The Headless Way to Enlightenment
In my opinion, this approach is worth 30 years of meditation, and is as valuable as the Dzogchen "direct introduction". Below is a complete grouping of videos, texts and links that will make this unique approach fully accessible to everyone.
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Directly Pointing Back to Source
Mingyur Rinpoche:
There is an oral instruction about the way to look. It is said,
“It is as though your eyes were looking through the back of your head instead of looking forwards.”
"It is as though your eyes are looking backwards instead of forwards as they usually do. You are looking out with your eyes but are looking back at the same time. Do not try too hard with this though, otherwise you will really make a big mistake. You just sort of look back at your mind and say, “Who am I? Where am I ?What is this? "
Tsoknyi Rinpoche wrote regarding Dzogchen recognition of Rigpa:
"The way to do this is just to turn your attention slightly inward, not to look deeply inside, just to turn your focus from outward to inward in a very light way."
Lopon Tenzin Namdak:
"The introduction is very simple: we just look back at ourselves."
The Headless Seer (Douglas Harding);
"All one has to do to enter this Fourth Stage of the journey is -however briefly -to turn round the arrow of one’s attention. The Katha Upanishad puts it this way: “God made the senses turn outwards, man therefore looks outwards, not into himself. But occasionally a daring soul, desiring immortality, has looked back and found himself.” In fact the “daring soul” doesn’t lack encouragement. He’s surrounded by countless reminders and opportunities, countless means of reversing the arrow of attention -if only he’s sufficiently inquisitive about his true identity, and if only he’s willing to drop for a moment opinions about himself based on hearsay and memory and imagination and to rely on PRESENT EVIDENCE. Here are three of many means of making the turnabout, for the attentive and honest reader instantly to try out:
(i) What you are now looking at are these printed words; what you are now looking "out of" is Empty Space at this print. Trading your head for it, you put nothing in its way: you vanish in its favor.
(ii) What you are now looking out of isn’t two small and tightly fastened
“windows” called eyes but one immense and wide open “Window” without any edges; in fact you ARE this frameless, glassless “Window”. (Single Eye)
(iii) To make quite sure of this, you have only to point back to the “Window” and notice what that finger is pointing at -if anything. Please do just that, now ... Contrary, no doubt, to one’s first impression, conscious headlessness or transparency -this seeing into the Nothingness-right-where-one-is -turns out to have several unique virtues. There’s no experience at all like it."