KHALAVERA: mozna to souvisi s faktem (neoverovala jsem ho), ze 'novelity on demand' reinforcmentuje [jak to rict cesky?] dopaminove centrum odmeny. Tenhle clanek to rozebira v souvislosti s internetovym pornem:
Incidentally, your mind-bending reward circuitry (seat of the dopamine mechanism) is, in some ways, an unreliable measurer of pleasure. According to the late Swiss neuropsychiatrist Klaus Grawe, your reward circuitry is more sensitive to surprises than to actual levels of pleasure. It readily learns to ignore familiar sources of pleasure in favor of things that initially registered as 'unexpectedly good,' whether or not they still provide pleasure, or have even grown unpleasant.
a nabada lidi k lepsimu sexu, coz ted neresim, jde mi vylozene o ten duvod, proc obsedantni klikani, klikani, klikani je tak navykove. Ja mam treba docela zavazny problem.
Avoid 'novelty-on-demand.'
The brain is particularly susceptible in situations where it can obtain novel thrills on demand. In fact, the availability of predictable anticipation may be a bigger factor in the compulsion behind internet porn use than love of naked bodies. Using internet porn is like being in front of a slot machine. People trying to avoid porn report that it's very hard to resist finding out whether there's a new picture at a porn site.