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    TOM_HOST --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: Aston Martin ma ale AMG V8 vc elektroniky uz nejakou chvilku ;)

    The boss of AMG is now running Aston Martin | Top Gear
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    Začinám mít pocit, že to, co je Lambo pro Audi, bude Aston pro Mercedes.
    Příští rok by měl být safety carem velkých cen F1 taky Aston Martin | GPF1
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    PEPAZZ: tohle ti nestačí? :)

    jako naslo by se jeste par věci z dob jeho působení u Renaultu za Flavia.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: měl ještě nějaký kauzicky, krom tohohle?
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    pěkný koukání, pokud jste neviděli

    Origins of The Silver War (COMPLETE)
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    Z FB FIA WEC cz/sk:

    Americká stáj DragonSpeed odtajnila složení jezdecké posádky pro svůj návrat do světového vytrvalostního šampionátu FIA WEC v příští sezoně.

    V prototypu Oreca 07 Gibson třídy LMP 2 se budou střídat stálí jezdci týmu Ben Hanley a Henrik Hedman, které posílí bývalý pilot formule 1 a dvojnásobný účastník Le Mans Juan Pablo Montoya.

    Kolumbijský pilot se v barvách DragonSpeedu zúčastnil už letošního Le Mans a po konci svého angažmá u týmu Penske, který s prototypy Acura nebude pokračovat v seriálu IMSA WSC, k americké stáji, jenž má na svém kontě v rámci LMP 2 vítězství ve WEC, ELMS i IMSA WSC, přestoupí natrvalo.

    "Jsem nadšený z toho, že se připojím k týmu DragonSpeed pro kompletní sezonu WEC. S týmem jsem letos nasbíral fantastické zkušenosti v Le Mans a těším se, až si zazávodím na několika klasických okruzích ve spolupráci s touto skupinkou výborných lidí," uvedl Montoya v tiskové zprávě.

    Pětačtyřicetiletý závodník z Bogoty vyhrál sedm závodů formule 1, je dvojnásobným vítězem Indy 500 a mimo jiné také bývalým pilotem NASCAR, Champ Car nebo IndyCar.

    Kromě závodů FIA WEC cílí stáj Eltona Juliana na start v lednové čtyřiadvacetihodinovce v Daytoně, kde by mohla útočit na završení vítězného hattricku ve třídě LMP 2.

    FOTO: Momento24

    KALTY --- ---
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    ZDENDAK: Skoda ze to neni HL44 :))
    ANDR3E --- ---
    ZDENDAK: to uz jsme tu meli, ale opakovani matka moudrosti :)
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    1963 London Airport (Sept) : Nineteen racing cars await loading at the airport on to a cargo plane to take them to America to compete in the Watkins Glen Grand Prix. Canadair CL44

    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    PEPAZZ: Alonso je spousta věcí, ale v závodění rovnej chlap fakt neni.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    tohle jsem jeste nasel, taky dobry zabery z pohledu pilota

    IndyCar VISOR CAM : Lap Around Every Track
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Albon's unexpected chance to save his Red Bull F1 career
    M_IKE --- ---
    Nice one :))
    ANDR3E --- ---
    tohle je taky super, o pocatcich zavodu v Brne :)

    Příběhy předěmtů - Patník z Ostrovačic
    M_IKE --- ---
    THRASHER: Sry, ale letosni konkurenci mu delal jen obcas Bottas a obcas obcas Max ;) A treba pukni vzteky, ale je to tak :)
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Příběhy předěmtů - Eliška a Bugatti
    ANDR3E --- ---
    ZDENDAK: neuniklo to ani Googlu :)

    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Sem nevěděl ze Alonso byl taková svině :)

    The next morning, still furious, Alonso met Dennis and threatened to go to the FIA with information pertaining to the spy-gate case unless the team disadvantaged Hamilton in the race.

    Alonso later withdrew the threat, but it was too late. His relationship with McLaren was now irrevocably broken. A contract that had been meant to run for three years would be terminated by mutual consent at the end of the year.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    PEPAZZ: par highlitu z clanku

    Aged 10, Hamilton became the youngest ever winner of the British cadet kart championship. That year, in 1995, he attended the Autosport Awards, the motorsport industry’s end-of-season shindig. He walked up to Ron Dennis, the boss of McLaren, introduced himself and said: “One day, I want to be racing your cars.”

    Three years later, after Hamilton had won his second British kart championship, Dennis signed him up to McLaren’s driver development programme. Whitmarsh was put in charge of overseeing Hamilton’s career.

    Hamilton was on the podium for his first nine consecutive races, and won his seventh. The Italian media took to calling him ‘Il Fenomeno’ - the phenomenon. At McLaren, the tension was rising.

    As the man who had ended Schumacher’s domination of F1 with Ferrari, Alonso had established himself as the sport’s leading driver. Although it wasn’t in his contract, the Spaniard felt his status demanded he be McLaren’s team leader and designated championship contender. Hamilton had other ideas.

    At the first race of the season, Alonso qualified second and Hamilton fourth, but at the start Hamilton pulled a move that set the tone for what was to come. He passed his team-mate around the outside of the first corner and ran confidently ahead of him for two thirds of the race.

    In the end, Alonso finished second behind Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen, with Hamilton third, but the ‘kid’ had left a huge impression. And it just kept growing.
    Hamilton first led the championship after the fourth race of the season, taking it away from Alonso at the Spaniard’s home grand prix. The problems that led to the team unravelling began at the next race in Monaco.

    Through that long, tense summer, the advantage swung back and forth between him and Alonso, with Raikkonen and his Ferrari team-mate Felipe Massa also in the mix for the championship.

    Adding to the pressure, the title battle took place against the political backdrop of the ‘spy-gate’ case, in which McLaren’s chief designer had been found in possession of 780 pages of confidential Ferrari technical information.

    The next flashpoint was the Hungarian Grand Prix.

    What was meant to happen was for Alonso to run first on track ahead of Hamilton during qualifying. McLaren had been alternating which of their drivers would benefit from a complex 2007 rule relating to fuel loads, and it was Alonso’s turn.

    Instead, Hamilton went out ahead and refused repeated requests over the radio to let Alonso through. This put Alonso at a disadvantage in the fight for pole. Alonso worked out what was going on and made sure he came into the pits first before their final laps.

    As Alonso’s new tyres were being fitted, Hamilton was waiting behind for his. With the work quickly finished, Alonso then held his car, having calculated how long he would need to block Hamilton to make sure he wouldn’t be able to start his final lap. When he was certain Hamilton was out of time, only then did he pull away.

    All hell broke loose. Dennis threw his headphones down in disgust and went over to remonstrate with Alonso’s trainer, who he wrongly believed was involved. The drivers were called to the stewards, who also received a visit from Anthony Hamilton. Alonso was given a five-place grid penalty.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Challenger, champion, change-maker
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