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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    NESS --- ---
    Za me nejlip vypada Barb hota-quake, ten buff ww je minimalni, ale je tam dalsi buff Mighty Throw, ale soubezne fix snapshotu.

    Spirit ma nejvic zmen/fixu, sem zvedavej jak to dopadlo, evade podle me bude stale nejrychlejsi levlovani, ta zmena na Acceleration se toho nedotkne pokud se povede dropnout rychle Sepazontec

    Nekro zacit jako minon a pak s Kessime's Legacy preskocit na blood wave

    U sorcky bych zkusil s Okun's Catalyst ballku, gravitional je diky tomu zmeneny

    Gravitational Aspect
    Moved to Utility category.
    Previous - Ball Lightning orbits around you and deal [10 - 30]%[x] increased damage. You may have up to 10 Ball Lightnings and casting more increases the damage of the existing ones by 10% each.

    Developer's Note: The previous version of this affix has been reworked into Okun's Catalyst.

    Now - After creating 7-2 Ball Lightnings, your next Ball Lightning implodes pulling in close enemies before dealing [90% weapon damage] damage in a small area. This damage scales with Ball Lightning.

    Rogue bych zkusil neco s shadow clonem, zatim sem ho ani jednou nehral, pokazde jako ultimatka bud trapa nebo rain

    U Druida ukazali Aspect of the Blurred Beast se shredem, je tam buff boonu, ale i tak pro me nejmin zajimave
    NESS --- ---
    The general chance for an Ancestral item to drop has been increased.
    The minimum roll for a Legendary affix on an Ancestral item is now equal to the max roll of a non-ancestral item.
    Compasses now stack, based on tier. Maximum stack count is 99.
    A new option in the Training Yard has been added to toggle damage variance on and off.
    The Infernal Hordes Gold Chest now rewards more Gold.

    The general chance for an Elixir to drop from Elite monsters has been reduced.
    The overall drop chance of Gem Fragments has been reduced.

    //Tohle je zajimavy

    Items that have affixes that are class specific are no longer class-restricted. Instead, the specific affix is now class-restricted.
    Developer’s Note: Any affixes that are inactive due to being incompatible with your class will be explicitly called out as disabled on item tooltips.

    Items and affixes that are not usable by your current class will explicitly denote which classes can use them on the tooltip using class iconography.
    The following list details what affixes are now class restricted or have had the class they are restricted to updated.
    Developer’s Note: Most of these affixes are from class-specific Tempering recipes. To acquire them on other classes the item must be tempered by the class that has access, then transferred.

    Restricted to Barbarians
    Damage to Injured
    Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
    Damage after Swapping Weapons

    Restricted to Necromancers
    Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
    Damage While Fortified
    Blood Orbs restore essence

    Restricted to Rogue
    Damage to Poisoned Enemies
    Lucky Hit: Chance to Daze
    Bonus Maximum Life while Dark Shroud is Active

    Restricted to Sorcerer
    Bonus Fire Damage
    Bonus Cold Damage
    Bonus Lightning Damage
    Damage to Frozen enemies
    Increased Freeze Duration
    Damage to Immobilized Enemies
    Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal

    Restricted to Barbarians and Necromancers
    Thorns while Fortified

    Restricted to Barbarians and Sorcerers
    Bonus Crowd Control Duration

    Restricted to Barbarians, Necromancers, Druids, and Sorcerers
    Casting Ultimate Restores Resource

    //Tohle je ten boost minionu ?

    Summons and Minions Update
    All skills that summon entities, such as Necromancer Minions, Druid Companions, Sorcerer Conjurations, are now all tagged as Summon skills for consistency across classes.

    Added the Summoning Skill Tag to Druid Companion Skills, Sorcerer Conjuration Skills, Rogue Shadow Clone, Barbarian Call of the Ancients, in addition to Necromancer Raise Skeleton, Golem, and Army of the Dead.
    Units created by these Skills are now collectively referred to as Summons.
    All damage from Summons is attributed to the player's character, rather than the Summoned unit.
    Updated wording on various effects to use the new Summons terminology where appropriate. Many effects still interact only with the class specific version of these Summons.
    Updated wording on various effects to remove "You and your Summons" where it is now redundant to specifically call out your Summons.

