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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    NESS --- ---
    Je to jen u me, nebo jak pridali kone a psa na loudovaci screen, tak to loaduje pomaleji ? :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Zacinaji slusne https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/diablo-4-patch-2-0-ptr-known-issues-346432

    Pro me je PTR rozbita, neudrzim se ve hre, dele nez 3 minuty, pada to na timeouty, tezko rict ceho ale ve hre mi to padlo, pri prendani veci do truhly, pak opakovane pri portech a nakonec i pri zakladani charu.Tzn ja asi az zitra :-)
    BARTUC --- ---
    NESS: Nedivim se, mit ve hre mechaniku, kterou zajdes z donuceni jednou za tyden je k prdu :-)
    NESS --- ---
    BTW taky sem si nevsiml ze v S6 gauntlet zariznou, se teda moc neohral :-) 1/2 roku ?

    The Gauntlet will be disabled for Season 6 while the meta settles with the introduction of the Spiritborn and all other system updates.

    The Gauntlet Disabled in Diablo 4 Season 6 - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Pokud by mel nekdo steam verzi

    Hi all -

    We have seen and received reports regarding Diablo IV Steam owners not being able to play the game after Patch 1.5.2 due to an error regarding a ‘Trial Period Ending’.

    As the team continues to troubleshoot this behind the scenes, we are planning on removing the time and leveling restrictions on the trial which should allow players on Steam to play the game.

    There will still be some restrictions additional restrictions in place on Steam players while we continue work on this issue, but we know it is imperative to at least get users back in Sanctuary even with some of these restrictions in place.

    Players on Steam will have some restrictions with trade, in-game chat and some party functionality such as inviting users. Once we have a full fix for this, we will update this thread and these restrictions will disappear.

    We apologize for the hiccup on this and the team is looking into resolving this issue as soon as possible.

    [UPDATE - Hotfix rolled out and issue RESOLVED] - 'Trial Period Ended' issue with Diablo IV on Steam - PC Bug Report - Diablo IV Forums
    BARTUC --- ---
    NESS: hernajs co to je za build? :-D
    NESS --- ---
    a hordy8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp60pUTNyDQ sem si rikal jak si poradi s councilama na zaver, kdyz to jede na shatter a pitbose musi rybarit, no normalne to pred nima prehodi na combustion :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Sem hledal build s vox ominum a nasel tohle, https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/38b701c3-2f34-41b8-b76a-419245ad2031/builds/61f2fe21-2a2f-4986-9c55-526f6da64a63 nevypada zle, fireball firebolt andy firewall ? :-)

    pit150 clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_SXkWE8sd4
    NESS --- ---
    Pit101 za 34sec :-)

    Lightning Spear Sorc Pit t101 speedfarm 34 sec [s5 Diablo 4]
    NESS --- ---
    Dalsi radikalni zmena jsou je mlvl, podle patch notes jsou pryc a "Monsters will no longer have their level displayed and will scale to the Difficulty you’re playing on."

    Podle me tim celkem ztratis prehled, pac malo kdo si je schopny prepocitat mlvl podle NM, nebo podle hordy. V normalnim svete je to dost jedno, tam je to nezajimavy, ale u toho zbytku je to dost matouci a tam to skalovani nezmizi, ne ?

    Pokud se kouknes na mlvl 120 vis co asi tak muzes cekat,a jediny kde to je citelny je pita tam mlvl120=pit20 ale ze mlvl120=nm66=horda4 da bez viditelneho mlvl 120 malo kdo, ja teda ne :-)
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Dost zalezi jak se stema vsema zmenama posune obtiznost, pokud by to bylo odpovidajici momentalnimu stavu (coz nebude) tak garantovany maximalni glyph na 100 odpovida pit120, to je v poho pro S a A buildy, zbytek mozny smolik, nektere buildy jsou uz ted radi ze udelaji Pit100, ty holt glyph na max nevylejlujou, nebo jim to bude trvat. Nejvic na to asi doplati casualove bez top gearu, ted to nebyl problem postupne doklepat, coz s "mozna" dropem bude slozitejsi.

    MAESTRO_007: Uvidime :-) Nehlede na glyphy tak pitem stejne budes muset projit pokud si budes chtit otevrit T2-3-4, capstone dungy jsou pryc a tormenty se odemykaji pres pitu.
    Jinak sem zvedav co udelaji nm dungama, mw matro ma padat vsude, na vybavu a prachy jsou rychlejsi hordy.
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: za mě dobrý. EXpeni glyphu v NM je aktuálně asi to nejnudnější co v celé hře je. Museli kvůli tomu i snížit obtížnost, aby to vůbec lidí přetrpěli. a teď chodíš NM 100 na levelu 60 (já ne). Prostě nesmysl, to v že hře ani nemusí být.

