YGGDRASSIL: Podle všeho to bývávalo tak jak říkáš - jenže nová doba znamená renesanci jak užívání, tak nálezů. Chytrý článek s detaily:
TMZ reports Jon Jones fails USADA test for Turinabol - What is that? - Bloody Elbow
Klíčové jsou pro tenhle případ tyhle pasáže:
The compound came back in vogue over the last decade or so, which combined with the development of a new test detecting a long-lasting metabolite of the drug, resulted in a spike in athletes failing tests for the drug over the last five years or so.
Not all WADA-accredited labs were able to test for the longlasting metabolite even as recently as 2016, but full time testing for the metabolite has been rolled out to most or all WADA-accredited labs over the past few years. The new test can detect the use of Turinabol weeks or months after it was taken.
V Jonesův prospěch by pak hrálo tohle:
Turinabol has shown up in a number of supplements, especially over the last couple of years. USADA’s 411 high risk list of tainted supplements lists at least seven supplements verified as containing turinabol, or listed as containing it on the label.
- ale zase: pokud je v tom nevinně, tak najet hypoteticky na nový tainted supplement pár dní před zápasem je taky pěkná demence, zvlášť když už jsi byl jednou chycený na clomiphene a letrozol :))