our lives trying to get what we believe we lack, through acquiring possessions, power or relationships. It is as though we are trying to fill a void inside but however much we get, the void always seems to remain. From the Buddhist viewpoint this happens because we misunderstand our own nature.

    To practice zazen is to learn how to see beyond one's thoughts and feelings and realize this true nature. There is a deep sufficiency in all of us and we all have a great capacity to give. These virtues and all the fruits of enlightenment are already within us but they can only be manifested when we see through our mistaken perceptions. This is a matter of discovering what we already possess rather than seeking what we believe we lack. This approach is both affirming and challenging, requiring us to look intently at the reality of the present moment - excluding nothing and grasping nothing. We need the willingness to see ourselves as we are; rather than judging what we find, we can develop the capacity to neither indulge nor suppress emotions, thereby freeing ourselves from the forces that drive us to act unwisely. Compassion, both for oneself and all beings, is at the heart of this process.

    Our Founder and Our Order

    The founder of the Abbey, Rev. Master Seï Yu Debailly, is a French man who was ordored monk in France at the Gengronnière temple by master Mokusho Zeisler. After the death of master Mokusho Zeisler in 1991, rev Seï Debailly established in Praha in Czech Républik in 1991 the root of the true practice of zazen exactly transmitted by master Deshimaru to his disciples in Europe. Then rev Seî Yu Debailly went on to study in Japan where he became a roshi, and was authorised to teach and to ordain men and women as monastics.

    The style of teaching used at EIKI-Ji has its roots firmly in the tradition of Dogen school and yet has a form that over the last fifty years and more has been adapted to the needs of Western people.

    In the Order of occidental Zen men and women train together and have equal status and recognition.
    ECLECTICA --- ---
    Buddhisté zažili první sňatek homosexuálů v dějinách. Tak vypadaly nevěsty na Tchaj-wanu | zpravy.ihned.cz - Svět
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