Tak ten posledni patch byl fakt vydatnej, nasledky do ted patchuji, celkem sranda ze pridali do vsero repertoaru, diskonektu a ruznych padu gamesy i modrou smrt :-)
Me to ted pri prvnim spusteni, po vybrani prviho charu a spawnuti v prvni lokaci padne, sice bez smrti ale vytuh a papa
PezRadar 192 posts
Community Manager
Thanks for the extra info.
The updates being rolled out are hitting on specific individual items but not all of them. We choose to roll out updates as fixes come in. We do have some other lingering stability bugs and so we do expect additional client patches. I know 2.0.4b is currently in the works and will have some details on that soon.
Game crashes on first mob pull in Pit - #354 by luckY-1438 - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forumshttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/game-crashes-on-first-mob-pull-in-pit/203363/354Blizzard to Address Ongoing BSOD Issues with Client-Side Patch - Icy Veinshttps://www.icy-veins.com/d4/news/blizzard-to-address-ongoing-bsod-issues-with-client-side-patch/