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    ztracené heslo?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    "buddhismus" neni Dharma.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    diskusni fora jsou vetsinou nastroje pro tlachani, hadky, prokrastinaci, pokrytectvi atd., co se tyce Dharmy, nebo tedy spis "buddhismu", nejsou vyjimkou. chovani na diskusnim foru, dopad slov, ma stejnou vahu.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    BORDIGA: jedna z nejvetsich chyb, krome neviry v nauku, je poucovat druhe, aniz by clovek sam byl upevnen v Dharme.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    "Je prostě tím, co vidíte před sebou - a počnete-li o tom přemýšlet, padáte do omylu."

    Termín Jednota poukazuje na jednolitou duchovní záři, která se rozděluje v šest, harmonicky se prolínajících elementů. Tato duchovní a jednolitá záře je Jediná Mysl, zatímco oněch šest harmonicky promísených elementů je šest smyslových orgánů. A těchto šest smyslových orgánů se ztotožňuje s orgány, které vnímají - oči s formou, ucho se zvukem, nos s vůní, jazyk s chutí, tělo s hmatem a myslící mysl s entitami. A mezi těmito orgány a jejich objekty povstává šest smyslových vjemů, což vše dohromady představuje osmnáct smyslových říší. Porozumíte-li tomu, že těchto osmnáct říší nemá žádnou objektivní existenci, pak spojíte oněch šest harmonicky promíchaných elementů v jednotnou duchovní záři, která je Jedinou Myslí. Všichni studenti Stezky toto ví, ale nedokáží se ubránit vytváření konceptů "jednoduché duchovní záře" a "šesti harmonicky promísených elementů". A dle toho jsou připoutáni k entitám a neuspějí v tichém pochopení původní Mysli.

    BORDIGA --- ---
    one buddha show goes on!
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    "As we have pointed out elsewhere, it is true that the Dharmakaya, the dimension of reality, is universal, like infinite space itself. It is one in the sense of transcending all dualities. It is omnipresent and all-pervading and all sentient beings, the enlightened and the unenlightened, equally participate in this single Dharmakaya. But Dharmakaya refers not to mind (sems), but to the Nature of Mind (sems-nyid) and this is a crucial distinction in Dzogchen. Furthermore, the Dharmakaya, which is understood in Dzogchen as the state of Shunyata and the basis of everything (kun-gzhi), is not a mind, let alone the One Mind or the Universal Mind, even though it is the context for the activities of thought. For this reason, the Dharmakaya is compared to the clear open sky, whereas thoughts are compared to the clouds that come to fill the sky. Moreover, there is also the Rupakaya or Form Body, the dimension of form, which is equally the manifestation of Buddhahood and this Rupakaya is always individual in its nature. Therefore, the enlightenment of a Buddha has both a universal aspect, the Dharmakaya, and a particular and individual aspect, the Rupakaya."
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Some Of The Fourteen Meaningless Things

    Like returning empty-handed from an island of precious gems,
    it is meaningless to ignore the sacred Dharma
    after having obtained a human body.

    - Gampopa

    … Like a sick person holding a bag of medicines,
    it is meaningless to have heard oral instructions
    that don’t remedy disturbing emotions.

    Like a parrot reciting verses,
    it is meaningless to have a tongue that expertly recites Dharma words
    that are not taken to heart…

    Like handing a mother her child’s flesh,
    it is meaningless to make offerings to the three jewels
    by hurting other sentient beings…

    Like trading a wish-fulfilling jewel for ordinary gems,
    a heap of leftovers, or a single bag of flour,
    it is meaningless to perform virtuous actions
    out of a desire for praise and fame, honor and gain…

    Like a rich man without the key to his safe,
    it is meaningless to be learned in the oral instructions
    and not apply them in practice…

    - Gampopa

    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    The Daily Enlightenment | Buddhist Inspirations & News » Is Buddhism Okay With Premarital Sex?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Why Are There Immeasurable Buddhas Instead Of One?

    The Daily Enlightenment | Buddhist Inspirations & News » Why Are There Immeasurable Buddhas Instead Of One?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    CRANK: bytosti jsou chycené v nevědomosti.
    CRANK --- ---
    Tarantino in "Sukiyaki Western Django" - YouTube
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Tato Dharma je Mysl, za kterou není žádné Dharmy a tato Mysl je Dharmou, za kterou není žádné mysli. Mysl sama o sobě není myslí, ale také není ne-myslí. Říci, že Mysl je žádná mysl, už připouští cosi, že existuje. Nechť je toto v tichostí pochopeno a nic víc. Pryč se vším myšlením a vysvětlováním. Pak můžeme říci, aby byl Proud Slov přerušen a pohyby mysli eliminovány. Tato mysl je čistým Zřídlem Buddhů, obsaženým ve všech lidech. Všechny pohyblivé bytosti schopné citového života a všichni Buddhové a Bódhisattvové jsou tato jediná substance a neliší se. Rozlišování má příčinu ve špatném myšlení a vede k vytváření všech druhů karmy.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    The No-Self.wmv - YouTube

