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    ztracené heslo?
    LEMURNové Internetové Humory // Tito a Tiso Inside! // hajlování na toaletě povoleno // Poĺpp // retarded vEgaИ mEMEs welcome // DEUS VULT!!!!1
    TRAGED --- ---
    IMHO best - Elon Musk enter the arena!

    But these investors don't care. They don't care how expensive they buy the stock for. Because they KNOW these hedgefunds MUST buy the shares back.

    For many of them, they don't actually care if they lose money. They just want to watch these hedgefunds burn.

    CADAVRE --- ---
    OTAVA --- ---
    DWAY: az zacnou vsichni prodavat, tak bude samozrejme short dost dobry.
    DWAY --- ---
    bude sranda az se zacne prodavat ve velkem a vsichni se toho budou chtit rychle zbavit :-D
    DWAY --- ---
    ty pico.... To sem mel nakupovat :-D Jen za vcerejsek to porostlo tak o 200%

    NIKDAS --- ---
    AMSTERDAM: odpovím ti memem

    OTAVA --- ---
    Aha, koukam ze zashortovali vic nez existuje akcii, tak to good luck.
    Existuje totiz neco co se jmenuje Naked short selling a mam pocit ze to neni uplne koser praktika (oficialne zakazana) - ty muzes nejak shortovat i kdyz ty akcie nevlastnis, ale stoji to pak mnohem vic na poplatcich.

    Kazdopadne tohle vypada ze z toho bude jeste opravdu hodne mrzeni.
    PETINY --- ---
    AMSTERDAM: tady k tomu nějaké tl;dr ale v obecné rovině teď parta auistických diskutérů z Redditu epicky vymrdává s polovinou finanční sféry vrahů z Wallstreetu (insert Pornhub meme here)

    OTAVA --- ---
    viz muj prispevek nize, lonegry nic nepai, pac z drzeni aktiva se neplati poplatky, v tomto konkretnim pripade je cena podladoveho aktiva naprosto nedulezita.
    OTAVA --- ---
    obecne short selling funguje tak, ze si pujcis od sveho brokera nejake akcie a ty prodas. Az se rozhodnes realizovat zisk (ztratu) tak opet ty akcie ankoupis a vratis brokerovi. za to ti broker uctuje nejaky poplatek za den a obvykle chce i nejakou zastavu, nejmene do vyse tve aktualni ztraty (hotovost, jine akcie).

    No, kdyz je nekdo ve velkem short a proti nemu lidi nakupuji, jednou mu dojdou penize na polatku a kolateral a bude muset ty akcie nakoupit i pres to ze cena ja hodne nahore, protoze proste jeho obchodnik bude chtit cim dal vetsi kolaterla a poplatky.

    Ve chvili kdy ty akcie bude nucen nakoupit (short squeeze) tak dojde k masivnimu price jumpu, protoze nakoupi najednou hodne akcii at to stoji co to stoji.

    Je uplne jedno jak je na tom ta spolecnost, nebo i jestli zkrachuje, tad je to o tom ze ty shortari ztraci kazdej den dost penez a uvidi se kdo bude muset prvni mrknout (ale jestli Redditori muzou HODLovat jak dlouho chteji, tak to bude ty shortare stat hodne penez, pravdepodone bankrot.

    Jde totiz o to, ze pri longovani prijdes maximalne o to kolik jsi do dane investive vlozil. Proste cena aktiva spadne na nulu a prijdes o vsechny penize.

    Nojo, ale pri shortovani, muze cena vystreli na nekolikanasobek tovoji investice a kdyz nespadne, budes muset nekde zchrastit penize na to aby jsi nakoupi ty akcie co dluzis a teoreticky neni limit pro to kolik penez prodelas.

    Preju tem shortarum hodne stesi a pevne nervy, apc todle bude bolet.
    MAGE --- ---
    MAIMONIDES: v pripade GME je to i krasny pribeh boje Davidu proti Goliasi
    MAIMONIDES --- ---
    AMSTERDAM: GameStop je bezcenná firma, bez vlastní hodnoty. Jenže cokoliv je "zlato", když to chce hodně lidí. Jak bitcoin.
    AMSTERDAM --- ---
    KLEINZACH: ja z toho neumim vyzvedet, jestli to vymysleli na wall street nebo pubertaci z reditu a jesli ne to dobre nebo spatne
    KLEINZACH --- ---
    novy internetovy humor na reditu

    Amateur online traders fueled by discussions on Reddit sent shares of a struggling video game retailer flying Wednesday, a moment that is underscoring the divorce between the skyrocketing values of companies and the pain in the real economy.

    GameStop, a video game retailer struggling to keep up with direct downloads even before the coronavirus pandemic, saw its share price jump to $347 per share on Wednesday. Overall, its share price has risen more than 1,800 percent in January.
    Some users, primarily DeepFuckingValue and delaneydi, had started arguing as early as September 2019 that the retail chain’s stock was being undervalued by the market. They also identified that several hedge funds had been betting against it using a tactic called short selling, which is effectively a bet that a stock’s price will fall.

    The proposed strategy picked up significant steam in the last year, especially with DeepFuckingValue sharing updates as his initial $53,000 investment in GameStop ballooned. The Redditors have bought massive numbers of the stock and are holding onto it, forcing the hedge funds that had shorted the stock into something called a short squeeze.

    A short squeeze is a tactic used by investors to force short sellers of a certain stock into a cycle of deep losses by driving the price of that stock higher. As more investors buy the shorted stock for higher prices during the squeeze, short sellers are also forced to buy shares to fulfill contracts, which puts more upward pressure on the share price.

    https://thehill.com/policy/finance/536212-reddit-traders-cause-wall-street-havoc-by-buying-gamestop atp
    nebo primo na reditu (/r/wallstreetbets)
    KYN --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    HANNIBAL92 --- ---
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