    Developer’s Note: Summoning Skills have behaved inconsistently across the Classes, making it hard to know how to scale their damage or what effects would interact with your Summons. This update aims to standardize their interactions across the board by attributing the damage they deal to the player, rather than the Summoned unit. This means that damage from your Summons will be able to trigger all of your Lucky Hit effects, and interact with all of your damage modifiers, multipliers, and triggers. Note that effects such as Ring of Mendeln still properly increase their damage output based on the damage bonuses you have for the specific Minion type that triggered the effect. Additionally, specific changes for Necromancer have been implemented to reflect these changes, which can be seen above in the relevant section.
    NESS --- ---
    Ne ze by na tom ted uz zalezelo ale Domhainne, Belfry, Sirocco, Carrion, Champion's Demise, pekny :-) Goa je pryc

    Seasonal Nightmare Dungeon Rotation

    Vessel of Hatred Dungeons:
    Beast Graveyard
    Farai Cliffs
    Feeding Grounds
    Forge of Malice
    Forgotten Remains
    Hallowed Stones
    Hierophant Pyre
    Iron Cenotaph
    Murmuring Spiral
    Putrescent Larder
    Razak's Descent
    Remnants of Rage
    Ruined Wild
    Seething Underpass
    Sleepless Hollow
    Ularian Sepulcher

    Base Game Dungeons:
    Black Asylum
    Caldera Gate
    Dead Man's Dredge
    Derelict Lodge
    Forbidden City
    Forsaken Quarry
    Hallowed Ossuary
    Hoarfrost Demise
    Kor Dragan Barracks
    Light's Watch
    Mercy's Reach
    Nostrava Deepwood
    Akkhan's Grasp
    Ancient Reservoir
    Bastion Of Faith
    Belfry Zakara
    Blind Burrows
    Faceless Shrine
    Haunted Refuge
    Heathen's Keep
    Iron Hold
    Leviathan's Maw
    Lost Keep
    Maugan's Works
    Abandoned Mineworks
    Collapsed Vault
    Corrupted Grotto
    Deserted Underpass
    Forgotten Ruins
    Hakan's Refuge
    Halls of the Damned
    Heretic's Asylum
    Putrid Aquifer
    Shivta Ruins
    Sirocco Caverns
    Sunken Library
    Tomb of the Saints
    Uldur's Cave
    Vile Hive
    Calibel's Mine
    Domhainne Tunnels
    Garan Hold
    Howling Warren
    Luban's Rest
    Maddux Watch
    Mariner's Refuge
    Sarat's Lair
    Sunken Ruins
    Whispering Pines
    Ancient's Lament
    Betrayer's Row
    Bloodsoaked Crag
    Buried Halls
    Carrion Fields
    Champion's Demise
    Charnel House
    Grinning Labyrinth
    Komdor Temple
    Path of the Blind
    Sealed Archives
    Seaside Descent
    NESS --- ---
    Mel by vypadnout ted patchnotes s kompletima zmenama ale nevyapda to uplne zle, asi nejlip vysla klas balac, teda aspon podle popisu, cisla jeste nejsou.

    Barb hota a ww buffnuty, sorcka nejslabsi tak plosny buff, propaguji ballku, druid zustane jak bylk v ptr jen fixnuty infinite dmg bug, rog rain of arrows nerfnuty diky plosnemu nerfu ultimatek, shadow clone duplikuje i specialni utoky ten vypadal dost dobre, Nekro diky nerf ultimatek nerfnuty bloodwave ale porad bude top, minioni pry budou silnejsi nez kdy predtim, tezko rict co tim myslej, spiritborna chteji stale silneho a chteji aby byl top razor wing build, tzn chteji porad prodavat rozsireni.

    Pak nejake stripky, Unikatky s kazdym GA se zvedne minimal, nebude na maxnu ale nebude uplny odpad, gem fragmenty pujdou menit za kesky s amuletama a ringama, nove archetype kesky s equipem pro klasy padajici z ruznych zdroju ala klass kvest, ktery bude stacit udelat s jednim charem pro danou klasu.

    Co se tyce sezony, pory chteji zaver journey udelat tezsi, bez prikladu co tim myslej, jinak nove dungeony ale NMD se spesl klicem

    Ani slovo o duplikovani, ani o kseftovani, se dost divim, pac to byl tuhle sezonu slusny pruser.
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    jako causal se na novou sezonu těším :-) a

    7. sezóna vypadá lépe než si myslíte! Představení všech změn! Diablo IV
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Odladeny to samozrejme nebude a urcite stim prijde nejaky vtipny bug kdy bude mozne nasadit dve veci nebo se pri nejake postupu se kterym nikdo nepocital jednotlive sloty nejak zameni :-) Pripadne se prijde na nejaky zpusob jak pres to duplikovat veci, ale nepredbihal bych a nechal se prekvapit :-)

    Spis sem ale zvedavej na paragony, vsadil bych se ze tam nejaka taskarice vznikne taky. Rozhodne si hned na zacatku do vsech pozic pro jistotu ulozim "prazdne" rozlozeni, minimane bych tim mel usetrit za resetovani. :-)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: armory super, ale jsem zvedavej jak to bude odladeny, treba na situace, kdy uz nejakej equip nemas. Jinak bida.