    Naopak udělat z PITu páteřní aktivitu hry je dobrý nápad. Ta mechanika je super, odzkoušená v D3 kde to lidi běhají jak opice pořád dokola už 15 let a stačí jim to :D

    Stejně tak to expeni výpadá dobře, konečně další motivace zvládnout vyšší PIT, kde bude upgrade zaručený a ne to gemblit na stejném levelu. Takže motivace vylepšovat build. Víc levelu glyphu a potenciální endgame další. Jak to bude fungovat v reálu je druhá věc :-) uvidíme.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: prostě cokoliv, co má na konci odměnu jen "možná", je vždycky špatně. Tady je to dokonce ještě horší, pokud z nějakého důvodu nedokážeš dát dost vysoký tier pitu, tak si prostě nevylepšuješ glyphy, game over.
    NESS --- ---
    Sem se postupne prokousal tema zmenama a nejak nevim co si mam myslet o paragon glypech, jako chapu ze pita byla najednou mrtva tak ji museli nejak vyplnit ale presun levleni glyphu z NM na Pitu mi neprijde uplne stastny, to same zruzeni glyp expu a prechod na full D3 rifty/gemy, ted kdyz jsi mn100 dojel je jedno jestli ciste nebo s nejakym umrtim tak mel jisty glyph exp tzn jisty progres, coz s S6 pada a misto jistych glyph expu hrajes dalsi rng automat, kdy mozna dostanes mozna ne, hod si kostkou..

    Kdyby nekdo nevedel, tohle:

    Glyphs have undergone a metamorphosis to better meld with the other changes we’ve made.

    Upgrading a Glyph is no longer driven by experience. Instead, you’re given attempts to increase your Glyph’s Rank by completing Pit Tiers.
    Three attempts to upgrade your Glyph’s Rank are rewarded for successfully completing the Artificer’s Mastery, and a bonus attempt for not dying.
    Each upgrade attempt can be used to increase any Glyph that isn’t already at max level. The chance to upgrade your Glyph is based on the level of the Glyph and the Tier of the Pit you complete. For example, completing a Pit Tier that is 10 higher than your Glyph’s Rank guarantees an upgrade Rank.
    Completing a Pit Tier that is significantly higher than your Glyph’s current Rank grants bonus upgrade ranks per attempt.
    Every 20-level difference between the completed Pit Tier and Glyph Rank grants a bonus upgrade per attempt. Here’s an example of this system in action:

    Three deathless Pit Tier 30 runs would take a Glyph all the way up to Rank 19, rapidly unlocking the additional Radius Size increase:

    First Pit Run

    Attempt 1: Glyph Rank increases from 1 to 3.
    Attempt 2: Glyph Rank increases from 3 to 5.
    Attempt 3: Glyph Rank increases from 5 to 7.
    Bonus Attempt 4: Glyph Rank increases from 7 to 9.
    Second Pit Run

    Attempt 1: Glyph Rank increases from 9 to 11.
    Attempt 2: Glyph Rank increases from 11 to 12.
    Attempt 3: Glyph Rank increases from 12 to 13.
    Bonus Attempt 4: Glyph Rank increases from 13 to 14.
    Third Pit Run

    Attempt 1: Glyph Rank increases from 14 to 14 (Radius Size increase).
    Attempt 2: Glyph Rank increases from 15 to 16.
    Attempt 3: Glyph Rank increases from 16 to 17.
    Bonus Attempt 4: Glyph Rank increases from 17 to 18.
    The maximum level of a Glyph has been increased from 21 to 100. At Level 45, a Rare Glyph can be upgraded to a Legendary Glyph using Gem Fragments with the following bonuses:

    The Glyph’s Radius Size has increased from 4 to 5.
    The Glyph gains an additional affix.
    NESS --- ---
    ale Aspect of Splintering Energy je buffnuty z 38-83 na 75 - 135, tzn speara stale oka, jen se nemusime hnat tak mocne za cd, pac ti to stejne bude k prdu, takze shako s ga v cd a tal rasha s ga v cd nebude podminkou
    NESS --- ---
    NESS: Heh tak na conjurace bude v S6 cap ne 10 jak sem tipoval ale 30 :-) bingo
    NESS --- ---
    Snad jeste ty nove ubery https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/all-four-new-mythic-uniques-found-in-diablo-4-patch-2-0-1-ptr-346338

    Spiritborn dostane klacek s +10 to All Skills, v ga s 3 kritem = +27 all skill :-) wtf ?
    NESS --- ---
    Pomerne zajimave srovnani obtiznosti S5 vs S6 Rob a "NEW DIFFICULTY SYSTEM & MASSIVE POWER CREEP in Season 6" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsMBKyhb9t4

    Pokud S6 T4 = S5 pit130, tak to bude zajimave a asi T4 nebude pro kazdy build :-) Minimalne dokud ten build dostatecne nenalestis
    NESS --- ---
    Jinak PTR venku 24/38G, probehnul rovnou i datamine



    Pak budou zmeny v sutrech, nova trifda nad royal ruby uz nebude na HP, tzn pravdepodobne se pojede na main skill

    Massive Gem Changes Coming to Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 - New Gem Tier, No More Max Life - Wowhead News

    a nejaky knowhow k runam

    Runewords Explained in Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 - Everything You Need to Know - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: Maxroll sem cetl, jen tak se ptam jestli to nekdo zkousel :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam