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    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: nebude "muset" spis do Williamsu?
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    de vries jako první na řadě do AplhaTauri pokud půjde Gasly pryč
    Nyck de Vries to replace Alpine-bound Pierre Gasly at AlphaTauri - report : PlanetF1
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Former McLaren mechanic Marc Priestley has claimed that Fernando Alonso once gave out brown envelopes full of cash so the garage would like him more than Lewis Hamilton.
    ‘Fernando Alonso gave McLaren mechanics envelopes stuffed with cash in 2007’ : PlanetF1

    The young Brit’s first season in the sport reached a climax when Alonso purposefully stopped in the pits to slow his team-mate’s effort at qualifying in the Hungarian Grand Prix. It has now been revealed that the dirty tactics were not confined solely to on the track either.

    One of Fernando’s tactics is to try and bring the whole team over to his side of the garage,” the 45-year-old said. “He tries to wrestle control.

    “There was a moment during 2007 when we had them both where Fernando turned up at a race and I arrived and Fernando’s manager or his trainer is handing out little brown envelopes stuffed with cash to everybody who wasn’t on Lewis’ car.
    I remember opening up the envelope and there was like €1,500 or something.

    “You start looking around and your colleagues have all got them going ‘have you opened yours? How much did you get?’ And all of a sudden this starts spreading around the team and the only people that didn’t get them were Lewis’ crew.

    The tactic proved unsuccessful though as the team discovered the handouts and made the recipients donate the cash to charity.
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    ZDENDAK: Jen připomenu ZDENDAK
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Albon je doma
    KALTY --- ---
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    ANDR3E: Čekaj na Sainze
    ANDR3E --- ---
    btw proc jim levy zadni kolo meni typci z Ferka? :D
    ANDR3E --- ---
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    ANDR3E --- ---
    ZDENDAK: kam schovali nasranyho Tota?
    DEMENCE --- ---
    ZDENDAK: kolik stoji tohle lego?
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: buhvi jak jsou na tom financne, mozna by Steinerovi synacek bohatyho fotrika pomohl..
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    ANDR3E: to souhlas
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    ANDR3E: :) to už bych řekl že Schumi je lepší pilot než Latifi. Jsem každopadně zvedavej kdo za HAAS bude jezdit příští rok.
    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: jasny ze bezpecnost ma prednost, ale stejne to bylo divacky tak trochu dietni
    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: jedine ze by fotrik zacal sponzorovat treba Haas :)
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    ANDR3E: po abu dhabi loni bylo jasný že to tentokrate bude trvat déle :), navíc mclaren nešel odtlačit, pac měl zařazeno a RIC utekl za barieru, takze to museli zvednout a odvést jeřábem v tem moment nemůžou ani pustit auta aby se dojeli do spravnýho pořadí, protože jsou pořad na trati lidi. Až v momente kdy je čisto můžou pustit auta predjet a až kolo po tom muže končit SC. Nedalo se to stihnout imho. Jedine kdyby RIC zastavil primo u prujezdu, ale to se dela tezko kdyz ti umře motor a sekne se ti tam 4ka. Kdyby to odstavil někde u výjezdu z tratě, tak nikdy nebude SC ale vyřeší se to pod VSC. Je to snad 13ty nebo 14ty zavod co se dojel pod SC. Takže žádná novinka ve světě F1.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    a dobrá zpráva je že Latify konečně v F1 skončí, min teda ve Williamsu. (předpokladam ze žádný jiný team ho chtít nebude)
    PEPAZZ --- ---
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