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    ztracené heslo?
    RIMMER_Amanda Palmer
    BUTEO --- ---
    RIMMER_: Jo, to je strašlivý :-D
    RIMMER_ --- ---
    Navíc je to bžunda. Stejně jako Umbrella ella ella eh eh.
    ANGELINE --- ---
    Má to spíš na show a Feist náhodou není úplně crap, má i lepší písničky.
    BUTEO --- ---
    SAIL_OR: Co? Ty tři různobarevný čmouhy na červenym podkladu? Tobě se to líbí? Ts ts ts :-)
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    BUTEO: jsi důkazem toho, že i ikonka může někdy mást, co se vkusu majitele týče
    BUTEO --- ---
    SAIL_OR: Pche! Sesame street je vysoce dobrovkusná záležitost!
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    tý se nějak zhoršuje vkus
    RIMMER_ --- ---
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    normálního? )
    LALAJ --- ---
    Jou,ani nevite jakou jste mi udelali radost s tim novym cd,konecne budu mit zas co novyho a normalniho poslouchat:)To mi ted posledni dobou chybi.
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    MATHEW: mejlíš se, hlavso.,jedno mám a na druhým se usilovně pracuje!

    co vůbec říkáte na video k astronaut? mě se třeba moc nelíbí
    MATHEW --- ---
    SAIL_OR: nemáš ani břicho ani nejsi slavná, tak nevymýšlej
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    hm, máme ale s amandou očividně podobnmé problémy a zážitky
    MATHEW --- ---
    má skoro tolik vypravěčeského talentu jako menšík
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    RIMMER_ --- ---
    Amanda má akorát bříško.
    Na blogu k němu má i "veselou historku" :)

    i went to the post office with a friend and the pretty lady posting my 12 packages was like "anything liquid fragile or perishable" and i was like "no"
    and then she asked "hmmmm. does this package happen to contain a copy of No, Virginia?" and my jaw dropped. she was older than me and didn't look your your average dolls fan and i was so happy,
    and i looked so damn cool in front of my friend. oh oh yes. they know me AT THE POST OFFICE. i am famous. yay. then a few hours later we went to cafe pamplona and were sitting there enjoying our coffees and musing and a pretty girl came up to us and was shy and adorable and told me she was a fan and we rapped for a bit and i was like: my ego is SO fed today. i am so known. damn, i feel fancy.
    so then i went to the counter to ask for our check and there were these two older ladies sitting at a table, probably in their fifties and one was looking over at me and whispering to her lady friend and i was like: this can't be.
    and they tittered a bit and i got my check and the lady who had been looking at me said: "i'm sorry, you're going to kill me for asking this...."
    and i was like "no, no, go ahead!" and in my mind i was like: I AM SO AWESOME. i have achieved ultimate fanciness. i am loved and known by OLD WOMEN! my life is so complete today.
    and she looked at her friend and did that giggly nervous smile you do and gave me the biggest grin and said

    "...you're pregnant, aren't you?"

    that evened things out quite nicely.

    for the record: i'm not pregnant. i just have a belly at all times. can't do nothing about it. even when the rest of me is rock hard, The Belly (i sometimes call it The Orb) is in full force.
    people think i'm pregnant every once in a while. I find it charming. i once ruined some guys life....this was in the UK and he was a super-fan and his band was opening up for us. at the end of the night he congratulated me on being pregnant and I laughed and was like.....dude, i'm not pregnant. i'm just belly. or beer. or whatevers in there. but it's not baby.
    anyway, this threw him into such a panic that i got 3-page apologetic emails for a year. it was heartbreaking.

    also for the record: i'm so glad i'm not pregnant.
    DOP --- ---
    RIMMER_: Tak ty sem nevidel no ;)
    RIMMER_ --- ---
    STRYX: DOP mluví z cesty. Veškeré nahé fotografie (a jedno video) dokazují, že ohledně postavy není co promíjet ;)
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