Aldo: It’s not about McGregor, dissatisfaction with UFC was ‘brewing for a long time’ - Bloody Elbow
“My dissatisfaction has been brewing for a long time. Before my loss to McGregor when I had to pull out of our first fight, I was not happy with the way the UFC spun my rib injury. I was not happy to see them mischaracterize my injury and not support me as I had to pull out of that fight.
Možná bych se zamyslel nad tím, kolik milionů na promo a příjmů z PPV prolítlo oknem potom, co to zrušil kvůli zranění?
"Apart from how his injury was handled, the long time featherweight champ also noted that he was never given the immediate rematch he was promised." - on mu to někdo slíbil?
"There were also times in the past where he wanted to have champion vs champion super-fights, but Dana wouldn’t allow him to keep the belt like they’re allowing McGregor to do now." - eh, zase se vracíme k tomu, že se ani nenaučí anglicky, jeho schopnost přitáhnout diváky je někde úplně jinde atd atd.
“I don’t feel on the professional side I’ve gotten the respect I’m due and I’ve lost my passion,” Aldo said."