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    ztracené heslo?
    ETHANWorld of Warcraft - PvE, RP, PvP - cesta do středu Země... eee, tedy Azerothu
    DWAY --- ---
    Dragonflight Date Announce Trailer | World of Warcraft
    TRAGED --- ---
    WoW: Lich King player hits level 80 just 9 hours after “Classic” server launch | Ars Technica
    DWAY --- ---
    Mit tak zase spousty volneho casu :')

    Launch Trailer | Wrath of the Lich King Classic | World of Warcraft
    NAVARA --- ---
    SIRLOON: megumin-ffxiv-explosion-black-mage.gif :)

    Našel mi to discord na "mage minigun" :o
    SIRLOON --- ---
    NAVARA: nazev souboru na mobilu nevidim, ale ta ikona mi prisla dost povedoma 😉
    NAVARA --- ---
    SIRLOON: Tak je to i v názvu souboru :) - ale Mage PoV ve WoW je praktický stejný :P
    SIRLOON --- ---
    NAVARA: neni to spis black mage z ffxiv?
    NAVARA --- ---
    MIC ^-^

    MIC --- ---
    PETERSIS: jo to si takhle v noci s rumem v klidečku jdeš do města odevzdat quest a navštívit trenéra a najednou 2 FPS škub všude barevnej bordel, škub válíš se mrtvej na zemi. Aha, dav alíků obloženej svítícíma věcma přišel na návštěvu :-)
    PETERSIS --- ---
    NAVARA: Pamatuju si, jak jsem na tehdy na DT na tento achievement svolaval raid. Aliance bylo tehdy mnohem mene nez hordy, takze jsem celou sobotu svolaval lidi na raid ve tri hodiny rano :D
    NAVARA --- ---
    Jako 70 s bossama na lev 83 :)

    PUEBLO --- ---
    HAVANA: Nagrand jsem miloval jako hunter kdysi davno :)
    HAVANA --- ---
    PUEBLO: Z tbc lokaci mám strašně rád nagrand...a pak má fantastický úvodní chvíle shadowmoon..jak tam všude litaj ohně a behaj démoni, to má skvělej apkalyptickej feeling
    PUEBLO --- ---
    PUEBLO: prokousal jsem se do Zangarmarshe a tak to na me dychlo...nadherna lokace...kam se hrabe Bastion :D
    NAVARA --- ---
    DWAY: Dunno, já tam mám 70, ale afaik jak píše ETHAN.
    ETHAN --- ---
    DWAY: Pokud vím, tak na zaběhlých realmech ne, na fresh start realmech ano.
    DWAY --- ---
    NAVARA: furt je treba mit nejakou postavu na 55?
    ETHAN --- ---
    NAVARA: Já classic hraju skoro denně, takže tenhle rozpis znám. Osobně mě zajímá jen lootnout netopýra v Karazhanu a sehnat větší zásobu Haunted Memento. Zombíci dost komplikují život, tedy hlavně ke konci eventu, takže na ty se vlastně moc netěším. I když takhle jednou za 15 let se to snese :)
    NAVARA --- ---
    Dal jsem si intro za DK, jen tak kvůli příběhu, a kéž by něco podobného měly všechny classy :)
    Jeden-dva chainy a hotovo :(
    NAVARA --- ---
    ETHAN: Zítra (resp. pro nás asi pozítří) začnou zombíci :)

    August 30
    Pre-patch Begins: Wrath of the Lich King Pre-patch Launches and Fresh Start Realms go live during regional maintenance.

    September 6–13
    Zombie Plague Event: A mysterious affliction begins to make its way through the capital cities. Players must be vigilant to avoid falling victim to its deadly effects.

    September 13 – Launch
    Scourge Invasion Event: In several locations throughout Azeroth, players must coordinate a defensive stand against the attacking Necropolis and defeat Scourge forces to gain powerful rewards.

    September 20–October 6
    Brewfest Begins: Do you love eating delicious fair food, drinking bountiful beverages, and riding rams around barrels of apples? Partake in activities and timed events to earn Brewfest souvenirs and achievements during this brewtiful holiday event.

    September 26
    Wrath of the Lich King Classic Launches: At 3:00 p.m. PDT, Wrath of the Lich King Classic will launch, and players are welcome to log in.

    October 4 and 5
    Arena Season 5 Begins: Season 5 will begin with the weekly reset.

    October 6
    Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity, The Obsidian Sanctum are Available at 3:00 p.m. PDT
    Naxxramas, the giant Necropolis and the seat of the dreaded lich Kel’Thuzad, floats over Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight, eager to aid the Lich King and his deadly machinations.
    Located in the center of Coldarra, the Eye of Eternity will challenge players to defeat the blue dragon aspect, Malygos.
    Dragonblight is home to the Obsidian Sanctum where players must venture below Wyrmrest Temple to bring an end to Sartharion and his lieutenants, Shadron, Tenebron, and Vesperon.
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