When asked for his views on the start, Mercedes driver Hamilton explained it can be difficult for the poleman to know where his rivals are positioned in the immediate moments after the lights go out.
"Often - when you look at my last start at Monza - when you pull away, you can't actually see the guy who's in second place," said Hamilton, who described the crash as "an unfortunate racing incident".
"They're generally in your blind spot if they get as good a start as you, and it's difficult to know where they are.
"So your immediate thought is to cover your ground, get to the inside and cover and turn them down, so I assume that's what he [Vettel] did.
"When you do that, all of a sudden they appear in your mirror so you can understand where they are, or [if they are] in your peripheral view, but sometimes you do it and you realise you're ahead so you actually didn't need to.
"I don't [know] if Sebastian felt that way or not. I was only focused on trying to get away faster than Daniel [Ricciardo].
prebijim tveho chrisse harrisona hamiltonem. :P
nebut takovej obycejnej internetovej tinfoil cap hater.
byla to vettelova chyba. ale je hloupe prehlizet co se ti nehodi do kramu.
on zcela realne opravdu nemusel vubec mit zadne poneti jak vyborne kimi odstartoval.
vedel ze max ma lepsi start. ale to te asi pak moc nenapadne ze nekdo za nim mel naprosto epickej odpich.
navic kimi byl v tom desti kryty za vozem maxe z pohledu seba.
seb jen vedel ze max ma lepsi start a zbytek viz hamilton.
a jak jsem se ja asi mohl citit jako clovek co fandi kimimu.... z prvniho replaye mi bylo jasne ze tohle vzniklo opravdu nestastne a kimi by jinak byl prvni v zatacce. a to by prece vettelovi nemohlo vadit. sak znas ferrari. kdyz na to dojde tak oni ty pozice prohodi a nebudou se obtezovat to maskovat. nakonec dokud bude na jednu staj pripadat vice nez jeden vuz. tak to vzdy bude tymovy sport a je to jejich pravo.