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    ztracené heslo?
    TOMEEKJungle / Drumandbass a všemožné zlámaniny
    MARIHAI --- ---
    SOLDIK: a napsals to sem, abys informoval své pomalejší kamarády? nenapsal
    SOLDIK --- ---
    bry rano :)
    MARIHAI --- ---
    jo a BC prej delaj na novym matrosi :) mysleno fresh a dbriž v jednom studiu
    MARIHAI --- ---
    M4Y4: ty nejzajímavější části chybí… chceme víc bulváru :) stejně se ho na to budou ptát všichni dokola pořád a pořád
    M4Y4 --- ---
    Jinak tedy tady máte ofiko story z press packu, kterou budu částečně překládat, ale když tu vidím ten zájem, tak tady ho máte hned.

    It all started back in 1992 at the height of the Rave Era. Rob recalls ‘Glasgow was dominated by House & Techno but I used to pick up pirate cassettes from all the big raves down south and fell in love with the Hardcore Breakbeat sound -­ particularly the Jungle Techno influence from Jack Smooth et al at Basement
    Records’. It was only a few months before Rob purchased a set of turntables and proceeded to travel the length and breadth of the country to find these tunes on vinyl.
    Cut to 1995 and Drum & Bass was the natural progression from the earlier sounds of Hardcore & Jungle.
    Kemal was working in 23rd Precinct record shop around 95/96. ‘I was a regular customer in 23rd and Kemal & I hit it off immediately. There wasn’t much of a D&B scene in Glasgow at the time so we got together with a couple of other friends from the shop to promote our own nights’. Becoming more and more involved in the music scene Rob quit his business in 97/98 and used the proceeds to invest in some studio equipment. After a few months of messing around in the studio both he and Kemal were asked to do a Remix for one of the staff members at 23rd Precinct. Another soon followed and the Konflict name was born. A three-­‐track demo came shortly afterwards which found it’s way to Clayton at Renegade Hardware via DJ Kontrol who was working at Main Source Promotions at the time. In partnership with Kemal, Rob went on to write 9 songs for Renegade Hardware including the massive club Anthems ‘The Beckoning’ and ‘Messiah’. The latter was voted the top D&B track of the 00’s by Kmag as well the 3rd top D&B track of all time. It was also remixed a number of years later by high profile artists Spor and Noisia. The year 2000 saw a change of direction. The Konflict name was dropped and both he and Kemal pursued a more techno-­‐influenced sound through there own short-­‐lived Negative Recordings imprint. There were also releases on Stakka & Skynet’s Audio Blueprint Label (Star Trails), as well as a collaboration with them (Bios-­‐Fear) on Underfire. A number of remixes followed for Dom & Roland (Imagination) on Moving Shadow and Stakka & Skynet (Side Effects) on Underfire. Rob & Kemal, along with Chris (Dresden Codex), moved to the South of France in the summer of 2001 with the intention of putting an album together. Unfortunately Rob returned home within a few months due to family problems. He played out his last few D&B sets towards the end of 2001 and has taken a break from the music scene until recently where he started the 48K/128K (vinyl only) Hardcore Jungle revival night in Glasgow with some old friends.

    In the space of 3 years Rob, alongside Kemal, produced 34 tracks and remixes as well as a handful of unreleased tunes. Their sound was pioneering in the early days of the neurofunk genre and was said to have been a huge influence on other up and coming artists.
    M4Y4 --- ---
    ILL_EEL: HC/Jungle a viz VON_GILOTINE:
    DABE: Je domluvený, ale narovinu mi řekl, že na některé otázky asi neodpoví (tipuju celou kauzu kolem HW).
    DABE --- ---
    btw. nechysta se s Robem nekdo udelat rozhovor? z tech jeho par vet na fb tusim zajimavy pribeh i cteni...
    L4MA --- ---
    KACHNITRUKSI: smim poprosit link?
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    ILL_EEL: to.vidim,imo se tim mysli 93 sound. breakbeat artcore
    ILL_EEL --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: jakoze nekdo propoji ranej techstep s vecma kolem 130/140bpm? Uz se v tom trochu ztracim...
    KACHNITRUKSI --- ---
    M4Y4: A jak ještě Rob mile přijímá na FB pod flyerem žádosti o písničky na přání, ťuťu. Těším se :)
    MEDAN --- ---
    hlavne, asi by bylo nejlepsi dat na parket i par zidlicek a stolu a udelat z nej jednu velkou backstage :o))
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    PIERDUS: doufam ze si vezmes i batoh a palestinu. takovy jsem mel na parkete dycky nejradsi
    PIERDUS --- ---
    M4Y4: Já se těším též, bude to jak cestování v čase. V Crossu jsem nebyl ani nepamatuju. Dle komentářů na sociálech to dost možná bude sjezd seniorů, které jsem neviděl X a někdy i XX let. Flyer je omluvný list na jakoukoliv aktivitu, stačí vyvěsit doma na ledničku. Šediny pod kšilt a vyrazit. Forever young.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    ILL_EEL: jungle techno
    ILL_EEL --- ---
    M4Y4: co je hc jungle? :D
    SYXAO --- ---
    hm za měsíc to doufám že už budu moc dorazit...
    btw chválím za Yadela!
    MEDAN --- ---
    btw. big up za Mad4ce
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