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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    vsichni jsou jeden Buddha :) nebo Buddhove s vzajemne provazanymi bublinami ?
    LECITEL --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Ono tě to může praštit i u indiánů při naprostém ponoření do přítomnosti. :) Osobně nepochybuju, že mnoho indiánů znalo rigpu, byť kolem toho nevytvořili žádný systém pro dosažení realizace.
    Všechny pravé cesty vedou ke stejnému cíli, ale jejich průběh může být velmi rozdílný.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KILLIAN: Great Spirit jsou Indiani :)
    KILLIAN --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Ovšemže netvrdím, že nemají společné prvky, to jistě mají, ale možná bys mezi tím mohl občas i rozlišovat.

    Zdá se, že všechny směry mají společného jmenovatele...
    většina těchto bádání končí obvykle jedním slovem či dokonce slabikou
    KILLIAN --- ---
    “Oh Great Spirit, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence.”
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    It’s not that you are an individual person having experiences, but rather the sensation of “being a separate individual” is itself just an experience occurring to no one.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    systemova mysl je skodliva
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    sila pratelstvi - jdete spolecne na druhy breh. priroda
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    mysleni je nezbytne... kdyz opravdu opravdu myslis tak te to musi flaknout (buddhismus je mysl), ty nervy tahle nervova energie to je stejne jako LSD, tyhle veci jsou vysoce psychoaktivni diskurs - kdyz se na to zameris (zamereni je akt inteligence) - ty texty jsou sama transmise. kdyz se zameris na spravne prelozenej a aktualizovej svatej text tak te to proste flakne. Namaste
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Zivot... Zen a Dzogchen je zivot

    ted pustim chlup, aby jste nerekli:

    To encounter the sacred is to be alive at the deepest center of human existence. — N. Scott Momaday
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KILLIAN: :)) Zoroastrianismus a klasicke Krestanstvi nejsou New age. Mozna mas na mysli synkretismus ? Toz to priteli si uvedom ze Buddhi= Inteligence. Kde asi ? Živót :)

    Atiyoga, Zen, Mahamudra, Mahayana - buddhismus je probuzený život a tohle jsou vysoce inteligentní sofistikované fu.

    Zoroastrianismus vidis kde ? Podivej se na tohle a premyslej trochu....

    Zoroastrian Creed
    "On three noble ideals be ever intent:
    The good thought well thought,
    The good word well spoken,
    The good deed well done."


    The non-doing of any evil,
    the performance of what's skillful,
    the cleansing of one's own mind:
    this is the teaching
    of the Awakened. •

    Systemova mysl je skodliva vec, to uz rika nekolika generace klasickych filosofu a my kdyz tady neco piseme tak se bavime jenom o tom pratele systemaci - stejne jako Purpureal a Nukso - nejde ti to pres skatule do hlavicky.

    A tohle my tady jedeme, takovou hermeneutiku.

    Je to zivot, nejsvatejsi texty rikaji ze cely vesmir, vsechny bytosti praktikuji "Buddhismus".

    "Musime nasledovat Vesmirny rad" - Mistr Deshimaru - mistr linie transmise na Zapad

    tj. Cosmic order, to je Artha, Asha. Googli Artha, Asha
    KILLIAN --- ---
    Hele beru ještě, když tu mixuješ meditační směry, ale cpát sem Zoroastrismus a Křesťanství se mi zdá už trochu moc. Přečti si název auditka pls a diks.

    Nevyčítej pak někomu new age mixle v pixle, když pak děláš to samý.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Trekchod and Zen are the same; non-duality.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Turn yourself not away from three best things: Good Thought, Good Word, and Good Deed.

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Zoroastrian Creed
    "On three noble ideals be ever intent:
    The good thought well thought,
    The good word well spoken,
    The good deed well done."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Mind of a True Zen Master

    Maybe you have some experience with this, where the mind of awareness of a Zen master is described as being completely attentive to the present moment, where no subjective self-consciousness is present, nor any opinion-izing or judging regarding what’s occurring. Thoughts of the past have no traction and thoughts regarding the future capture no interest.

    If making tea, there is just the sound of the hot water being poured into a cup, the whisking of the tea to a fine froth and the experience of tasting the tea within one’s mouth. That description is complete. No daydreaming is occurring nor any self-judgement regarding one’s tea making performance.

    Each moment of life would occur just as empty of a subjective self-consciousness at the center of experience, as during the making and drinking of tea.

    The mind is no-mind or “mushin” and the self is absent as in “mu ga”. Life flows as always from one occurrence to the next, with no personal narrative keeping track or judging how it went or what will come next.

    There is no concern about some imaginary special enlightenment, developing special powers, attaining a rainbow body or saving all beings from some imaginary plight.

    Sitting right here, enjoying my tea, all things take care of themselves. How marvelous and free!
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Shardza Rinpoche, who achieved “rainbow body” in 1934 wrote:

    “Whatever the practitioner experi- ences, whatever comes is an experience for the practice— happiness, bliss or whatever. He or she does not even care if the thoughts are racing—there is no hope or path—so thoughts are left as they are. That is the method of practice. Sometimes there are raging emotions, like anger or sorrow or whatever, and the practitioner does not care. They are just left as they are. This is the teaching. Whether the practitioner collects merits or sins does not matter, things are left just as they are.”

    From his text: “Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya”
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The actual Word of God from the Apostle in heaven, said Christ today

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Agency and Ownership

    Agency refers to a particular action’s or event’s causation. In the non-dual teachings “agency” relates to the possible existence of a personal self as a causative agent that intervenes in an otherwise impersonal, seamless web of interacting, inter-dependent contingencies and conditions.

    This would be like a person looking at a formation of clouds in the sky and claiming to be the cause of their existence and their various shapes and movements. But instead of clouds in the sky, let’s say intentions, motivations, thoughts, ideas, and actions.

    Just like there is no self-entity causing clouds in the sky, there is no personal self-entity causing intentions, motivations, thoughts, ideas and actions to occur. Rather, all of those phenomena are the result of the “impersonal” inter-active dynamics resulting from previous inter-dependencies.

    The thought and conviction “I did that!” is a thought that arose independent of a single agent of causation, like a self. The self and the sense of personal agency are both “after thoughts” that arise subsequent to any mental event or action.

    This also applies to “ownership”. The thought “this is mine”, is an attempt to assign ownership to an imaginary agent or self. Memories, imaginings, thoughts, emotional feelings and experiences, all seem to “belong” to an owner called “me”. But this is as deluded as a person claiming ownership of all or specific clouds in the sky and their movements.

    The movements of clouds are determined by atmospheric conditions and the laws of physics; that’s all. Likewise human actions are fully determined by the atmospheric conditions of our inner weather and the laws of physics and bio-chemistry. There is no inner weatherman or causative agent as a self who is acting, choosing or deciding.

    We can assign relative causation or responsibility to a local group of dynamic energies, like a human being, but that is also failing to see how that is a mistaken attempt to isolate a certain portion of inter-dependent factors from the whole of the inter-active environment.

    When this is seen clearly, the mind’s centralizing contraction releases and the imaginary sense of there being a “controller” or “director” who drives and owns the impersonal activities of the mind, emotions and body, drops away.

    The idea of an imaginary self becoming liberated or enlightened is as deluded as the idea of a cloud becoming liberated or enlightened.
    KILLIAN --- ---
    "odvěký boj dobra proti většímu dobru"
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