    Jinak mi pri sledovani toho video konecne doslo, co me na Blizzardim stylu komunikace tak sere - oni mi ty veci popisujou, jak kdyby mi bylo deset, a zadnou hru jsem nikdy nehral, ve stylu "tady dostenes velkou ohnivou kouli, a ta udela bum bum". A mam takovej trochu pocit, jestli nahodou takhle nemluvej i spolu ve firme... :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Vrana jako pet :-) Schvalne kde se zasekne

    Master the Occult in Season of Witchcraft — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

    Pripadne jednotlive

    All Changes to Witch Powers - Diablo 4 Season 7 - Wowhead News
    Occult Gem Tuning for Diablo 4 Season 7 - Overpower Gem Nerfed, DoT Speed Gem Buffed - Wowhead News
    New Legendary Aspects Buffed in Diablo 4 Season 7 - Barbarian, Necromancer, Rogue - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    3 dny po startu D4 S7 (21.1.2025) by mela startovat i D3 S34 (24.1.2025)

    Sanctuary needs you to answer its call for aid in Season 34: Light’s Calling. Starting on January 24 at 5 p.m. PST/CET/KST, Nephalem can harness the power of the Light’s Calling theme, which first debuted with Season 27. For an in-depth look at what’s coming, take a gander below. Also, Season 33 will officially come to an end on January 19.

    Season 34: Light’s Calling - Preview — Diablo III — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    Our next Developer Update Livestream begins on January 16 at 11 a.m. PST and gives a preview of our upcoming Season. Join members of the development team as they share details on what’s coming next.

    Join Our Next Developer Update Livestream - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    VODNIK --- ---
    Vůbec se nebudu zlobit, když se nová sezóna odloží. Pořád je co dělat
    NESS --- ---
    Na to ze za 20 dni zacina S7 slusne ticho po pesine (Season 7 begins on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 :-) Koukal sem na youtube a jediny kdo asi nehraje POE2 je Rhykker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbPBmE8ICmc

    Ale aspon tam ma vtipne komenty "Season 7: Season of the uninstall because I need the disk space for... something else." :-)

    Co je zvlastni, tak ani zadne nove info ani primo na blizzardu, schvalne s cim prijdou po svatkach
    NESS --- ---
    Pokud nekdo zkousel ptr tak uz je to fixnute

    Vcera jim to padlo na hubu :-)

    Hi all -

    We are seeing some server crashing due to the Boost NPC and its interactions with multiple players Paragon levels. We are going to block the functionality of the NPC (Mrak) in the coming hour.

    This will be re-enabled tomorrow morning with fixes. Not an ideal start to our Season 7 PTR. We apologize on this but we want to make sure players can get in without interruption while we fix up Mrak’s issues.

    Boost NPC Disabled - PTR Bug Report - Diablo IV Forums
    EVILMIND --- ---
    "Extra Gem Fragments can be used to create random Legendary items"

    to je vskutku originalni reseni problemu, co si sami vytvorili :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Ha, to sem prehlidnul, ikdyz jsem si na to v tehle sezone stezoval :-)

    The minimum roll for a Legendary affix on an Ancestral item is now equal to the max roll of a non-ancestral item.
    NESS --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: Asi jako vzdycky, dostanou tag "legacy" a zustanou zakonzervovane ve stavu jak jsou, ethernal nikdo neresi :-)

    Njn, minimalne na sc se to pak seslo ze ze speed farm byl dobry na vsechno, ale na hc to mam rozdelene, bosskillera a farmera, tam to mam rozdelene uplne abych mel scim hrat az jeden char zarve (coz se zatim nestalo, ale muze to byt kdykoliv + prubeznue pestuju dalsi nahradniky), takze vlastne armory bych v tehle sezone taky nevyuzil :-)
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: jak to bude to resolve řešené třeba na ethernalu kde budeš mít equip ze staré sezóny?

    + By se mohly.stackovat i klíče na NM dungeony, případně je otevírat kliknutím na mapu když ho máš. Nebaví mě hledat ten u kterého je aktivní Whisper :-)

    Na armory se těším.... Konečně půjde hrát support + speedfarm atd. Škoda že je to vlastně zbytečné, protože speedfarm zvládne celý obsah :D a support skoro neexistuje :D
    NESS --- ---
    Resolve tempera je pryc

    Spiritborn Resolve – Defensive Recipe
    Maximum Resolve Stacks replaced with Armor +X%.

    Acce nerfnuta. S vymaxovanym buildem to (+3vs+1) nebude problem porad bych rekl ze evade i bez Sepazontecu pujde

    Previous: Gain 1/2/3 additional Evade Charges. After you Evade your next Eagle Skill deals 10/20/30%[x] increased damage.
    Now: Gain 1 additional Evade Charge. After you Evade, your Eagle Skills deal 8/16/24%[x] increased damage for 2 seconds.

    U Barba to pry vypada na Earthquake, jim tam uplne upadla ruka a je to bafnuty naskrz, asi to bude top build mozna i skrz ostatni klasy

    Ty kraso kompasy se budou stackovat, neuveritelne :-)))

    Infernal Compasses have been updated.
    Compasses now stack, based on tier. Maximum stack count is 99.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam