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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    NESS --- ---
    Tak to sem zvedavej, zitra se ukaze, jinak konecne konecna :-) uf :-) jako to expeni je znat, pokud to ma clovek v oku tak je videt ze se to lehce zadrhlo :-/
    ten posledni pic jsou vsechny unikatky se sorckou 1-100 co sem dostal, jeden nm dung byl obzvlast vypeceny sem tam dostal naraz frostburt i iceheart :-), vsechny klasove aspon jeden drop, coz je dobry, reimenty 3x, frostburny 3x, iceharty 5x

    EVILMIND --- ---
    co jsem koukal na streamery tak po nerfu davaji uber lilith furt v pohode, nekdo dokonce rychlejc diky nejakejm bugfixum

    ale teda hrajou mechaniky no
    sucks pro lidi bez skillu jako ja :)
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: To mas dobre, ja tohle dojedu ted na 100 a zapomenu, v tomhle stavu je to na prd, mam jako testovaciho panaka kixxe v heltide, pred patchem jsem ho dal solo za cca 4 minuty, ted to bylo vic jak 12 minut a skoro bych rekl ze to straggnuti ma nejak kratsi, to same mi prislo u bossu v nm dungu, mozna to je ale jen dojem. Jinak z toho kixxe nevypadlo nic, stejne jako z goblina v heltide, posledni pro srovnani dam ted za 44 min WB a tim sem asi skoncil. Jako mam pripraveny equip na blizzardu, ten mam take nerfnuty, jen jeste nevim jak hodne, dnes na to nebudu mit chut tak to zkusim na lilith az zitra, jestli ji vubec dam :-))

    Jo ta hletidova farma nebude uz takova sranda rozdil 175-250 je znat dost, sem dal jednu mystery truhlu a kaslu na to, stejne zni nic nevypadlo :-)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    EVILMIND: a tak planej poplach, mi nedoslo, ze totem ma cooldown i na implicitu, to se neda nahradit snadno... :-(
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: jsem si ted nahral jeden dung a koukam ze zaznamu jak tam litaj ty cooldowny, a myslim ze by to slo v pohode modifikovat prechodem na 2hand, tj. dostanu ten aspect aspon na 10s. To je sice ztrata cooldownu na offhandu (a navic zrejme ani neexistuje takovej 2h co by vubec mohl mit uzitecne staty), ale dalo by se to nahradit amuletem. Kazdopadne s tim dam stejnej NM jako predtim, akorat uz nemuzu hrat low life - coz mozna ta 2h vyresi, a kdyz ne, tak bude zase snadnejsi mit pouzitelnej amulet. Plus drobny plus, pak ten build nebude pouzivat vubec zadnej uniq... :)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: na pevno to ale bude predpokladam protoze mas vic nez 80 level, jinak to bude asi asi proste cap, takze to neni idealni, ale je to lepsi. Navic jsem se poucil, a tentokrat si budu nechavat fakt vsechny rare veci co budou mit libovolnou kombinaci rare statu (z toho crafticiho webu je videt ktery to jsou).
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: hele ja to s momentalnim equipem a skillama mam rozdrbany na kost, tzn to je sice hratelny, ale srazene tak o 5-10 lvl dolu, dmg mam z kritu, vulnerabky, devouring blaze, prezivam diky rotovani cooldownu (nemam nic na manu) a s podkopnuty armorem to je najednou nekde uplne jinde
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Hele tak nove veci maji fakt cap na pevno, sacr 60 ancestr 80, ale starych veci se to netyka, tzn plna truhla veci co stejne s jinym nez namaxovanym charem neobliknes :-)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    jeste jsem minul tohle pro druida - Masochistic now also requires a Lucky Hit chance of 75%

    jsem to teda nepouzival, protoze jsem testoval lowlife, ale predpokladam to znamena konec vsech tornado buildu?
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: to nebudou pocty, to jen protocej - neco jako v PoE mas kazdou ligu jinou mnozinu map. Tady to bude tak, ze mnozina dungu, ktere maji NM verzi, bude jina, takze trochu smula pro lidi co ted travili desitky hodin merenim, kde presne je v NM nejvic expu... :-)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NAVARA: to ale rikali predem, ze na resisty nebudou sahat driv nez v season 2. Predpokladam az tam to rozeserou uz totalne... :-)

    NESS: jako ten armor bude urcite pro nektery classy problem, navic ted nebudou mit skull v jewellery socketech nejspis... ale me to uprimne neprislo, stejne nemas dost armoru na velikej rozdil levelu (tusim jsem videl nejake video nedavno s presnou formuli a potrebujes asi 17 tisic pro NM100, nebo nejaky podobny hausnumero).
    NESS --- ---
    Tak dalsi podstatny nerf ktery postihnul asi vsechny buildy Aspect of Disobedience z 50% na 30% je dost znat :-/

    Aspect of Disobedience maximum stacks reduced from 100 to 60, reducing maximum Bonus Armor % from 25%-50% to 15%-30%.
    Aspect of Retribution bonus damage to Stunned reduced from 20-40% to 10-20%.
    Exploiter's Aspect bonus damage to Unstoppable reduced from 20-50% to 20-40%.
    Starlight Aspect Resource restore increased from 10-20 to 20-40.
    BARTUC --- ---
    rychlost updatu je zavratna teda :-D
    NESS --- ---
    Nevim jestli to je v change note, ale jsou rozsirene pocty nm dungu, dostal jsem 4 sigili u kterych neznam jejich score, tzn jsou komplet nove :-) tzn nm dungu ted bude vic jak stavajicich 30
    NAVARA --- ---
    Takže boostnout damage potvor stihnuli, ale opravit resistence ne :) lol...
    NESS --- ---
    stihl jsem jedny legie a komplet whispery a prijde mi ze ten item level u odmen se srovnal, u normal ancestru nesel pod 760 a u lege ancestru nejniz 789 (char 99lvl)
    NESS --- ---
    loot nas konci nm dungu se zlepsil, 2x ance lege + 2x ance a validniho itemlevlu, uz ne 600-700 ale 792, 802, 799, 787, takze v tomhle palec nahoru
    NESS --- ---
    Jako realne redukce CDR je u meho charu z cca 40% (naspamatuju uplne presne) na 33%. Oprava kritak a vulnerabka je na tom hur, ten nerf je znat ozblast u stavajiciho ekvipu, prvni butcher me docela s prehledem vyklepnul a to byl jen o 3 lvl nademnou
    NESS --- ---
    Takhle veta je bozi "Many Affixes are too efficient and are outshining alternatives." :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Tohle je pro vsechny, takze poporade, papa Core Staty, Cooldown Reduction, Critical Strike Damage a Vulnerable Damage, defakto vsechno co se maxovalo na ekvipu

    Developer’s Note: Many Affixes are too efficient and are outshining alternatives. We’re looking to refine the outliers, improve the number of meaningful choices on competitive slots, and increase the overall flexibility of items. We know these changes will reduce the total amount of possible power a character can possess, so we'll be monitoring how these changes affect players’ ability to conquer expected milestones throughout the Season.

    We’re increasing the availability of the Affixes below to make them easier to include in different builds.

    Control Impaired Duration Reduction: Can now appear on Pants.
    Barrier Generation: Can now appear for all Classes. It will also begin dropping later in the game.
    Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier: Can now appear for all Classes. Reduced by ~12% when on Helm and ~20% when on Amulet or Offhand.
    Mastery Skill Damage: Newly added; can appear on Sorcerer Weapons. Scales identically to Core Skill Damage.
    Resistance to All Elements: Can now appear on Shields.
    Developer’s Note: The Core Stat bonus on Weapons has been overperforming, so we're pulling back on this bonus.

    Strength: 50% Stronger when on Weapons -> 25% Stronger when on Weapons.
    Dexterity: 50% Stronger when on Weapons -> 25% Stronger when on Weapons.
    Intelligence: 50% Stronger when on Weapons -> 25% Stronger when on Weapons.
    Willpower: 50% Stronger when on Weapons -> 25% Stronger when on Weapons.
    Developer’s Note: Cooldown Reduction affixes often felt mandatory due to their raw power. We imagine Cooldown Reduction will remain a highly desirable stat, but the penalty for not prioritizing it won’t be as harsh.

    Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
    Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
    Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
    Developer’s Note: We're seeing Critical Strike Damage and Vulnerable Damage often viewed as a hard requirement for a build's success in Diablo IV. We believe this is a step towards allowing more builds to flourish and will continue to make changes in support of this goal.

    Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
    Lightning Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
    Critical Strike Damage with Bone, Earth, Imbued, and Werewolf Skills: Reduced by ~17%.
    Vulnerable Damage: Reduced by ~40%.
    Developer’s Note: Disparities in inherent affixes can rule some Weapons out before the rest of their stats are even rolled. These are receiving harsher reductions than their normal affix counterparts to increase Weapon flexibility.

    Cooldown Reduction (Inherent on Offhands): Reduced by ~35%.
    Critical Strike Damage (Inherent on Swords): Reduced by ~50%.
    Vulnerable Damage (Inherent on Crossbows): Reduced by ~65%.
    Developer’s Note: Damage Bonus to Crowd Controlled Enemies was overperforming relative to the ease of activating it versus stricter, Crowd Control type-specific affixes.

    Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies: Decreased by ~30%.
    Damage to Frozen Enemies: Increased by ~20%.
    Developer’s Note: We have seen that skillful players are frequently slaughtering monsters many levels above their own. We want to support this, but the current situation is beyond what we believe is correct for the long-term health of the game. To chase this goal, we're shifting power to many offensive Affixes from defensive Affixes. We know this will make our end game content more deadly, particularly for those chasing our pinnacle boss, an encounter not meant for the faint of heart. Overcoming the pinnacle boss will take every ounce of grit you can muster and all tools at your disposal. We will continue to evaluate feedback from the community and make changes to our combat mechanics.

    Physical Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Fire Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Cold Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Lightning Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Poison Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Shadow Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Non-Physical Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Physical Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
    Fire Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
    Shadow Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
    Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage with Ranged Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage while in Human Form: Increased by ~25%.
    Damage while Shapeshifted: Increased by ~25%.
    Blood Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Bone Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Brawling Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Companion Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Conjuration Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Cutthroat Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Darkness Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Earth Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Frost Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Imbued Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Imbuement Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Marksman Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Pyromancy Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Shock Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Storm Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Summoning Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Trap Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Weapon Mastery Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
    Werebear Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Werewolf Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
    Total Armor: Reduced by ~30%.
    Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack: Increased by ~20%.
    Damage for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack: Increased by ~20%.
    Total Armor while in Werebear Form: Reduced by ~25%.
    Total Armor while in Werewolf Form: Reduced by ~25%.
    Damage Reduction from Close Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
    Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
    Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Bleeding: Reduced by ~25%.
    Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Burning: Reduced by ~25%.
    Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Poisoned: Reduced by ~25%.
    Damage Reduction from Enemies that are affected by Shadow Over Time: Reduced by ~25%.
    Damage Reduction while Fortified: Reduced by ~25%.
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