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    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    How Pirelli's new 18-inch tyres could play a key role in the 2022 F1 season | RacingNews365

    he decision to move to low profiles had, though, been taken "five or six years ago in the interests of modernity and (road) relevance", a source with knowledge of the process told RacingNews365.com, adding that introduction was delayed to coincide with a revised technical package as teams had been promised stability until the end of 2020.

    Apart from aesthetics, the advantages of larger rims/lower sidewall heights include more direct response to steering and braking input, greater control over spring rates as the 'jounce' of high sidewalls is reduced, and increased brake disc area and therefore potentially improved stopping power – in turn facilitating ceramic (or other) braking technologies as F1 strives to phase out carbon friction materials.

    During initial technical discussions between all teams, the FIA, F1 and Pirelli it was agreed that tyre diameter would increase marginally (from 660mm to 720mm) with rims incorporating (fixed) wheel covers and finger recesses, last-mentioned to aid grip during fetch-and-carry and pit-stop activities

    "Heat transfer is another important parameter because spacing between the brakes and the rim is much greater," Isola says. "Therefore, we predict there will a lot less heat transfer from the brakes [in turn affecting tyre warm up].

    For teams the biggest challenge is yet to come: translating tyre test data into on-track performance. Ferrari Racing Director Laurent Mekies expects "three massive pillars that are completely new: completely different aerodynamic regulations, different ways to operate the car (due to revised Sporting Regulations) and mechanical suspension, which nobody has had for 10 or 15 years.

    "So, a lot of different limitations, and, in the middle of those, how to 'switch on' the completely new tyres. I think that's going to be the big challenge. There will [initially] be a huge amount of discovery with the 18-inch [wheels]. It's a great challenge as a team to make sure we have the base to get the core understanding we need."
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    hybridy už i ve WRC!
    WRC HYBRID 🔋 EXPLAINED | Puma 🐈‍⬛ Hybrid Rally1 Powertrain ⚙️ Explained | #MSPORTERS
    SAAYURI --- ---

    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Pacesetter or being 'destroyed' - Arrow McLaren SP's odd 2021 - The Race

    This week it emerged that Hamilton’s F1 future remains in doubt until the outcome of the FIA review, with the implication being that pressure is being put on the FIA to stop taking a passive stance on the matter.

    That appears to have triggered a reaction from the FIA, with reports – which The Race understands to be accurate – subsequently emerging that the process finally began on Monday this week and that Ben Sulayem has made it a lead priority.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Člověk by řekl ze to FIA muselo dojít ale tím že se na to úplně vysrali asi fakt bylo nutné to říct napřímo. Pan novej ředitel asi nebude nejchytřejší kluk.
    TOM_HOST --- ---



    The BBC has reported that Lewis Hamilton will not decide whether to return to F1 this season until he sees the results of an inquiry into the Abu Dhabi GP.
    Mercedes team boss, Toto Wolff, has said that Hamilton is "disillusioned" with F1 as a result of last year's championship-deciding race.

    Insiders have said that Hamilton has lost trust in the governing body as a result. When approached by BBC Sport, Mercedes declined to comment on the situation surrounding Hamilton's future.

    The FIA has launched an inquiry into the events at Yas Marina and is aware both of Hamilton's unhappiness and that it has a big task on its hands to win back the seven-time champion's confidence.
    #F1 #EverythingF1
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    What’s behind fresh Lewis Hamilton 2022 F1 rumours amid FIA stand-off
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    ANDR3E: četl jste někdy ty knihy o kterých Stevo mluvil?
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    Zítra (čtvrtek 13.) startují tréninky a kvalifikace letošní 24h Dubai.
    Závod odstartuje v pátek v 15.00, což mě loni vypeklo když jsem nahodil stream že jako budou startovat a voni už dojížděj do cíle :D

    Hankook 24H DUBAI 2022

    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: mohli by udelat specialni dil jen o Totovi a Masim :D
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: No klidně přes dvacet a pořád si myslim, že by jim toho spoustu zbylo.

    Letos mám pocit, že se na DTS bude hodně nadávat, protože do toho rámce se nevejde spousta zajímavejch momentů.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: to jo, mohli by udelat vic dilu :)
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: Jako chápu, po letech, kdy upoceně dělali 8 hodin materiálu z ničeho, musej teď narvat do 8 hodin takovejch věcí, že by toho bylo na 30 dílů.

    Ma kluci letos těžkou práci. :)))
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: vis jsem nenasel :(
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: oh comon.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: The Formula 1: Drive to Survive season 4 release date has been officially announced to be in 2022 ;))
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: to víš, okurková sezona.

    kdy je premiéra DTS? :)
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: tvl novinarina je drina :))

    Uvidíme Hamiltona letos na startu? Podle zpráv z Velké Británie je to nejisté


    Ukončí Lewis Hamilton kariéru? Dá si přestávku? Nebo bude pokračovat? Nejpravděpodobnější je třetí možnost.

    a pak

    „Do první grand prix v Bahrajnu zbývá 69 dní a stále není jasné, zda bude Lewis Hamilton na startovním roštu,“ řekl Craig Slater.

    „Slyšel jsem od vysoce postavených zdrojů blízkých Hamiltonovi, že je v tuto chvíli stále nejasné, zda bude v prvním závodě sezóny na startovním roštu.“


    FIA přislíbila, že prověří okolnosti toho, co se dělo v posledních kolech Grand Prix Abú Dhabí 2021. Podle Slatera platí, že čím déle se to vleče, tím je menší pravděpodobnost, že se Hamilton letos postaví na start.

    „Bylo mi to tak řečeno,“ uvedl Slater. „Čím déle se to vleče, čím déle nedostaneme výsledek tohoto vyšetřování a některá zjištění od FIA ohledně toho, jak se F1 bude chovat dál, tím horší bude situace Lewise Hamiltona. A to je od vysoce postaveného zdroje blízkého této situaci.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: a je tam pasaz o Moodycat :)
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