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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Why Senna's Driving Style Wouldn't Work Today
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    tak po potocich zbytecnych slz si dame relevatnejsi tema:

    Co to je za saskarnu s tim Prostem? :(
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    TOM_HOST: no vidíš to. toho sem si pod tím nevsim. kuju :*
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    LANMANCZ: merc ... zase jenom merc ... ale redbull v cele s hornerem tise sledovali co se deje ;)
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: ten clanek je asi o 7 postu niz .. proto o tom mluvim plho ;)
    ANDR3E --- ---
    LANMANCZ: sebral mu titul!!!!!!
    ANDR3E --- ---
    KALTY: to je pro vas kluci :)

    LANMANCZ --- ---
    ANDR3E: Za vsechno muze Masi tyve, i Lujz pri tom SC kdyz se ptal Bona jestli bude Max za nim s cerstvyma gumama a proc sami neprezuli vedel, ze to vlastne vubec neni rozhodujici. A stejnetak Toto kdyz to slo pro ne dobre nejdriv volal Masimu, ze at je nechaj zavodit, ze nechce SC no a von to ten vul posral a nechal je nakonec zavodit i kdyz vlastne nemel. Von byl z toho chudak taky jelen co po nem vlastne ten Merc chce tak to holt posral no.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    SWALLOW2: Masi predjel v poslednim kole Lewise??
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    TOM_HOST: umím i karmu vygůglit. ;)

    Karma returns 2008 miracle to Lewis Hamilton | The Goa Sportlight
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: navrhuji aby mu Masi osobne prinesl sebranej titul a pristi sezona byla zachranena!:)
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: až urazena kikina vyleze z pokoje? fakt nevím. :)))
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    SWALLOW2: to je tady normalni ... a pry se tomu rika "karma" to bych vrazdil ... (kdyz uz umime guglovat tak bychom to tady asi nepouziovali ale budiz)

    a glockovi nikdo nic nenaridil lujz to tam taktak dokrouzil pac mel gumy uplne out a ani nevedel jestli ten titul ma nebo ne ... fia mlcela pac tam byl jeste mozek ...

    a kdyz uz tak PRVNI sezonu o jeden bod ten titul minul ... druhy o jeden bod uz ho mel ... jak dlouho to trvalo maxovi nez zavreli masimu deti do sklepa aby mu ten titul konecne spadl? takze ma lujz vetsi pero nez max a hotovo :D
    SWALLOW2 --- ---
    ANDR3E: Hele ale nechces srovnavat nahodny dest s tim, ze Masi v poslednim kole fakticky rozhodoval o tom kdo bude prvni? Vid ze ne? :)
    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: a jezdce u Mercedesu oznami kdy? :D
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    PEPAZZ: Mercedes - February 18
    DRSH --- ---
    KALTY: možná víc "kurev" třeba caps lockem by tomu pomohlo!
    ANDR3E --- ---
    me uz tahle cela ubrecenost Mercedesu a jeho fanousku leze krkem.....:)

    a jen pro pripomenuti ..

    Lewis Hamilton Wins First World Title | 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix | Race Highlights

    Karma returns 2008 miracle to Lewis Hamilton | The Goa Sportlight

    Surely, as soon as Lewis Hamilton saw Latifi’s car crashed with six laps to go before he was crowned world champion, the first thing he thought of was Interlagos 2008, on that comfortable ride through Brazil that turned into a nightmare when with nine laps to go it started to sparkle and everyone went crazy. That Hamilton, thirteen years younger, handled the situation in the worst possible way: a nervous wreck, with the weight of the world championship of the previous year, who also lost in the last race against Raikkonen and seeing how Sebastian Vettel overtook him with two laps to go and left him without a World Cup.

    The Briton, for whom it was enough to be fifth in that race, saw how even the doubles overtook him. McLaren had played it to an extreme rain that never came and, thus, they passed the curves and the intermediate tires of Hamilton could not compete with those of his rivals. In the Ferrari box they were already celebrating while Nicole Scherzinger put her hands to her head. Everything seemed already doomed, when suddenly a miracle occurred in the form of a waterspout over Interlagos, as a punishment from the gods to poor Massa and a blessing for a very lost Hamilton.

    With the extreme rain, which, strictly speaking, lasted only that last lap, Hamilton was able to overtake a Timo Glock who was making S’s, unable to control the car under these circumstances. The overtaking of Glock, which went unnoticed in the Ferrari box and in the Spanish broadcast, placed Hamilton again fifth and champion. This is how an engineer had to explain it to Massa’s father when he hugged jumping with anyone who passed by. At 23, Hamilton was winning the first of his seven world championships. He celebrated it between tears of joy and above all of relief.

    The Interlagos miracle is one of those things that happens once in a lifetime. Or maybe not. In Abu Dhabi we have seen another miracle with the same protagonist … what was already a lot to ask was that he would be the graceful one again. The parallels with Brazil 2008 are immense: the controversy around the first corner aside, Hamilton’s car was superior to Verstappen’s for the entire race. Far superior, dare I say. Tstill superior to that, with worn tires, it was still as fast as its rival with new wheels.

    ANDR3E --- ---
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    KALTY: a další příklad. :)
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