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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    ZDENDAK: A právě jsem byl upozorněn taky na další znepokojující fakt, a sice že

    77 – 44 = 33

    Náhoda? Tolik náhod na jednom místě! :D
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    MERTLAS --- ---
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    Hele víte co mě dneska asi tak kolem půl čtvrté ráno při meditaci na D1 napadlo?

    44 – 11 = 33

    Got it? Nebo jsem magor? :D
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Fia se snaží aby to Mercedes nevzal k soudu koukam: )

    FIA President proposed to the World Motor Sport Council that a detailed analysis and clarification exercise for the future with all relevant parties will now take place.
    This matter will be discussed and addressed with all the teams and drivers to draw any lessons from this situation and clarity to be provided to the participants, media, and fans about the current regulations to preserve the competitive nature of our sport while ensuring the safety of the drivers and officials. It is not only Formula 1 that may benefit from this analysis, but also more generally all the other FIA circuit championships.

    FIA: Abu Dhabi GP row ‘tarnishing the image of F1 and celebration of Verstappen’s title’ – RaceFans

    FIA to act as Abu Dhabi debate is ‘tarnishing F1’s image’ - The Race
    KALTY --- ---
    LANMANCZ: za tohle si může Liberty sama. Buď pustím vše nebo nic. Tohle jen vzbuzuje rage, protože všichni slyší pouze 1/100 vypíchnutých hovorů
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Posledni kolo prepis radia

    CS: "What's happening?"

    RA: "Lapped cars are unlapping. Safety Car in this lap"

    CS: "I tell you... Tell this Aston Martin to unlap himself. What is he doing? What are these two cars doing?"

    CS: "What are these two guys doing? They are not unlapping themselves, they need to go."

    RA: "They restart like this. Treat them as lapped cars"

    LS: "There's cars overtaking the safety car."

    BM: "Not us, not us"

    LS: "I don't understand. I should be able to overtake the safety car."

    BM: "That's the chequered flag. We'll explain what happened later."

    LS: "Yeah man, what the f---?" BM: "We'll explain later."

    TS: "We finished P12 in the end. Obviously not enough laps and with the other cars being allowed to go after the safety car, then that pit stop didn't help."

    DR: "OK, yeah. I've got no idea what they did with letting cars through. Obviously, I wasn't really in that anyway, but it seems strange."

    As he pulled up in parc ferme Ricciardo added: "Alrighty. Cheers guys.

    "I'm glad I'm not a part of that -- whatever just happened. It seemed pretty f----- up.
    Lewis :
    This has been manipulated, man," Hamilton told his race engineer Peter Bonnington.
    LANMANCZ --- ---
    The radio ban coming after outbursts in F1 finale
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    V jižní africe maj jasno

    Hamilton failure was engineered by F1 bosses to shield Schumacher's legacy
    HEDIS --- ---
    Snad to hodi za hlavu, a vsechnu energii pouziji do pristi sezony nez do soudnich sporu
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    TOM_HOST: nebo k tomu možná vůbec nedošlo.
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: Prave ze “kaslete na to” asi pochopili blbe :))
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    TOM_HOST: tak základním předpokladem pro sebrání je nejdřív ten důl vlastnit. ;)

    ...Petr - červená hvězda - Bezruč..
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    TOM_HOST: tak to vypadá, ze Lewisovo "kaslete na to" vyznělo do prázdna.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Jsem zvědav jak se zitra rozhodnou s tim appealem

    Mercedes have “good legal basis” for appeal over Abu Dhabi GP – lawyer – RaceFans
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    TOFI: Tady nekdo zacina bojkot :))
    TOFI --- ---
    Mercedes se nedostavil na fotografování před galavečerem FIA – F1sport.cz
    JOHNEYSVK --- ---
    ZDENDAK: Brawn GP nebol postaveny od nuly ani nahodou :))
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam