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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    CRACKY_ --- ---
    HOUMI: s tim samozrejme pocitam, co mne a temer vsechny jeste aktivne hrajici kamarady sere je neustale vytvareni vsech charu snad az na DH a Cruse ve dvou podobach - barbar - tank, dmg; wizna - supp, dmg; wd - supp a dmg atd... a to timhle odpadne, misto ve stashi navic s dalsim extendem, ktery prichazi bych vnimal jako minoritni problem.
    HOUMI --- ---
    CRACKY_: ne ze bych chtel kazit radost, ale nic nepromazes :D viz " Items that are part of a loadout will still need to be physically present in your stash or inventory."
    JADE: dam jim klidne i 30€ + .... jsem magor :-))

    ae jinak za me teda hlavne zklamani z toho, ze to bude az pozdni 2017.... nakej d1 event si muzou strcit kam chtej, kdyz to odehrajes na gem a vickrat tam nevlezes :D
    CLAVEN --- ---
    NJORL: Ale vyzerá to ako kórejský export :)
    NJORL --- ---
    CLAVEN: Pockej PoE je myslim Novej zeland :)
    CLAVEN --- ---
    NJORL: Ja teda nechcem v Diable žiadne microtransakcie, to nech si nechajú kórejské freemium kokotiny ako PoE, díky.
    CRACKY_ --- ---
    NJORL: jo rikali, mrkni na homepage diabla, tam je primo krasna ukazka, za mne super vec, aspon promazu hafo charu, ktery mam jenom kvuli tomu abych nemusel prehazovat equip
    NJORL --- ---
    Rikali, jak bude fungovat ta Armory? To by taky mohlo misto docela resit ne?
    NJORL --- ---
    JADE: aha. dekuju!
    JADE --- ---
    NJORL: no myslel jsem to tak, ze je to vicemene to,o cem jsi mluvil...ze bys stashe klidne kupoval...takhle koupis class (necromancera) a k tomu budes mit + 2 nove gamesloty + 2 nove stash taby, portret, kridla, penant..to vse slibuji v balicku ...
    NJORL --- ---
    Kdyz se podivate na ty mikrostransakce v PoE, tak to je presne to, co bych chtel u D3. Nic z toho nekazi hru ostatnim.
    NJORL --- ---
    MICHIGAN: - If you finish a Greater Rift without dying, you will get an additional Legendary Gem upgrade (HC characters always will).

    aj. aj. toto zpusobi hodne zle krve. supporti, kteri neudrzi DPS nazivu budou hodne biti. chjo. to prohloubi elitarstvi zase.

    JADE: jak to myslis? ted jsem to nezachytil nejak v prekladu. prosim vysvetlis mi to? oni nechaji hrace platit za misto v truhle? no ja jsem si za misto uz zaplatil. koupil jsem si premium verzi kvuli asi 4rem novym postavam na muly za 20 dolaru. a pokud Te zajima jaka muze byt cena, tak mrkni na POE, kolik za to lidi davaji. V PoE delaji nepravidelne akce, kdy je nejakej balicek tabu treba za pul, takze se vzdy ceka na akci. ja jsem jich koupil asi 20. tady jsou cca stejne velke.

    Path of Exile

    50 bodu je 5 dolaru
    MICHIGAN --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: cast tech veci (vyrocni dungeon, mystik UI zmeny, vylepseni riftu a novy legendarky) pujde na PTR uz ted v patek, ale finalni patch 2.4.3 bude asi az v lednu.
    zbytek nejspis az nekdy dal v pristim roce.
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    MICHIGAN: kdy, to neříkali? (resp. v lednu nebo až s novou season?)
    MICHIGAN --- ---
    tak ty novinky:

    - Crafting Materials will be integrated into the UI, no longer taking up space in your inventory. This includes Bounty Mats and Hellfire event items. You'll still need to click them to pick them up, though.
    - Kanai's Cube will get a button to fill it with the materials of the active recipe.
    - The Mystic will get an extra tab containing all existing dyes! No more need to run through all vendors to find the proper dye.
    - If you finish a Greater Rift without dying, you will get an additional Legendary Gem upgrade (HC characters always will).
    - New Zone coming to the north of Act II: The Shrouded Moors, a rain-swept, windy, desolate place. People tried to settle it, but never could stay.
    - Second Zone: Temple of the Firstborn, where Inarius and Lilith first set foot on Sanctuary. It is set deep underground and has a Lovecraftian vibe.
    - The Realms of Fate allow for transitions between zones/tile sets without actually leaving a zone.
    - We'll also be getting plenty of new monster types to fit the new zones.
    - New algorithm to spawn monsters in Greater Rifts: No more huge empty areas!
    - Challenge Rifts: Timed GR runs updated frequently where everyone has the same hero, same build, same dungeon layout, same monsters, same pylons. You'll be rewarded if you beat the original player's time on the Rift, most likely with Bounty Bags for your own character.
    CLAVEN --- ---
    JADE: Tak 10 EUR max.
    JADE --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: no me taky tak nejak napadlo, ze 500 max...ale neco mi rika ze nas budou chtit vzit klidne vo 800-1000 a to uz se mi asi uplne libit principielne nebude ;[
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    JADE: max 15-20$, což je imo realistický odhad ceny...
    JADE --- ---
    no kazdopadne NJORLova prani byla z casti vyslysena...ted mi reknete kolik jste ochotni za necromancera + stashe, gamesloty, portrety atd. utratit ?
    MICHIGAN --- ---
    tak ne, blizz chtel byt zrejme originalni, a tak se ten D1 remake bude kazdorocne otvirat jen vzdycky po novym v roce v lednu. a ten Necro vyjde az nekdy v 2017 na podzim. slibuji taky nejaky novy zony, Shrouded Moors and the Temple of the Firstborn, ale tech se dockame kdovikdy.

    - The Anniversary Dungeon recreates the events, monsters, and levels of the original Diablo inside Diablo III.
    - Returning Boss Fights are The Butcher, The Skeleton King, Lazarus and Diablo himself.
    - The Dungeon will be 16 levels deep and accessible for all existing characters.
    - It will feature special visual and audio filters to invoke all that sweet nostalgia. Here is a little sneak peek of what that will look like. It will, however only use D3 assets (exception: some bosses).
    - Inside the dungeon, you'll only be able to move in 8 directions, everything will control and be animated a little more retro-y.
    - The UI in the dungeon will also be changed to be more reminiscent of the earlier titles.
    - You will be able to enter the Dungeon via a teleporter in The Old Ruins of Tristram.
    - The Anniversary Dungeon will be included in "The Darkening of Tristram" patch for free. It will be on PTR next week, and live in January.
    - It will be a limited time event, occurring for the month of January every year.
    - Completing the Dungeon rewards a Legendary Gem that fits into the Helmet slot, reminiscent of Diablo's Soulstone into which it will transmog your helmet. Click here for its full stats and look.
    - You will also be rewarded with two new portrait frames, a Banner and Sigil, a Butcher pet, as well as two weapon transmogs, the Butcher's Sickle and Wirt's Wooden Leg.
    ONDRA_PATA --- ---
    ja je to se zmenana S8 vs. S7? kdyz koukam na diablofans,moc buildu nema nijak velky hodnoceni a Quinn nikde nefiguruje. chapu to tak, ze mam na wiznu hledat nej hodnoceny buildy? ze mezi S7 a S8 neni zadna zmena? nejak jsem nesledoval zmeny ve skillech
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