LEON_KOWALSKI: Já to mám taky z přepisu ;) Mousasi, a former Strikeforce light heavyweight champ, was open to a rematch in the immediate aftermath but changed his stance at the post-fight press conference.
“Weidman didn’t want to fight,” Mousasi said. “The knees were legal. That’s not my fault. Don’t try to take advantage of the rules.”
Ale tímhle mě Weidman definitivně ztratil. Bral bych, kdyby argumentoval tím, že byl schopnej a chtěl pokračovat, ale snažit se vyhrát na "epe epe, první slovo platí, druhý leze z gatí" je ubohý...
“You can’t go the direction as it’s a TKO like they stopped the fight because I was hurt. My hands were still on the mat. They stopped it because he thought it was illegal. Once the ref does that, it’s an illegal knee. If he’s telling me it’s an illegal knee, he can’t go to replay and switch it.”
“Immediate rematch and appeal. Yeah,” Weidman said. “I want to get three rounds with him fair and square. I want to finish him. I felt great. What happened just sucks for everybody. I feel bad for everybody that was watching at home and out here. Obviously, for me, it was not the way I wanted this thing to turn out. It’s going to be a tough pill to swallow, but I want the right thing to happen. It’s just a messy thing. That rule just got changed. It was like one hand [down], then it was two hands. And then they stopped the fight…I thought my hand was down but apparently, on the replay it wasn't. But the ref thought it was. You can’t go back by looking at the replay. It’s not legal.”
Prej I felt great...ty vole, ty ses cítil tak great, že už předtím jsi vrávoral z těch direktů a dostal ses tak do tý situace, načež jsi začal natahovat prstíky...