Sem si poskladal barb build zovu ho Bethasaurus :-) Jako zadny top upheaval build to nebude, to bych tam musel dat Flay, vyskrtnout DB a dat tam War cry a asi zmenit pasivky, ale co se meho hraciho stylu tyce tak mi to bude snad vyhovovat :-)
[Skill Tree]:
[Frenzy]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Combat.
[Upheaval]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Furious.
[Challenging Shout]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Strategic.
[Outburst]: 1/3 points.
[Tough as Nails]: 3/3 points.
[Rallying Cry]: 1/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Strategic.
[Imposing Presence]: 3/3 points.
[Booming Voice]: 3/3 points.
[Raid Leader]: 1/3 points.
[Weapon Mastery]:
[Thick Skin]: 1/3 points.
[Counteroffensive]: 3/3 points.
[Death Blow]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Warrior's.
[Pit Fighter]: 3/3 points.
[Hamstring]: 1/3 points.
[Wrath of the Berserker] allocated. Modifiers: Prime, Supreme.
[Tempered Fury]: 1/3 points.
[Invigorating Fury]: 3/3 points.
[Key Passive]:
[Unconstrained]: allocated.