    All animate or inanimate phenomena (dharmatas) are in actuality delusional forms perceived by the body consciousness. Being confined in this fashion from the true, un-inverted light of the Unborn, these inverted images keep reproducing themselves over and over--mere dances of shadow and light within the enclosed cave of perpetual regenesis. Thus a no-self emerges that believes the false to be true and the true to be false. The great Mind-Trap is now sprung, as this inverted process gives incessant birth to conceptual mentations that create an artificial consciousness (no-self) that becomes transformed into a mighty demon that bewitches and deceives the True Essential Self-Mind from Recollecting ITs Primordial Stature; It's as if the no-self beast (body consciousness) has kidnapped the Essential Self and keeps it hidden within the karmadhatu (false realm of images), thus preventing the True Unborn Light of dharmadhatu (true, absolute realm of imagelessness) from piercing through the darkness of this stranglehold. Buddhaghosa, a great, early Pali sage, enquirers how one can break-free and escape from this skandhic cocoon of endless phenomenal images. Avalokitesvara responds by producing a shining ideation of the great Heart Sutra. Even though this is the most beloved of all sutras, it is not easily grasped; not only this, but Avalokitesvara reveals (by the sudden shattering of the sutras outward "form") that even this most auspicious sutra is a sheer-productiveness of the Prior animating principle of Unborn Light. This great Light of Lights (which is like a darkness for anyone who harbors the differentiating body consciousness) is the true self-realization of the Dharmakaya ITself--the imageless Buddha Body of Perfect Suchness in a perfect state of Absolute Actuosity.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Musings from the Bodhi-Field (The Unassailable Ariyan Mind).wmv - YouTube
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Aware of Avalokitesvara's compassionate mission in assuring Right Knowledge and Right Release, even the great demons and devas from countless desire-fields acquiesce to his presence and pay great homage and beg for forgiveness, given their own roles in creating and aggravating the created realms, thus activating Mind's self-ignorance.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Compassion.wmv - YouTube

    THE great Bodhisattva of Compassion: Avalokitesvara. Usually when one considers compassion, the focus is on remedying some external vexation that becomes the vehicle for some major inner conversion and transformation. The mystical import here highlights a new nuance--this great healer of Mind and Spirit reveals the Real power and Source that ends all dukkha (suffering): the Unsoiled Jewel of the Living Principle that cuts the cord to all projected animate or inanimate phenomena via Bodhipower, or the Undivided, Prior Awareness Power that illuminates Mind as to the nature of Its unwholesome overflows. Thus the former veil that once prevented Mind from recognizing Its own self-effacement is removed, revealing all created dharmata for what they truly are--self empty manifestations of the self-same deluded Spirit. The diagnosis of the problem is clear--an inverted action that prevents proper bodhiflow from preventing the ensuing skandhic obstructions from taking form within the Ayala-receptacle (the vast reservoir of all corporeal and ideational substrata since time immemorial). Originally uninverted, the One Mind becomes delusional and associates itself with the ghostly apparitions emanating from within this skandhic prison; in so doing, conjoinment occurs with the great no-self, mistaking Itself for this false-twin. Aware of Avalokitesvara's compassionate mission in assuring Right Knowledge and Right Release, even the great demons and devas from countless desire-fields acquiesce to his presence and pay great homage and beg for forgiveness, given their own roles in creating and aggravating the created realms, thus activating Mind's self-ignorance.

    The Dharmakaya Sutra was written six years ago by Tozen with the editorial assistance of several of his dharma students (Orphea, AtiMaya, Shingi, Púsan).

    An auspicious sutra revealing the maxim that "To know thyself before the arisal and cessation of all things" is the key to unlocking the mystery of the nirvanic entrance into the eternal kingdom of your own True Nature, the Dharmakaya.

    Special thankfulness, in great honor of the Dharma Protectors.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Naše původní Buddhovská podstata je v nejvyšší pravdě, prosta jediného atomu objektivity. Je prázdná, všudypřítomná, tichá, čistá - je to mystická a nádherná radost - a toť vše. Vstupte do ní tím, že si ji probudíte. To, co je před vámi, je v celé své plnosti zcela celistvé. A okolo je prázdnota. I když projdete všemi stadii postupu Bódhisattvy k Buddhovství, jedním po druhém, pak při posledním stadiu, v prostém záblesku, při plné realizaci, si pouze uvědomíte Buddhovskou podstatu, která s vámi celou tu dobu byla a k níž jste všemi těmi stadii pranic nepřidali. Potom budete pohlížet na tu spoustu práce a pokroky jako na neskutečné činy v říši snů. A proto Tathágata řekl: "Já jsem skutečně od kompletního a jedinečného Osvícení nic nezískal. Bylo-li by tam něco k dosažení, pak by Dípamkara Buddha nepronesl ono proroctví, týkající se mne." Také řekl: "Tato Dharma je zcela bez rozlišování, není ani vysoká ani nízká a její jméno je Bódhi." Je to čistá Mysl, která je zdrojem všeho a která, ač se projevuje jako vnímavé bytosti, Buddhové, řeky, nebo hory ve světě forem, je bez formy; pronikajíc celý vesmír, je zcela bez odlišení a bez jáství a nejáství.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
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