MIKEKT: U toho prvniho ti neporadim. Ten system si nekomplikuju a fotim do rawu, k cemuz se vytvori ten .xmp soubor :)
U toho Dreamstime to SR-EL si precti ten text, hlavne "The photographer is required to disable the file permanently from all other places where he may sell it, as soon as possible after the sale occured, but no longer than 72 hours." ... pokud to mas na jinych agenturach, tak nevim, jesti to muzes garantovat.. Specificky u iStockPhoto je doba ruseni _mozna_ az tricet dni a u BigStockPhoto to snad jde rusit jen po dotazu na zakaznickou podporu, oficialne to asi ani neni podporovane. Takze ja tohle nikdy nezaskrtavam.