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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    KALTY --- ---
    JOHN_BEAK: Však FIArri
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    a jeste jedna RB perla.

    Sergio Perez calls for review after 'different information' given to Max Verstappen : PlanetF1

    Perez had questioned the radio instruction to maintain his laptime, wondering if the same instruction had been given to his pursuing teammate. Verstappen then asked about the fastest lap, only to be told that the team were “not worried about that”. Verstappen promptly replied, “but I am”, and took the fastest lap point away from Perez on the very last lap.

    This seemed to have annoyed Perez, who explained afterward that he felt different information had been given to himself and Verstappen – the fastest lap point being the only differentiator between the two Red Bull drivers after the first two races of the championship.

    “I asked two laps from the end when they told me to keep a certain pace,” Perez told the media in Saudi Arabia.

    “They told me I had the fastest lap and to keep the pace at a certain pace. I thought the communication was the same to Max, I think we need to review the different information and I just couldn’t push then in the end.”
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    And Rosberg, the 2016 World Champion, took issue with Verstappen’s attitude, saying that he should be “more gracious” considering the challenger which Red Bull have given him, one which Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have suggested is far superior to all others in F1 2023.

    “It’s not good to see that really,” Rosberg told Sky Sports F1 regarding Verstappen’s reaction.

    “Yesterday he left the track very quickly and skipped the team meeting apparently, that’s what we’ve been told, and I think that’s not a good approach, not a good mentality this early in the season.

    “And when the team has done such a brilliant job with that car, and is working so hard and everything, he could be a little bit more gracious maybe, I would say.”
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Max Verstappen unhappy with Red Bull reliability: I'm not here to finish second : PlanetF1
    - >
    Nico Rosberg critical of Max Verstappen's attitude over RB19 reliability issues : PlanetF1
    JOHN_BEAK --- ---
    Vskutku. Všichni si dobírají Ferrari, ale praví klauni sedí v FIA.
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    Tak tohle je fakt šaškárna.
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    Prej zrušeno, Alík znovu třetí
    VYWERN --- ---
    Tak nejubrecenejsi staj v poli zase uraduje a FIA pokracuje ve spanile jizde prihlouplych rozhodnuti :)

    Kazdopadne zavod fajn. Skoda odstoupeni Strolla, radeji bych videl drama v zavode ne za SC, ktery byl tak trochu zvlastni.
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    George řekl, ze to bylo zbytečně tvrdý a ze si Alík to podium zaslouží. (Ale ze samozřejmě bere třetí místo)

    Fair Play to him.
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    Jako, kdybych byl paranoidní, tak bych řekl, že to fia pozdrzela schválně, aby Alík nestačil najet dostatečný náskok.

    Ale naštěstí paranoidní nejsem. 😅
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    To je zase komedie. Nechápu.
    MARMESS --- ---
    MERTLAS: Omg, škoda že na to měli jen asi 30 kol, aby si toho všimli
    MERTLAS --- ---
    Tak alik nakonec 10s penalta
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    No hele, ačkoliv jsem dneska viděl přerušovaně asi půlku, řekl bych, ze celkem nuda.

    A už třetím rokem si stojím za tím, ze je to kurevsky nebezpečná trať, která nic zásadního do f1 nepřinesla. (Krom teda aramca a miliard dolaru) :))
    TOFI --- ---
    MARMESS --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: Aha, ok

    Jinak teda ten nesmyslnej SC ten závod úplně zkazil, místo aby musel Max jet stíhačku až do konce, tak se ten závod v podstatě zakonzervoval...
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    MARMESS: Přesně tak. A teď se řeší, ze mechanik na auto sáhl utahovakem asi po třech vteřinách a nikdo neví, jestli se to počítá, nebo ne.
    MERTLAS --- ---
    a evidentne neni vubec nadsenej, ze mu tym neumoznil dojet prvni
    MARMESS --- ---
    JOHN_LENON: Ocon dostal 5s za startovní pozici, 10s dostal za to, že mechanik mu hrábnul na auto dřív než po 5s
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