[ INEXpub on Local Volunteering Initiatives in Afric / ostatniother / 30.5.2012 / CR - Praha - V prostorách fair trade obchůdku NaZemi, Korunní 91 ]
Zajímá vás dobrovolnictví v Africe očima místních? Chcete se dozvědět více o projektu Ubuntu Amandla propojujícího umělce a performery z Afriky a Evropy? Přijďte si rozšířit obzory!
Dva angažovaní umělci z Keni a J.A.R. budou hosty dalšího INEXpubu, který proběhne ve středu 30.5. od 19:00 v prostorách fairtrade obchůdku NaZemi v Korunní ulici (poblíž Nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad). Akce bude v angličtině.
Volunteering in Africa – the picture coming to our mind when we hear these three words is usually an image of young ambitious European volunteer going to do some voluntary internship in Africa. We hear about them on different presentations and cultural events, we read about them in newspaper and hear them speaking from the radios. But what about local youth in Africa? How they participate in volunteering activities and what do they do for community development?
Ubuntu Amandla crew is coming to present the local volunteering activities in Africa. Four members of the crew – two former GLEN participants from Czech Republic and Germany together with two artists and active members of youth communities in Cape Town, South Africa and Nairobi, Kenya will introduce different local volunteering activities in Cape Town and Nairobi.
Through this they would like to contribute to the deconstruction of the stereotypical picture of Africans as passive recipients of aid, which was constructed and which is still being strengthen by media and different NGO’s. And as INEX Pub is primarily a discussion event, controversial questions concerning volunteering in Africa are going to be opened.
Ubuntu Amandla in South African Khosa language means “Power to the People”. But Ubuntu Amandla is as well and international network which aims to bring together youth from different countries all over the world and strengthen the belief in a global world-society and global youth activism through music, sports, arts and culture.
This summer, the multinational Ubuntu Amandla crew of young on-going social workers, young artists and youth active in Global Education is on tour in order to promote different youth activities and conscious way of life. See more about Ubuntu Amandla here:
The event is organised by volunteers in cooperation with INEX-SDA (Association for Voluntary Activities) with support of Youth in Action Programme.